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I have a pregnancy confession to make...

I have sweets every day, particularly chocolate. And I've had four McDonalds filet-o-fish sandwiches and four bacon, egg and cheese biscuits since getting pregnant. Actually, I think I'd kill for one now. Aw man :( I don't even have the option of getting one until Thursday at best, probably Saturday in reality.
When my MS was bad I was eating so much fast food. It was the only thing that I could eat. I still crave burgers and fries so much lol I don't think I've ever liked burgers this much, and the past few years I have been pretty anti fast food so this is totally weird! I feel so guilty about it lol and I eat a muffin every day (soooo yummy)

Also... I WANT SUSHI SO BAD but I'm too much of a scaredy cat
I've had sushi once (my OB's office actually says it's ok as long as it's a reputable place -- I KNOW this is uncommon though so I only go for the cooked stuff now!) and last night I ordered duck for NYE dinner since it was pretty much the safest thing on the menu, and it came out looking a little less than well done. The place was a VERY nice restaurant so I made a judgment call that it was ok (my husband also encouraged me to not to worry) but I'm a little nervous as a result today.

I also have a cup of black tea or coffee most days.
I have had the odd alcoholic drink. Not wine either (I hate the stuff). A whiskey ginger (1/2 a shot of whiskey to a pint of ginger), a few shandies during football season, some champagne at a wedding and a nice hot toddy.

Never more than one drink at a time, never more than one unit. However, in the puritanical regime of the U.S it sometimes feels scandalous to admit.

I feel like my awful 1st trimester fast-food cravings are far worse for me and the baby!
I have had the odd alcoholic drink. Not wine either (I hate the stuff). A whiskey ginger (1/2 a shot of whiskey to a pint of ginger), a few shandies during football season, some champagne at a wedding and a nice hot toddy.

Never more than one drink at a time, never more than one unit. However, in the puritanical regime of the U.S it sometimes feels scandalous to admit.

I feel like my awful 1st trimester fast-food cravings are far worse for me and the baby!

Oh I'm soooo glad I'm not the only one to confess to this! I've stuck to wine or a small beer so far other than a single sip of hubby's whiskey & Cokes. But.... I think it's definitely possible that I'll have a weak mixed drink or 2 before it's all over!

Let's not even get into eating habits... I have cut out my love for Jimmy John's. :( But I've been so tired and so sick that I've just been eating whatever I feel like I can handle, even if it's bad. Lol.
I drink a cup of coffee nearly everyday!

There I said it. I know its fine in moderation and its really only one cup.

Any other pregnancy confessions?

I am diagnosed with severe mental health disorders that impact my daily life and without medication due to my pregnancy they are very hard to handle I have been a smoker since I was 17 and have smoked during all my pregnancies... I know that this is bad but I have to have something to keep me someone in control due to major mood swings. My diagnoses include Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar 2, PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) Generalized anxiety disorder, and FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) I continue to smoke as I can't cope any other way as they are bad too past eating disorders (stopped when I found out I was pregnant) as well as cutting myself which the Eating Disorders and Cutting started at age 12 I have been cut free since October at that time I didn't know I was pregnant yet.... I know this stuff is bad and smoking can harm my baby so please don't lecture or criticize or judge me, It's just really hard for me to cope on a daily basis with two kids that are under 5 one of which has ADHD and Disruptive behavior disorder and I find it very hard to deal even though I get therapy and things because it's not helping to keep my mood swings under control. I am really ashamed and feel guilty that I do this but I honestly can't stop.... I also tend to live off of soda I am proud of myself I have added a lot more water juice and milk to my diet but still have my daily at least two 24 oz bottles of Mtn Dew.
Alcohol is a lot like caffeine. They see now bad effects of small amounts only large amounts so they just say to do everything in moderation. If you have some wine occasionally nothing happens to baby.. If you have bottles everyday then baby is at risk. I do miss me some wine I'm not sure if I could stop after one so I just avoid it :haha: I do say after birth someone better be standing there with my favorite wine :haha:

I've never been a smoker. But I do have a friend who smoked during all her pregnancies and all get children came out normal weight and reached all milestones in time. Her 9 year old is even honor roll his WHOLE life and great at about every sport he plays!

My mother admitted that she smoked pot in early pregnancy as that's what DOCTOR recommended for morning sickness!! But her last child was 27 years ago :haha: and I think we came out moderately normal :winkwink:

I try not to judge what anyone does while pregnant or parenting because you never really know their story of why they do it.
I ate 4 Christmas cookies with cold milk after lunch today :-/ I can't help myself!
I've had sushi once (my OB's office actually says it's ok as long as it's a reputable place -- I KNOW this is uncommon though so I only go for the cooked stuff now!) and last night I ordered duck for NYE dinner since it was pretty much the safest thing on the menu, and it came out looking a little less than well done. The place was a VERY nice restaurant so I made a judgment call that it was ok (my husband also encouraged me to not to worry) but I'm a little nervous as a result today.

I also have a cup of black tea or coffee most days.

I'm so happy to hear I'm not the only pregger woman that eats sushi while pregnant. I cut it out completely during my pregnancy with DS#1 but ate it all the time during DS#2 and DS #3 and I will eat it when I crave it this time around as well. I only get sushi from places I've always eaten at and stay away from the weird stuff, like eel. But I'll eat spicy tuna and salmon with cucumber, etc. I figure there's so much we're not supposed to eat, it could make this whole experience miserable.

And I'm sure your duck was perfectly find to eat :thumbup:
Lol!! There's nothing wrong with having a coffee daily!
I can't drink it ATM because of my stupid gallbladder and I had a severe evasion to it most of this pregnancy I managed to have a skim milk decaf vanilla latte a few days ago and it was like a feeling mouth orgasm :haha: I love coffee so it was so nice to have one after 20 weeks of none :)
First pregnancy it was MacDonalds this one I have a feeling it's going to be subway sandwiches.....
Oh dear
I drink a cup of coffee nearly everyday!

There I said it. I know its fine in moderation and its really only one cup.

Any other pregnancy confessions?

I am diagnosed with severe mental health disorders that impact my daily life and without medication due to my pregnancy they are very hard to handle I have been a smoker since I was 17 and have smoked during all my pregnancies... I know that this is bad but I have to have something to keep me someone in control due to major mood swings. My diagnoses include Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar 2, PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) Generalized anxiety disorder, and FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) I continue to smoke as I can't cope any other way as they are bad too past eating disorders (stopped when I found out I was pregnant) as well as cutting myself which the Eating Disorders and Cutting started at age 12 I have been cut free since October at that time I didn't know I was pregnant yet.... I know this stuff is bad and smoking can harm my baby so please don't lecture or criticize or judge me, It's just really hard for me to cope on a daily basis with two kids that are under 5 one of which has ADHD and Disruptive behavior disorder and I find it very hard to deal even though I get therapy and things because it's not helping to keep my mood swings under control. I am really ashamed and feel guilty that I do this but I honestly can't stop.... I also tend to live off of soda I am proud of myself I have added a lot more water juice and milk to my diet but still have my daily at least two 24 oz bottles of Mtn Dew.

:hugs: Hugs on what you are going through
My DH works in a place far away from where I live now. I love the taste of the drinking water at his place(started when I was 24weeks). So every time he comes to visit me, he brings me bottles of that water all the way from there.. Sounds silly I know :winkwink:

Not silly at all! My mam used to bring water home from my nans!

My diet has been nowhere near as good as I feel it should be. I had awful morning sickness until about week 24 so just ate whatever I felt would stay down which involved a lot of chocolate! And I can't stop drinking Coke but I make sure to buy the sugar & caffeine free version so hopefully it's not too bad...
My confession is I had a chocolate bar for breakfast today. :dohh::dohh: I had been trying to eat better but we had family over for Christmas/New Years and have been struggling to get back to healthy eating habits. I know I should just toss the leftover candy but it's so hard!
I drink quite alot of fizzy drinks! I try to stick to caffine free diet coke but if its not available I just drink normal. My diet is rubbish tbh its 5am here and im considering getting up and having a Donught lol
My midwife told me up to three cups of coffee daily was okay! It's more than enough, but it's nice to know that if I ever need it to stay awake, no one will tell me it's bad.

Ahem, so my confession? I don't drink, I hate drinking, but all three times I got drunk last year, I was pregnant. Okay, it was before I found out. Still makes me feel bad.
I've had sushi once.
And I eat my eggs runny. Well, if I can convince my OH, who seems to have made it his mission to protect me from getting food poisoning ever again.
Well my confession is no longer :( I was having horrible heart burn all day and since I cut out the coffee a few days ago I've had no heart burn!
I get heart burn from fruit and veggies so I don't let foods stop me! But certain foods do cause bloating and that I like to avoid because I feel so miserable afterwards.

I can't really think of any more shocking pregnancy confessions. I've been trying to stay within the rules for the most part. I guess my confession is I'm turning into one of those paranoid pregnant ladies who follows the rules. lol
I get heart burn from fruit and veggies so I don't let foods stop me! But certain foods do cause bloating and that I like to avoid because I feel so miserable afterwards.

I can't really think of any more shocking pregnancy confessions. I've been trying to stay within the rules for the most part. I guess my confession is I'm turning into one of those paranoid pregnant ladies who follows the rules. lol

:haha: I'll admit that I did that with my first 2... And then I felt like being perfect didn't make a difference, so while I'm not going nuts, I am being a little more relaxed this time around.
I was addicted to Dr Pepper when I was pregnant with Silas. Someone was drinking some next to me one day and I thought it smelled soooo good and had to have it. Lol. I tried to limit how much I had. Now that he's here though..I'm still hooked

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