I don't find it bad either but everything has a limit I don't want my entire life to be childcare and cleaning I am a person too, I love watching The Walking Dead with a bar of chocolate I can't do that around a 4 year old for many reasons lol! I like to have a bath with candles without toys being thrown in and someone trying to wash my hair with a flannel lol. I like to walk around the shops without having my arm tugged saying he's bored, needs a wee, leg suddenly hurts. I like to cuddle up on the sofa with hubby without having 2 jealous children screaming at me. Becoming a mother didn't change everything about me, I could give you a long list of all the things I love doing with my boys, I wouldnt change my life for anything and I am very happy, but I am happy because I get time to myself also.
I hate this guilt trip I see way too often on this site that we should feel bad if heaven forbid we don't love everything about motherhood 100% of the time, this pretence that we all believe we're the best mothers ever, we must cease to exist. And just because someone admits to needing a break sometimes doesn't make them a bad person or that they find anything at home "bad".
It's not a guilt trip for someone to say they don't need it.
I don't need it, I'm a single mum, sometimes struggle of course but I have different priorities, me time isn't one. But for some it is, and it's important.
I won't mince my words to avoid pissing someone off (such is life, can't keep everyone happy), I personally don't need it and for me would rather spend any time 'alone' sorting my house doing my chores that need doing making dinner etc and when my LO is awake and I'm not working I spend every minute with her.
You're life is different, and you have different priorities. That's fine also, and no need to be saying others a trying to make you feel guilty for the different priorities you have.
No one is saying at all needing a break is bad, my 'break' is my 8 hours on my feet at work.
different strokes