I feel like a duck


Mother of two under two!
Apr 10, 2008
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If one more person tells me 'oooo your waddling' there will be hell to pay. I know im waddling, baby's head is engaging and my hips hurt...bugger off! :hissy:
:rofl: dont get me started on waddling.....It still amazes me that people think they can comment on every little thing because your preg......I mean i dont tell you how fat you look or how your huge your ass is, yet you can tell me mine is??? Its beyond me :rofl: XxxX
It is unbelievable! One woman who was walking towards me in the work car park actually started to 'joke' waddle and laugh! I just smiled and said 'thanks, that makes me feel so much better'. Weirdo! Same woman who was arsey about me getting her to move her car as it hurts to look round to reverse all the way out of the car park.
Yeah I agree with Ema. Its like we suddenly become immune to any comments. Why not say something nice! I dont get it. Im not leaving the house any more people just stare! I know I cant walk but you try having a full term baby stuck between your legs! Grr!
Everyone's got something to say about a pregnant woman, they all need to feck off... My patience ran out long ago lol
It is unbelievable! One woman who was walking towards me in the work car park actually started to 'joke' waddle and laugh! I just smiled and said 'thanks, that makes me feel so much better'. Weirdo! Same woman who was arsey about me getting her to move her car as it hurts to look round to reverse all the way out of the car park.

OMG!! Where the f**k do you live??? What a weirdo!!
I had some old woman accost me in the cleaning aisle of the supermarket mind you....she comes up behind me and says 'NESTING' in a really loud voice. I nearly leapt out of my skin. I smiled. She said ' thats what they say isn't it....cleaning means you're close'. I said 'actually I'm 34 weeks so it would be a little soon' and smiled back. She looked shocked. Yes yes, bump is big...F**K OFF random beatch.
:rofl: dont get me started on waddling.....It still amazes me that people think they can comment on every little thing because your preg......I mean i dont tell you how fat you look or how your huge your ass is, yet you can tell me mine is??? Its beyond me :rofl: XxxX

I'm with you on this. Maybe we should all start being honest back and see how well they take it?! x x
:rofl: dont get me started on waddling.....It still amazes me that people think they can comment on every little thing because your preg......I mean i dont tell you how fat you look or how your huge your ass is, yet you can tell me mine is??? Its beyond me :rofl: XxxX

I'm with you on this. Maybe we should all start being honest back and see how well they take it?! x x

Thats what ive started doing...bugger the lot of them! DOnt care if they get offended, they should think before they speak!
It is unbelievable! One woman who was walking towards me in the work car park actually started to 'joke' waddle and laugh! I just smiled and said 'thanks, that makes me feel so much better'. Weirdo! Same woman who was arsey about me getting her to move her car as it hurts to look round to reverse all the way out of the car park.

OMG!! Where the f**k do you live??? What a weirdo!!
I had some old woman accost me in the cleaning aisle of the supermarket mind you....she comes up behind me and says 'NESTING' in a really loud voice. I nearly leapt out of my skin. I smiled. She said ' thats what they say isn't it....cleaning means you're close'. I said 'actually I'm 34 weeks so it would be a little soon' and smiled back. She looked shocked. Yes yes, bump is big...F**K OFF random beatch.

Fair play hunny!!I'm sick of it but I got the ooposite.I keep getting "oo you're tiny, You look pale and gaunt.you really need to eat you know" I'm like feck off I aint been well thank you and have you looked in the mirror recently we all have flaws love lol.It does seem to be "HELLO I'm pregnant,come and have your say/opinion"

Bugger em.We will be the ones grinning like chesire cats in a few weeks.

Then again we'll prob get "Wow you lost weight" or "oh dear the weight will drop off you know" "OO is it a boy or a girl ?" when its bloody obvious the baby is wearing pink or blue,Ok rant over ha ha

Some people are just ignorant gits.Thats why if I see a preggy lady I ask her how she is and pay attention to her 1st not the bump .
Just smile sweetly and tell them to F*ck off :rofl:
x x x x x x x x x x x
I felt like a duck today cuz I waddling around town with my Nan - its worse when I need a wee too!

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