I feel like such a lazy ass


Mum of 4
May 14, 2008
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I feel so lazy at the mo, I feel drained, think bubba might be gong through another growth spurt and taking all my energy, I hate waking up in the morning, its such an effort to get up, it doesnt matter what time I go to bed.

I feel guilty though coz I feel like Im glued to my laptop and my little girl amuses herself, I do play some games with her and she is happy.
I have quite a few things I could be doing but some involves cleaning and I just cant get the motivation, my house isnt dirty but I should really clean my kitchen cupboards etc but that means taking everything out, what an effort and my sofa covers need washing (I have a cream and beige material corner sofa), its not in dire need of doing but takes about 5 loads of washing in the machine, it is a real task.

Does others feel like this? We decorated a few rooms the other week but I just never seem happy with what I have, I always see that there is something to do
You're not alone hun! I have phases of being super-motivated and long stretches of just not being able to do anything. I have an exam in less than two weeks and have done almost NO revision for it. But I don't even care!

I do generally feel better on the days I manage to do my yoga DVD. Having said that though, I did it this morning, but I also had a lot of walking to do when I got into town and this afternoon I feel like a zombie :-(

I hope you feel better soon, try and do something active that you can get some enjoyment out of for an hour and see if that helps.
I am the same if it makes you feel better i aint got dressed in two days and am about to go back to bed now as i cant stay up any longer i feel so tired. i hate getting up to. i was ok a few days ago so now i know what a growth spurt is and that must be it. I havnt even bothered to clean.
I feel the same too! It's all I can do to drag myself out of bed to go to work in the morning and I've been going to bed not long after dinner, but still feeling shattered! I even had a sleep on the floor at work the other day during my lunchbreak and di actually feel a bit better for it!
Thanks all, Im gonna kick my my ass into gear, when I pick my son up from school, Im gonna take them to the library coz we have books that need to go back and then were gonna go to the supermarket and buy something blue for our bubba, will be the first thing in a boy colour that we have bought.

I have also wrote a list of everything that needs doing around the house, I just hope I get it all done and marked off
Funny you should write this, as I was just this minute looking on the internet for local house cleaning services because I just cannot be bothered to do anything round the house. Once I get home from work I feel pooped and have no energy to start on all those irritating cleaning chores! Will convince DH it is a good idea as the mw says my bp is raised and I need to rest....
Funny you should write this, as I was just this minute looking on the internet for local house cleaning services because I just cannot be bothered to do anything round the house. Once I get home from work I feel pooped and have no energy to start on all those irritating cleaning chores! Will convince DH it is a good idea as the mw says my bp is raised and I need to rest....

Yes, you have to look after your health.
i was bone idle before i got pregnant lol im just glad 2 have an excuse for a few months ;)

and JUS i wouldnt do anything but rest as much as you can hun bp isnt a force 2 be messed with in pregnancy!!!
i feel the same, been off work sick for the last few days due to having a stomach bug but I feel really lazy and tired. oh well gotta go back to work tomorrow.
i feel the same, been off work sick for the last few days due to having a stomach bug but I feel really lazy and tired. oh well gotta go back to work tomorrow.

Ugh, on a Friday? I'd take Friday off too if I'd been off before that!
Ive been the same too seem to spend most of my day on the sofa!! My little girl now says to me when i get up 'Mummy go toilet' Like thats the only time i move!! LoL
i feel the same, been off work sick for the last few days due to having a stomach bug but I feel really lazy and tired. oh well gotta go back to work tomorrow.

Ugh, on a Friday? I'd take Friday off too if I'd been off before that!

wish i could but iv had loads of time off previously and as its a friday i wont be doing much anyway, friday is lazy day!
I still aint dressed and its 8pm :( i went right down in energy this past two day!
I still have no idea how our grandmothers did it. My Grandmother had an acre garden plot, a house to care for and she still did it. I envy anyone with alot of energy right now. It just doesn't seem fair.

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