Hyperemesis Gravidarum - How do I know when it's not just 'morning sickness'?


Jan 11, 2011
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Since HG has the potential to kill mothers, and many sufferers with severe HG terminate very much wanted pregnancies to simply survive, I am hoping this will make sticky status.

80-90% of women will present during pregnancy with NVP (nausea and vomiting of pregnancy), and this morning sickness resolves quickly and does not affect quality of life. However, .5-2% of women have something much, much worse...and if you have had it, you will know, it is NOT morning sickness. It is a debilitating disease that robs your body and your baby of needed nutrients, leaves the sufferer with no dignity or quality of life, strains marriages and families, costs jobs and creates an impact so lasting, many mothers alter their family planning in drastic ways.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) is characterized by relentless nausea, frequent vomiting, dehydration and malnutrition. My personal experience looked like vomiting more than 20 times a day on a bad day. Vomiting episodes were long, drastic and exhausting...I just kept throwing up until I had nothing left or only bile and stomach acid would come up. I'd be shaking, weak, and seized up with retching. Pain in my stomach, throat, chest, and eventually my head. I burst blood vessels in my eyes from the violence of these "sessions". The worst part was the vomiting did NOT resolve my nausea. I often felt worse, rather than better after vomiting. I also had "cyclic vomiting": a condition where something would trigger a session of vomiting, and the vomiting itself (both the smell and action) would cause me to vomit more, creating a cycle I could not escape.

As horrid as the vomiting is, the unending, unrelenting nausea was worse. It never went away, and mere blinking made it worse. A breeze in the room made it worse. The smell of my child made it worse. My own smell made it worse. The smell of my own hair or feeling it brush across my face made it worse. I could not fathom eating or drinking, the idea was preposterous to me...how could someone eat or drink feeling this way?
Imagine being in a gravitron at the fair (one of those machines that spins you so fast you stick to the wall), on a boat in hurricane high seas, with flashing lights and having food poisoning all at the same time. This is the kind of nausea I felt. It never stopped and everything made it worse.

By the time I was 7w0d, I had lost 8 pounds. Since I am 5'7" and weighed only 127 lb at the first appointment to confirm my pregnancy two weeks earlier, this was alarming. By my 8w3d appointment, I had lost 7 more pounds (>10% of my initial total body weight). I could no longer tolerate water. I was so starved and dehydrated, I was spilling large amounts of ketones in my urine, that looked like maple syrup. The doctor, who had by this point prescribed me Diclegis and Phenergran added Zofran to the mix and sent me for rehydration at the hospital for the first time. I was so dehydrated it took 4 tries to get a vein. I was given hydration, vitamins and some zofran in my IV and sent home.

Two days later, I was back in the ER, another IV, more hydration. And again 2 days after that. On that appointment, I had become so ill, a PICC line was inserted, and I stayed overnight. I was fed TPN, a form of nutrition, through my IV.

Today, (9w5d) I get my first visit from my home nurse, where they will continue t hydrate me via my PICC and feed me until I am able to eat again. My Zofran pump comes today. I am actually excited by that.

The reason I am telling you all this is so no one dismisses severe nausea and vomiting as "morning sickness". The things people will say to you are astounding. Yes, women have been having babies since the beginning of time and pregnancy is not an illness, but HG IS and illness. Women die from it (not so often these days, with good intervention). Children die from it. It is frightening for toddlers to watch mom so sick and overwhelming for partners and caretakers who must stand by and try to care for someone so ill. Few understand, and even doctors will be insulting and condescending.

How do you know if it is HG, and not morning sickness?

For me, it was pretty evident, pretty fast. But here are some comparisons for you to help decide:

Morning Sickness:
-You lose little if any weight.
-Nausea and vomiting do not interfere with your ability to eat or drink enough each day.
-You vomit infrequently and the nausea is episodic but not severe. It may cause discomfort and misery.
-Dietary and/or lifestyle changes are enough to help you feel better most of the time.
-You typically will improve gradually after the first trimester, but may be a little queasy at times during the remainder of your pregnancy.
-You will be able to work most days and care for your family.

-You lose 5-20 pounds or more. (> 5% of prepregnancy weight)
-Nausea and vomiting cause you to eat very little and get dehydrated from vomiting if not treated.
-You vomit often and may vomit bile or blood if not treated. Nausea is usually moderate to severe and constant.
-You will probably require fluid hydration through a vein and/or medications to stop the vomiting.
-You usually feel somewhat better by mid-pregnancy, but you may continue to be nauseous and/or vomit until late pregnancy.
-You will likely be unable to work for weeks or months, and may need help caring for yourself.

So if you find you have stopped eating and drinking due to nausea and/or can't keep your head out of the toilet, please find a doctor who has experience treating HG, and get intervention before you become so ill you need hospitalization.

There are some amazing resources out there....use them:

https://www.beyondmorningsickness.com/ - these people are saving my life right now

Please, don't just chalk it up to morning sickness if you find yourself no longer able to care for yourself. Its awful, but you CAN get through it.
Brilliant post well done
I really hope you are feeling much better soon hun
I was really really I'll too it's just getting better I'm 12 weeks so I hope it's the same for you

Great post, my 1st pregnancy I could not eat or drink and slept all day and night. My partner and mum looked after me. I just lost all will to live. I went to the doctor but he did not take me seriously and give me pills and sent me on my way. Good thing to give someone that can't keep anything down.
This time I will write down what I eat and what I vomit. And this time they listen to me!!!!
Sorry to hear HG is rearing its ugly head for you.
I had organ failure, collapsed lung, seizures, burst blood vessels ketones of plus 5 for the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy. I was in hospital the vast majority of the time and I even ended up in ICU due to the onset of heart attack / cardiac arrest.
HG can kill. I almost died on three occasions I just made it to the hospital on time.
How are you feeling now?
having a mediocre day today. i desperately want to clean my house =(

People are so annoying to me today. I just want to throttle anyone who comes near me.

I've only thrown up once, but haven't eaten anything. I am struggling because I had planned an important trip to see my family for this saturday before I got pregnant, and it is looking like I can't go. I just want to cry because I want to go so badly. I am so lonely.

Otherwise, I'm ok.
I understand. I didn't want to be around anyone when I was ill.
Have you got anyone that could come help with the housework?
Its so lonely having HG.
I find it odd we both have a uterine anomaly and HG.
This is not the first time I've encountered this.
Is there a link?
Wow! I didn't notice that at first! I wonder if there is a link!

I can tell you this much: My first pregnancy, I did not have morning sickness at all. Come to find out now, years later after researching trying to find relief, my entire first pregnancy, I was on mirtazapine, a rarely used drug for resistant HG, for a completely unrelated reason.

This time I was on nothing, and I am sicker than a dog.
There's a term for this?! Thank-you so much for posting this!

My first pregnancy was like this. I was CONSTANTLY sick. EVERYTHING made me sick. Smelling things made me sick, holding my breath to not smell things made me sick. In the first trimester, I lost 12 pounds. I had to BEG for any kind of medication, and was constantly told by the doctors that I was dehydrated. My husband and his family all thought I was overreacting. My boss came to me and said, "Aren't you taking this a little to far?" As though I had any control over it! I went through nearly all of my sick and vacation time during the pregnancy. It didn't stop at the first trimester, I was sick the ENTIRE time.

I have no idea how I made it through without being hospitalized. I vaguely remember being threatened with hospitalization at one point. I made it, somehow, and my baby was healthy. But it was not easy. It was one of the worst periods of my life.
HG is very serious. It's so sad it isn't recognised by a lot of doctors and the general public think you are just weak. I was discharged from hospital yesterday after my stay due to HG. Don't suffer alone, it can cause permanent damage.
LadyHutch, thank you for the post. Sorry to hear you are going through this.. I still have scar from my first pregnancy where they injected the tube to feed the IV in me. I remember nurse came visit me once a week to clean the IV and injected Zofran in the IV for me. Hyperemesis an evil pregnancy disorder. I was on IV for 6 months before I had any relief. This time around I just have morning sickness, which still isn't fun but bare able. I hope you get through this.
@LadyHutch thatnk you for this post very informative and I think Drs bed to take it more seriously. I went to a routine appointment and had 4++++ Ketones and I looked like death and it wasn't mentioned. I was so weak prior and dehydrated a few weeks before and attended accident and emergency where they tried to give me oral meds but I refused for fear of vomiting so was given IV anti sickness and IV paracetamol for dehydration headache. My violent vomiting has wrecked my pelvic floor as each time I'm sick I create a little puddle, I fear going out and being sick.

I know people think I'm overreacting but I've been given 4 weeks off work for HG which is now easing as I approach my second trimester.

I dont think I could have carried on the entire pregnancy with HG, I did feel so down no I have constant spitting and dry throat and occasional nausea and manageable vomiting. I pray you ladies find relief soon and are able to enjoy the blessing of pregnancy.

Im 13 weeks pregnant with MCDA twins and was relieved to know I would not be carrying to 40 weeks as I wouldn't have managed and I need to work as my sick pay is pants.

I feel there needs to be more invested effort in this and it not be passed off as normal pregnancy symptoms.
For the ladies suffering with me, I am praying for you. Remember, children are a gift from God, and if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it. I tell myself that all day, every day. Christ suffered for me, much worse than the suffering I am enduring right now, so I can do this.

I can do this. So can you.
It's so nice to know there are others out there who understand the truly awfulness of HG. I had it with DS and now have it again :( I've been off work for 6 weeks and its been terrible. I too have lost nearly a stone, vomited blood and been unable to look after myself let alone my toddler!

I've made the decision that this will be my last baby, I can't bear to go through this again and the thought of doing it with two small children doesn't bear thinking about. I cannot do it to my family again.

No one knows what it's like unless you have had it, not even my mum can truly empathise and I understand that. I wince every time my boss in work refers to it as 'morning sickness', they are still ignorant despite my attempts to educate them.

On a positive note I do feel like I may be starting to turn a corner which is about the same as happened last time, I do hope you ladies feel better soon :)
Join me in HG club. My third baby but first with HG. No one understands unless theyve gone through it.

I hope it eases soon for you. I felt better from week 18 but last week ive been feeling off again.
I've made it to prune size! Which is funny because although I do not like prunes, I'd eat them right now if I could. =)
Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this - and I hope it does get sticky status. I have HG and I've been feeling at the end of my rope emotionally and physically. Totally isolated because I can barely leave my house. Feeling weak and bored and out of shape because I can't do even gentle activities like walking or swimming. Almost fired from my job, in the administrative process now of getting short term disability. Brown, cloudy urine. Bloody throat from excessive vomiting. Wasted money and food all over the kitchen when I think I can cook or eat something and realize too late I can't do one or the other. Like the OP, I totally understand the vomiting cycles - but I also find the unrelenting, imminent-feeling nausea to be worse. Days pass without prenatals or thyroid medications because I either can't swallow or can't keep them down. Constant headache from dehydration, dry skin and eyes, and hair loss.

Zofran and diclegis haven't worked for me, and for some reason my OB is opposed to all other medications. No home remedies or OTC meds worked, either. I currently have a nurse coming once or twice a day to give a liter of fluids, and I still don't need to urinate after that. I have a zofran pump. I haven't had a full on day of vomiting since getting this treatment, but I have vomited occasionally, I still can't eat more than a few hundred calories a day if that, I'm still losing weight, and still spending hours in the bathroom or with my head in a bag. And it's not exactly fun or convenient to walk around with a catheter in your leg, a pump at your waist, and an IV catheter in your wrist. Sleeping was hard enough with the nausea, before all of these contraptions.

This is our first pregnancy after dealing with infertility. Of course anything is worth it, we wanted this baby so much and have prayed so hard for this chance. I feel guilty and ungrateful because I'm not walking around glowing and smiling all day, but I just feel so miserable!!

I just needed to vent. Your post was so helpful to me. I needed to read it. Of course I don't want anyone else to go through this, but I admit I'm glad I'm not alone in it. I hate dismissive pats on the head from other people who chuckle like I'm just a first time mom who thinks morning sickness that every veteran mom has gone through is a bigger deal than it is. Uuuuuugh!!!!!! If I hear one more person give me a cheerful anecdote about needing crackers at their desk...........

Thank you for making me feel less hopeless and alone this morning.
Thank you LadyHutch for this. I vote it gets stickied too!!

Your words bought a tear to my eye. The horror of HG cannot be comprehended unless you've been there. It was and is the worst thing I have ever been through.

I pray that you all get through it xxx
Saw some women on this board having issues with puking up pills/changes in morning sickness. Bumping in case they need to compare symptoms and get intervention.

If you are so sick you can't function, get help. You are not weak. It is not in your head. You don't have to just tough it out and doing so might be dangerous. There are options if you are too sick to function, getting dehydrated or starving due to nausea.
I really hope you feel better soon. Really puts into perspective how lucky some of us are to get very little morning sickness (and certainly not HG). When I was pregnant with Eleanor a colleague was a month behind me. She had terrible HG and was hospitalised more than once and one of her other colleagues just made horrid comments about pregnancy being normal etc. - when the poor lady couldn't keep anything down and even when she was finally well enough to work she was subsisting on bits of dry cracker to stop herself throwing up.

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