Yes it's usually just they are made in the same factory as products that have milk ingredients, it's really just a way of covering their back legally. The one 'may contain traces of milk' product we have had problems with, is burger buns. My 6 year old still has a milk allergy and ended up very wheezy and itchy after having burger buns that said this on the packaging, it has happened twice now. Other things that say 'may contain traces...' he is totally ok with. He is totally ok with sesame seeds so that wasn't the issue. Also while people say butter ghee is ok because all the proteins should have been removed during the manufacturing process there are sometimes traces of milk in it as it's not always manufactured 100% correctly. If you want a nice guaranteed dairy free ghee alternative the tiana coconut butter with omega 3 is great, pricey but you're not going to use much at once xx