I hope you don't mind me posting this....


Mummy to baby George!!
Jul 25, 2009
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Evening ladies,

I really, really hope you do not mind me posting in here?? It's just that I wanted to share my story with you all, to maybe give a glimmer of hope to some of you......

I am a PCOS sufferer, who has been TTC for five years :nope: It took almost three years (and a move to a new county, therefore new doctor) to get a diagnosis and felt a wave of shock, upset but also relief the day I had my ultrasound and was finally diagnosed. I was told my chances of conceiving naturally were very slim (as they said my cysts on both ovaries were quite severe :cry:) and they monitored my progesterone levels every day for a month, only to be then told by a doctor that he 'doubted I'd manage to get pregnant, and if I did, I might not sustain it :cry:':growlmad:.

So.....I was left devastated, confused, and terrified. I went through a really rough patch with DH, as I was convinced he'd be better off with someone else - someone who could give him the family he so desperately wanted.
I became really depressed, and my only ray of light, was an upcoming referral to a highly commended fertility specialist at my local hospital (doc wouldn't prescribe Metformin or Clomid). I struggled with my weight constantly, always crash dieting and never getting anywhere fast. Then came the long awaited letter from the hospital, which turned out to be such a let down, simply stating that my 'BMI was too high for referral'. WTF?? :shrug: I desperately needed to see a specialist to help with the weightloss, (poss. Metformin) but they wouldn't see me or give me any help. I was devastated. Felt so low, so fat and useless. I sank deeper and deeper into my own despair and didn't know where to turn.
Then, one day, I read an article on a PCOS forum about the Cambridge diet and decided to give it a go. I managed to lose three and a half stone in a couple of months - I couldn't believe it, so.....managed to beg doctor to resend referral to specialist ('cor did I wanna say a big up yours to his BMI remark!!) and I (unbelievably!!) still got knocked back, as they thought I should lose about another 1.5 stones. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had worked so hard, felt so proud and they knocked me back into despair in one foul swoop :cry:

So, I seemed to just snap. It was February, I felt terrible, and decided I could mope no more. If I wasn't supposed to fall pregnant, then so be it. I would be a good wife, change jobs, enjoy my animals, get the car I wanted, blah, blah, blah and so I did. I even started researching adoption. OH and I decided to wait another year or two, but we thought we would adopt.
So, I changed jobs, threw myself into my life, enjoying everything I could, and then in July, I started feeling rough. I felt really bloated, tired, headachey etc. My boobs were sore, my AF late (no suprise there - bloomin' PCOS!!) and I just felt dreadful.
I really wasn't sure what was up, and was contemplating calling the doc's when my friend suggested I do a pregnancy test. 'No way i told her - I'm sick of it, always getting my hopes up, then discovering it's negative'. 'I'm not pregnant - I CAN'T be.'

So, two weeks later, still no AF, AF type cramps, all the usual AF symptoms but no sign of the witch, so I gave in and bought a test.
Well.........Blow me down with a CB Ovulation kit - I was bloomin' pregnant!!
Could not believe it. In fact, it didn't quite sink in 'til I saw the HB at 9weeks 3days in a dating scan :cloud9: It was the most amazing feeling, I cried and cried and cried with shock, disbelief, happiness. It had FINALLY happened!!

I am now just over 10 weeks and am still in shock. It has not been an easy ride, and everyday I expect to wake up from this dream. I will not relax until this little miracle is here, but I wanted to share my (long and boring!!) story with you, because I really do know how it feels to be trying and not getting anywhere. I know the pain you feel when AF arrives (or doesn't as so often happened with me :nope:) I know how awkward it is to share other peoples joy and happiness at their new arrivals, when all you want to do is crawl into a ball and cry.

But please, please, please, never give up hope. Miracles really do happen, and sometimes you need to listen to what people are telling you and relax, try and forget about things for a little while and let nature take it's course.

This has not been written to rub anyones nose in it, or for me to 'show off' in any way shape or form, I just really do understand and wanted to share my story.

I am sending you all the love, luck and sticky babydust in the world and I do hope you all get the answer you want, but if it doen't happen anytime soon and you contemplate adoption (which I would still like to do BTW), just remember that it only takes a 'man and a woman to make a baby' but it takes a 'mummy and daddy to raise them' :hugs:

Emma xxxx
Thanks for that hun, i'm undergoing tests at the minute to confirm whether I have PCOS and i've been really down about my chances. I think I needed that.
Emma, congrats, first of all! Your story was not boring but quite inspiring! Thank you for sharing!!!
Thanks for your story. I just found out I have pcos too and I have to have a tube removed.

I was wondering if you don't mind me asking. I was just wondering how long you were ttc, and how long after you "gave up" that you found out you were preg?

Of course I don't mind you asking - ask away :)
It was 5 years ttc in total. For the last three I monitored everything, all the time. It's hard going and puts a lot of pressure on. It was about February time that I gave up trying and we think I conceived around the end of May (see - didn't even know when I was due to ovulate!!)
People always used to say 'it will happen in it's own time' and I used to get so fed up hearing it 'it'll happen when you least expect it' blah, blah, blah....
But......it really did happen that way x
Thank you so much for posting that lovely. It really does help to hear stories like yours and I'm so happy to hear that you finally have what we all so desperately want! Good luck with your pregnancy, hope you have a very happy and healthy one.


Thank you for sharing your story, it is the boost a lot of us need to remind us that it can and will happen, never give up :) Congratulations on your BFP :)
Thank you for sharing your story,it is inspiring and wishing you a healthy pregnancy.xx
BabyHaines how is your pregnancy going? I loved your story...gives a lot of hope =)
congrats!! what a inspiration you are! the very best with ur pregnancy xx
Thanks for taking the time to share your story. I am so happy for u! Wishing you very happy and healthy time ahead.

I'm sitting at my desk at work with tears in my eyes. Your story is really touching and thank you for sharing. I'm just trying to get back on track from an unsuccessful IUI and am feeling a bit down but you story is just what I needed today.
Thank you for sharing, I hope you have a happy and uneventful pregnancy.
Evening ladies,

I really, really hope you do not mind me posting in here?? It's just that I wanted to share my story with you all, to maybe give a glimmer of hope to some of you......

I am a PCOS sufferer, who has been TTC for five years :nope: It took almost three years (and a move to a new county, therefore new doctor) to get a diagnosis and felt a wave of shock, upset but also relief the day I had my ultrasound and was finally diagnosed. I was told my chances of conceiving naturally were very slim (as they said my cysts on both ovaries were quite severe :cry:) and they monitored my progesterone levels every day for a month, only to be then told by a doctor that he 'doubted I'd manage to get pregnant, and if I did, I might not sustain it :cry:':growlmad:.

So.....I was left devastated, confused, and terrified. I went through a really rough patch with DH, as I was convinced he'd be better off with someone else - someone who could give him the family he so desperately wanted.
I became really depressed, and my only ray of light, was an upcoming referral to a highly commended fertility specialist at my local hospital (doc wouldn't prescribe Metformin or Clomid). I struggled with my weight constantly, always crash dieting and never getting anywhere fast. Then came the long awaited letter from the hospital, which turned out to be such a let down, simply stating that my 'BMI was too high for referral'. WTF?? :shrug: I desperately needed to see a specialist to help with the weightloss, (poss. Metformin) but they wouldn't see me or give me any help. I was devastated. Felt so low, so fat and useless. I sank deeper and deeper into my own despair and didn't know where to turn.
Then, one day, I read an article on a PCOS forum about the Cambridge diet and decided to give it a go. I managed to lose three and a half stone in a couple of months - I couldn't believe it, so.....managed to beg doctor to resend referral to specialist ('cor did I wanna say a big up yours to his BMI remark!!) and I (unbelievably!!) still got knocked back, as they thought I should lose about another 1.5 stones. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I had worked so hard, felt so proud and they knocked me back into despair in one foul swoop :cry:

So, I seemed to just snap. It was February, I felt terrible, and decided I could mope no more. If I wasn't supposed to fall pregnant, then so be it. I would be a good wife, change jobs, enjoy my animals, get the car I wanted, blah, blah, blah and so I did. I even started researching adoption. OH and I decided to wait another year or two, but we thought we would adopt.
So, I changed jobs, threw myself into my life, enjoying everything I could, and then in July, I started feeling rough. I felt really bloated, tired, headachey etc. My boobs were sore, my AF late (no suprise there - bloomin' PCOS!!) and I just felt dreadful.
I really wasn't sure what was up, and was contemplating calling the doc's when my friend suggested I do a pregnancy test. 'No way i told her - I'm sick of it, always getting my hopes up, then discovering it's negative'. 'I'm not pregnant - I CAN'T be.'

So, two weeks later, still no AF, AF type cramps, all the usual AF symptoms but no sign of the witch, so I gave in and bought a test.
Well.........Blow me down with a CB Ovulation kit - I was bloomin' pregnant!!
Could not believe it. In fact, it didn't quite sink in 'til I saw the HB at 9weeks 3days in a dating scan :cloud9: It was the most amazing feeling, I cried and cried and cried with shock, disbelief, happiness. It had FINALLY happened!!

I am now just over 10 weeks and am still in shock. It has not been an easy ride, and everyday I expect to wake up from this dream. I will not relax until this little miracle is here, but I wanted to share my (long and boring!!) story with you, because I really do know how it feels to be trying and not getting anywhere. I know the pain you feel when AF arrives (or doesn't as so often happened with me :nope:) I know how awkward it is to share other peoples joy and happiness at their new arrivals, when all you want to do is crawl into a ball and cry.

But please, please, please, never give up hope. Miracles really do happen, and sometimes you need to listen to what people are telling you and relax, try and forget about things for a little while and let nature take it's course.

This has not been written to rub anyones nose in it, or for me to 'show off' in any way shape or form, I just really do understand and wanted to share my story.

I am sending you all the love, luck and sticky babydust in the world and I do hope you all get the answer you want, but if it doen't happen anytime soon and you contemplate adoption (which I would still like to do BTW), just remember that it only takes a 'man and a woman to make a baby' but it takes a 'mummy and daddy to raise them' :hugs:

Emma xxxx

This is an awesome story! Congrats and sticky vibes! It was meant to be. My turn is coming!
That was such a beautiful post. I wish you all the best and pray that you have a healthy baby.:thumbup:
Hello ladies - sorry missed your posts :blush:

Well, had my 20 week scan last Friday (see Avatar) and I am officially in love :cloud9:

It still doesn't seen true. I don't think it will 'til March. I am being checked for Gestational Diabetes in a few weeks (PCOS related apparently :wacko:) and will have an extra growth scan at 34 weeks, but other than that, all seems fab thanks girls :thumbup:
I have to say though. Pregnancy is wonderful, but very strange. I think us LTTTC'ers all share a certain special bond, and it seems to make pregnancy and conception the most amazing thing in the world. I haven't had a single day where I haven't thought 'what if something goes wrong' 'what if this baby isn't meant to be etc. etc.' but I really do feel truly blessed.

My mum is so elated, and I feel so proud. She was so strong for me when I discovered my problems and that we might not be able to conceive very easily. She was a rock, although I live 60 miles from her, she was always there and so understanding :hugs: but I knew deep down that her heart was breaking as she knew how much we wanted a family :cry:
Watching her cry as she looked at my scan picture was one of the most amazing things ever. This will be her 7th grandchild, but you'd think it's her first!!

Anyhoo, I hope you lovely ladies are all doing well and staying strong??

Love to you all xxxx

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