HSG experiences


Future Momma
Sep 6, 2013
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Hey ladies,
Was Curious, if you've had one, what was your experience? Did it hurt? How long did it take? Any tips about getting ready for it? Did it help with you know more about what was going on?
Just wondering, I'm more than likely going to be having one in the next few weeks and wanted to know what I'm getting into. Thank you! :flower:
From what I recall, it took about 15-20 minutes all in all. I have heard some women say that it's painful, although I didn't find it to be particularly painful. It was more uncomfortable with than anything. However, my tubes were clear which may explain why some find it more painful than others. My hospital recommended taking 2 ibuprofen before the procedure, so that may help you.

With regards to it giving you more info regarding what's going on; it'll definitely provide you with confirmation on whether your tubes are clear. What it won't do is give you info on any other problems that might be going on. For example; I have PCOS and had to have other tests to determine whether I was ovulating.

Hope that helps!
It was very quick. The actual time I was on the table was only about 5 mins.
For me, my cervix never likes to cooperate. So they had to clamp mine which was painful. I don't think it's common that its used, other doctors have told me that they dont need to use them.
I had to take antibiotics and advil prior to the procedure.
When they injected the dye I had a a lot of cramping. And I had some bleeding afterwards (from the clamp).
But it's over quickly, so just breath through any pain!
Thank you both so much! Ovulating is my biggest problem so I know it won't tell me anything about that, I guess the doctor wants to make sure it's clear for when I do? I'm not sure.
It burns a bit when they push through the dye but it isn't too bad. If you have a blockage or some build up it might hurt more as the dye will force it out.

Tip! You will need a pad after, so pick proper panties...not a g-string like I did. :haha:

ETA: if your tube (s) are blocked there is no point working on the not ovulating, I'm sure they will focus on the problem once they know the path is clear :)
I've,done it 3 times. First time didn't hurt, second time was very painful and third time didn't hurt at all. It took about 10 minutes.
Yeah, they don't want to subject you to ovulation induction meds if there happens to be something wrong with your tubes, so they check first. You also have a better chance at conception after an HSG since it clear any junk out of your tubes so it's a win-win.

I've had a couple HSG's and it really depends on how the doctor does it. If they inject the dye slowly, I have no pain at all, just some tickling as the catheter goes in. However, if the doctor injects the dye quickly, I get horrendous cramps. So my advice it to always ask the doctor to inject the dye slowly. They do not have to inject it at any specific speed to get the test to work. Your uterus is only so big and they use a lot of dye. It will spill out fine, even if they inject it slowly.
Thank you ladies so much! Really is very helpful to hear!
Hello, had a HyCoSy scan done ( very similar to HSG ). They had to use the clamp on me as well since it was difficult for the doctor to enter the tube!! Got scared when he brought that out but the clamp didn't actually hurt. Had my boyfriend with me and he told me after that he thought I would freak out when the doc brought out the clamp since lit looks a little nasty but he said he was proud of me since I didn't say anything :happydance:

All in all, it was a bit painful for me ( like bad period cramps ) but over quickly. Had my boyfriend with me and that helped.

You will be absolutely fine!
I had a HSG done a few months ago, it wasn't at all painful. Just as uncomfortable as a smear test it I would say. The only issue with it is the embarrassment of someone looking at your foof whilst trying to make casual conversation! But honestly you'll be fine :)

Mine came back all okay as expected as we had already pinpointed the problem that my husband how low sperm count/motility but of course doctors want to explore every avenue.

Sending you good luck! xx
My first one was very painful!! I did not take any pain medication (problem swallowing pills) and I guess I was just very tense, causing more pain. When the balloon was inflated, that’s when I started feeling nauseous and almost began to black out but they gave me ice packs, etc. My tubes were clear but had a septate uterus so I went back again after I had the septum cut, and the second time was a breeze! Maybe because I took double the dosage of liquid children’s Tylenol and knew what to expect. Minor crampage but not as bad – also, they gave me a pad for leakage which lasted a few days for me.

Good luck with the results!
MrsMcCurdy did you have your test yet, if so how did it go for you? I am hoping to schedule my Hsg appointment for this Friday.

Tina, it sounds like you and I are in the same boat. My DH and I had all of our levels checked, all of my tests came back good. DH had lower motility in the 50% range and The viscosity wasn't perfect but all was still with in the normal range although just barely. What is your next step, if my HSG test comes back okay we are heading toward IUI.
I haven't had it yet, been postponed due to insurance issues unfortunately. I'll let you know how it goes if/when I do!
I just compared our tickers. DH and I have been TTC since our wedding day which is lined up to the day your ticker says you and yours have been TTC.
I had my HSG Test on Tuesday of this week. I had taken a strong pain killer before hand but I still felt everything during the procedure. My test was done right at the hospital so it may be different if your gyno office provides the test in house. First, I was surprised about the amount of people in the room. My doctor and two other techs/nurses then a male radiology tech came in to read the screen after the dye was inserted. It was all done very discretely though. As for the test itself it wasn't too terrible. I probably would have felt very little except she had to clamp my cervix to keep it steady enough to insert the die. This was a very crampy feeling. I didn't feel the dye go in at all though and the procedure was very quick so the discomfort did not last long and I was lucky enough to pass my test with flying colors. I should have an appointment this Monday to check my follicles then if I have not already ovulated I should be able to get my first IUI on Tuesday.
That's awesome! Congrats! Seems like everything is moving quickly for you. Hope your IUI goes well too!
No IUI this cycle. I went in for my ultrasound twice this week day 14 and day 17. Follicles were too small and does not look like O will happen this cycle. None of my previous tests showed any problems with O so we were going to try on my natural cycle, but this whole process has had me super stressed, maybe that's why I'm skipping this cycle or I am just going to O way late. DHD and I will DTD as much as possible just encase I have a late O this month. If nothing sticks I start on Clomid next cycle.
Oh my. I'm sorry hun. I hope you ovulate after all. Not Oing is stressful too.
Hi ladies,

I'm new to this but really wanted to post my HSG experience because like you, I was on the internet trying to find out what the procedure would be like and WHETHER IT WILL HURT!!

I had the HSG done yesterday and I was so nervous and built up a lot of anxiety, my 2 sisters told me it was their most painful experience!

I took the prescribed antibiotics an hour before, along with two painkillers which my sisters suggested I take.

When I lay down on the table, I was so nervous, I had a junior dr standing by my feet, and two ladies operating the x-ray machine and one nurse just sitting by me talking to me about clothes and shopping!

I have to say, if she wasn't there speaking to me about absolutely anything and everything, my experience would have been a lot different!

First of all the dr couldnt find my cervix opening, he was prodding around for around 10 mins, finally the nurse next to me helped him out. They clamped the cervix open, (btw none of this hurt at all)

After about 20 seconds I felt a cramp which I can only describe as a period cramp on day 1.
This lasted no more than 5 seconds. It was then that the nurse looked at the screen and literally shouted "all clear". and that was it!
They removed the tube and clamp and it was over.

I was expecting the worst pain imaginable and didn't experience any of that.

The nurse told me that ladies who find the procedure painful usually have some kind of blockage and the pain is the dye pushing out the gunk.
Secondly she told me another reason why you might feel pain, is if you have painful periods. Luckily I dont suffer from any cramping when Im on, so could be the reason why I didnt feel any pain too?

So after the procedure I did bleed straightaway and this went on for a few hours. My app was at 10am and by around 4pm the bleeding had stopped. The blood was a pinkish colour which turned to brown by the end (sorry TMI!!)

However the worst part of this whole experience is the bloating and gassy feeling i've had now for the last 24 hours. Apparently this could last a few days but it is so uncomfortable. I have just made myself a green tea hoping this might soothe it, but it hasnt so far!

So basically my experience wasn't a bad one throughout the procedure. I think every woman will react in a different way but I would suggest being completely relaxed as this really does help, and also definitely take painkillers an hour before.
The nurse who was talking to me definitely distracted me so I would suggest take someone with you who you feel comfortable or just babble away to anyone in the room!!

Good luck to you all!!


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