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I bought a fertility spell :)

Well I bought it on Wednesday when I started this thread and got everything through and the spell cast by Saturday! AF got me this evening so I'm ready to start afresh and get cracking again! Much more relaxed about it all but I'm so impatient it's unreal! We'll be DTD every 2 days from when my AF stops so we don't miss anything lol. Will definately keep this updated, want to know if anyone else buys it!

I asked for a baby girl spell as I already have a DS but I'd be over the moon either way :happydance:

Claire xxx

Thought I'd updaye again........... I'm on Team pink! Lol, got my baby girl from this spell. She's an amazing woman xxx

That's wonderful! Congrats! Maybe my spell will work and my :BFP: will happen in the next few days...
9 months since my 1st spell was cast and still nothing, had a recast in January 2011... and still no :bfp: I'm losing hope in these spells :cry:
Just wanted to update, finally got my :bfp:!!! I believe this worked, definitely gave me enlightened hope!
Wow! Congrats on your :bfp: thelistkeeper! Get her to cast the protection spell now. Oh this is so exciting!

Mandi, I'm sorry it's taking you so long to conceive :( hopefully you'll get your bfp very soon xxx
I am going to message her now! I can't believe it! Going out to get a digi today and calling my doc! I am SO EXCITED!!! Thank you so much!
Well, been trying the last little bit to message her, but for some reason it won't let me do it... says the service is temporarily unavailable... hope I can get the message through soon!
Still can't get a message through... wonder if there is any other way to contact her? I will have to look at the paperwork she sent me with my package... Ebay isn't letting me send her messages for some reason... :(
iv been looking in to these for some time and was boing to purchase one back in December but then found out i was PG, sadly that ended in MMC.

But Iv bought one this morning, thought id go the full hog and bought the twins one :haha: I would love twins :hugs:
Well my spell came along with my :bfp: this morning, no idea if it was the spell or not but it helped my PMA
Wow, congrats Lintu! Hope this one is a sticky for you! Get her to cast the protection spell aswell. xxxxxxxxxxxx
I've bought one from Mia, too! She said she was casting it either last night or tonight. She hasn't got back to me yet :)
Baby dust to all!
I am not really familiar with that fertility spell. It is my first time to hear that something like that exists. Well, I find it very interesting. Please share with us if you ever you got a successful pregnancy with that spell, I do pray you will have. I am wishing you lots of luck…:dust:
I'm on the edge of getting Mia to do a spell for me, just have to spare the money for it. I am amazed with all the BFPs from her.
My best friend got me a spell from Mia! I'm so excited to see it work :) My friend has a little girl and I guess she ordered me a spell for a baby girl so her daughter can play with her someday, LOL.
I have just bought twins spells from Mia angel fertility spell. She will cast the spells for me on full moon; 21st of August. I have also bought fertility jewellry from The Fertile Garden. Both of them had very good feedback; 95+ success cases for the fertile garden from 16/1/11 till now and 76 success cases; only who became pregnant for Mia angel from 10/4/11 till now. Let keep my fingers crossed this time.
Conceive A Son Spell.

Spell To Conceive A Son, Fertility Spells, Pregnancy Spells, Conceive Son Spells, Talismans
Again this is a very simple and easy spell that you can try and will give you good results.

If you have in your mind that you want a Son then what you have to do is bring a male doll from a shop. Then on the doll with saffron ink, you may write this NORUMA MANCHASTA NOMAN MAN HO. Once you have written this, then you have to keep the doll always with you. And every evening after 7 you may take the doll in your right hand and keep in your mind that you want a Son. Soon god will bless you with a Son.
Conceive A Daughter Spell.

Spell To Conceive A Daughter, Fertility Spells, Pregnancy Spells, Conceive Daughter Spells
Again this is a very simple and easy spell that you can try and will give you good results.

If you have in your mind that you want a daughter then what you have to do is bring a female doll from a shop. Then on the doll with saffron ink, you may write this NORUMA BETALI LADKI UNN MAN HO. Once you have written this, then you have to keep the doll always with you. And every evening after 7 you may take the doll in your right hand and keep in your mind that you want a daughter. Soon god will bless you with a daughter.
Improve Chances To Conceive.

Spell To Improve Chances of Conceiving, Spells To Improve Chances Of Fertility, Pregnancy Spells, Conceive Spells, Free Spells
If you want to Increase your chances of conceiving a Child then try this simple spell. First you and your love will have to take a spiritual bath. Again don't forget to put rose water also and then have a bath.
Once this is done then try to have few onions and then light a white candle and chant these words MORENI BALAMI KUNDA, 50 times and then keep in your mind that you are going to conceive soon. You may do this before having an intercourse and soon there will be good news.

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