That's great heaveneats!!! Hopefully you can catch a sticky bean unmedicated!
I am just waiting for AF to arrive, due tomorrow. Hopefully she will stay away, but with my mood these last few days I feel her coming, haha.
I think from what I have read, the egg is released around 12-24hours after a strong positive OPK! So hopefully it happened overnight!
Today I find out from my doctor what my Thyroid Antibody results are, I hope he can provide some real answers soon!
That's great!!! I hope your bd'ing creates a little bean.
My doctor found nothing in my antibodies, he gave me a low dose script for synthroid. My period is a day late today and after 8 months of trying for number 2 I got a BFP! I'm just praying this little bean sticks!
I hope this sends good luck and pregnancy vibes to you!!
Are your cycles regular?
Sometimes an OPK will be positive if the HCG hormone is detected.
Hopefully that's a good sign for strong ovulation this time! I hope your TWW goes by quick!
No Worries! It is super early, I hope the long surge is a good sign for you!
Not feeling anything doesn't mean much, I didn't have any ovulation pain this time, last time i conceived I had tons!
I also had no symptoms of pregnancy with my son until about 8 weeks, other than bleeding gums for a few days at 3 weeks.
Fingers Crossed for you!
Are you sure its not showing HCG?? I didn't realize they could show positive for so long!