Hi All!! I just recently got my first ever BFP and have a question...
Why do docs go off the 1st day of your LMP (last menstrual period) to decide due date? Because I know I didnt O til 11/15-11/19ish but according to the estimated due date they gave me (8/8/15) puts me at 5weeks 2 days pregnant and I think I would be more like 3 weeks 2 days. Should I consider myself 3 or 5 weeks pregnant?
1st day of last period: November 1st
App has O day between 11/14-11/20
Average of 32 day cycles
Tested positive: December 5th
Estimated deliver date: August 8, 2015
Why do docs go off the 1st day of your LMP (last menstrual period) to decide due date? Because I know I didnt O til 11/15-11/19ish but according to the estimated due date they gave me (8/8/15) puts me at 5weeks 2 days pregnant and I think I would be more like 3 weeks 2 days. Should I consider myself 3 or 5 weeks pregnant?
1st day of last period: November 1st
App has O day between 11/14-11/20
Average of 32 day cycles
Tested positive: December 5th
Estimated deliver date: August 8, 2015