Sorry to hear of your losses!! If I were you, I would get looked at. It doesn't hurt to rule things out and make sure you are in a good position to have a baby. More than likely, things are fine with you. The advice on how long to wait seems to vary from doctor to doctor. I had an early loss (before 8 weeks) last fall. I had a natural miscarriage and waited for my HCG to go down to zero, which did not take long. We were told we could DTD and TTC after the bleeding stopped, so we did. I would have one cycle before I got pregnant the next cycle. I honestly thought it was too good to be true, since the first time we TTC it took us about 6 months. Good luck to you and everyone TTC.
I agree with this and I'll tell you why: When you get checked out, you eliminate things and you take out the guessing game. After my MC, I had my prolactin and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone tested even though we knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that my MC had a VERY simple cause: taking the morning after pill within 12 hours of sex (my husband was one and done for 9 years).
Also, getting some testing like this is helpful in certain instances. Is your period over 40 days, for example? That raises the chance of MC by 130%. Your OB can easily see that you don't make enough estrogen in such an instance. Girls with a +40 day period have a harder time getting pregnant, their follicle matures TOO much and produces an old egg when they get pregnant. They have recurrent miscarriages.
Similarly, if your luteal phase is short at 25 days-26 days cycles and 10-12 days, you can make dietary changes. This worked for me and the result was twins that are natural.
I think if you've been trying for 6 months with no success, you can at least be seen. Have a scan to see if there are cysts on ovaries, ovaries are small and look like they're on birth control, things like that. This also accounts for age, in my case I'm 34, so I would have waited 6 months and then been seen because time is ticking. In your case, OP, you've tried 4 months. I'd chart for the next 3 and then be seen 100%.
My heart is with you, did you lose her to anencephaly?
Huge hugs and it WILL happen for you. Hang in there