like i said iv had enuff ov all the pregy symptoms and keep geting the bfn! i am 18dpo and a day late for af and im still getting bfn i dont think im pregy now coz with my last to pregnacys 1st end in m/c and sencond it cliaming all over me as i type this lol i found out really early even b4 my af was due in both ov them i had really high hcg really early on so it makes me think y would this time be any diff? i have every bloody symp in the book lol sick,dizzy one sore boob?, head aches, cramps, thrush, bad temper, bloating (i feel huge) and the list goes on lol so now im not gona test again i dont want to see the bfn! ill just wait and see what happens sorry rant over
aww hun
i had every single symptom also around thinking i was 4dpo to 6dpo then i get a weird AF symptom looking from fertility friend they kinda tell me now its looking like iv got VERY SHORT LP OF 6DAYS if that,,
i had the dizzy spells,headaches,cramps,nausea,backache,badmood swings,pee,ing more,bloated,weeping crying spells emotional odd out bursts of crying for no reason,hunger,cravings,metal taste in ya mouth,etc,even felt sick the morning of EWCM with AF so confused the last 2days of me meant to be due i got sore nipples
sometimes i wish we could just take a look into what our bodies are doing and its a stressfull roller coaster ride of TTC
ya not alone also but try not to give up so easy hun believe in yaself, i will keep my fingers croxxed for you
chin up hun
i think alot of us can relate to the same kinda fed up symptoms i hate the AF all the time there was me thinking i cud have possible signs and majority of it is sodding AF symptoms but im not given up i think there is hope for all ov us including you hun i really hope you get a proper bfp soon