I just don't know what to think......please someone help :-( xxx


3Angels, TTC#2 for 2+ yrs
Nov 3, 2008
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:hi: Everyone,
Where do I begin? Sorry if tmi is given :blush:
Yesterday I was 4wks 4days pg, when I got up I noticed some brown spotting and felt very sicky. Within 2 hours the spotting had turned to dark pink/red and made a mark on my pad about the size of a 10p piece but mainly noticed it when I wiped. I began getting AF style cramps as well that were kind of central and continuous pain rather than onesided stabbing pain.
I rung my GP and she advised that I go home from work and rest and that scans would not be done until 6wks if we felt that I was still pg.
Today the spotting is no worse, bout the same, still with the same cramps. I've just come off of the phone to another GP in the practice and he has told me that they do not offer hcg blood tests to patients to try and rule out miscariage as the levels vary so much from woman to woman and the rates that they rise and fall vary as well. He even said that they can rise during miscariage.......I don't know whether I've just been fobbed off or not :hissy:

My head and heart are all over the place, am I miscarrying or is it early pg bleeding....the answer according to the gp is to wait and see :hissy:

I'm so sorry to have to ask you lovely ladies when you miscarried was it just like spotting with cramps or was it heavy bleeding? How long did it take to go from spotting to heavy bleeding?

Big Hugs to you all

Lisa xxx
Didnt want to read and run, I'm sorry I'm no use on this one.

I don't know what to say. x
Im sorry hun i might not be any help it could be either. i no people who have heavy bleeds and baby is fine and ppl who have ahad heavy bleeds and its a m/c. they cnt scan untill 6 weeks because of seeing a heartbeat.
just rest up. try not to worry. i no its hard to say but just rest up hunni
actually, i may be of some use!!!

When I was about 6-8weeks pregnant I had a bleed like you're saying, and the pains too... All was fine.

I hope this is the same for you hun x
actually, i may be of some use!!!

When I was about 6-8weeks pregnant I had a bleed like you're saying, and the pains too... All was fine.

I hope this is the same for you hun x

Thank you honey! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
I'm so sorry sweetheart about your little girl. She looks absolutely gorgeous hun.

Lisa xx
Sorry you're going through a stressful time, hun..i know how you must feel...

I can only re-iterate what the other ladies have said. I was given similar advice from epau when i called and only got a scan 5 days later, at which point i knew where i was at..BUT as this is fairly normal and happens in many, many pregnancies, please try, if you can, to stay positive as it very well could be nothing and then you've worried yourself un-necessarily.

The main advice i was told that unless i had pain or heavy bleeding not to worry too much. As it happened, my last mc started with some very light bleeding, more spotting really, with no cramps. As it progressed (10 hrs later) i started to have some cramps, discomfort and by the next day it was pretty clear where it was heading. Let me also point out the cramps where not like cramps i you normally have in pg and that was when i think i knew.

However, as i said before..this is fairly common so try to sit tight get some tlc and a cuddle. Hopefully its just a blip and everything will be fine!

All the best and fingers crossed, hun.

:hug:, Omi xxx
Hiya sweetie so sorry you are going through this.
My m/c started on a monday with light but brown blood an then tuesday bright blood wednesday no blood. Thursday woke up with full flow blood with large clots. And unbearable cramps.I was further along at 10 weeks so i think thats why my bleeding was alot more than what your having just now. Though not sure how much less blood or more a m/c at 4 weeks would involve.
Its terrible that the docs arent helping you more.
Could you not phone NHS 24 and tell them your in pain and are bleeding? I would fone them and tell them what you think is happening and that you feel you have been fobbed off and want someone to help you and answer your questions.
Like the other ladies have said it could also be implantation bleeding. Try not to worry but to ease your mind i would try to fone another doc.
Wish could help you more.
Thank you so much girls :hugs: I honestly don't know what I'd do without this site and its hoards of absolutely amazing ladies :hugs:

Just another couple of questions......
Did you feel really bloated when miscarrying? How long did it take for a hpt to go negative?

Heaps of love n hugs to you all

Lisa xxx
I didnt feel any way different when it started off as i thought it might just be some spotting. Once it got bad i knew (it was my second so i had something to compare it to) but no... i dont think i felt particularly bloated or different in any way.

the hpt is a toally different kettle of fish. You will only get a negative once your hcg number is down to 5 or under, when you are considered no longer pg. Your numbers will start to go down when the pg sack comes away from your womb, and unfortunately there's no way of knowing when that happens w/o a scan.

The actual numbers fall differently for every woman, and some take longer than others. Generally, doctors would like it to be going down quite quickly once you've actually mc, and passed everything..anywhere from a week or there abouts. But again, it differs.

You will probably not be able to tell as you are still pg as long as the pg is within you, and a hpt will come up positive even after a mc, for quite a while.

Now go and relax, mrs :)

Big Hugs, Omi xxx
Hi Lisa

I had bleeding from 4 weeks until 7 weeks just slight brown then every so often I had a little red blood, but this wasnt connected with the m/c as it was a missed m/c and the bleeding stopped when I found out that little bean heart had stopped beating.

When they did scans they couldnt find anywhere where the blood was coming from as my cervix was closed and nothing was showning on the scan that could indicate anything was bleeding inside.

My HPT is still coming back positive and its now 2 weeks since I had my D&C.

I also bleed in early pregnancy with my DD and she is now a health 9 year old, so it could be nothing so try not to get yourself worked up, easier said then done I know.

Really really hope that your going to ok:hugs:

So sorry this is happening to you darling. I know how scary it is.

I only had bleeding at 9 and 12 weeks so I cannot really advise on very early bleeding.

I know that it is very very common.

Like the others have said, unless the bleeding increases together with the cramps, I would just rest up and take care of yourself.

I pray that everything will be okay for you xxx
I didnt feel any way different when it started off as i thought it might just be some spotting. Once it got bad i knew (it was my second so i had something to compare it to) but no... i dont think i felt particularly bloated or different in any way.

the hpt is a toally different kettle of fish. You will only get a negative once your hcg number is down to 5 or under, when you are considered no longer pg. Your numbers will start to go down when the pg sack comes away from your womb, and unfortunately there's no way of knowing when that happens w/o a scan.

The actual numbers fall differently for every woman, and some take longer than others. Generally, doctors would like it to be going down quite quickly once you've actually mc, and passed everything..anywhere from a week or there abouts. But again, it differs.

You will probably not be able to tell as you are still pg as long as the pg is within you, and a hpt will come up positive even after a mc, for quite a while.

Now go and relax, mrs :)

Big Hugs, Omi xxx

Thanks Omi hun :hugs:
I know I've just got to try and relax and take it easy like everyone is so rightly saying hun. Thanks for sharing what happened with you.
I am feeling really bloated today, boobs still tender and I'm still weeing loads so I guess I'm just going to keep everything crossed and then insist on a scan on the 29th dec when I'd technically be 6+2.

Thanks again to everyone who has posted, you're helping to keep an impatient woman on the edge sane! :hugs:

Love and hugs to you all

Lisa :kiss: :flower:
Sorry this is happening to you :hugs:

I had an early miscarriage at 5 weeks and I had the worst cramps. Bleeding was lighter than my normal periods, but the cramping was worse than any period I'd ever had, but that could have been because I didn't want to accept that it was over and didn't take pain killers in case I hurt the baby. All my symptoms disappeared that day. My test also turned negative that day.

It's tough to hear, but everyone is right - there is nothing you can do but try to relax and wait it out (and drink loads of water - could be a myth, but it can't hurt to try). A common source of early bleeding is when the placenta implants, so there's a good possibility it's that.

Good luck hun
Sticky :dust: and :hug: coming your way
Hi dont know how much help i can be, but all i can say is i know exactly how you are feeling, I think you should maybe ask another doctor if you can have your hcg levels tested, as i was told that as long as they are rising everything should be ok.
If it is only light bleeding with no clotting and looks like old blood i would probably say that everything is ok as it is common to bleed in early pregnancy.
I hope evrything goes ok for you hunni, feel free to pm me if you wanna chat.

keep us posted.

I am so sorry for what you are going through. I went through it over at the weekend and so it is still raw for me.

Last fri, I was 4+6 and had very mild cramps (barley noticeable) for an hour, then started to spot. I had AF style bleeding for 2 days (fairly light, not soaking a pad as is common for M/C). Went to the docs (who I saw seeing anyway) and he got me a scan within 48 hours (when I got there they thought I was 6 weeks - that is what the doc said t get me seen). This was yesterday and I tested negative. For me it was an early M/C, but this doesn't mean it is for you.

For me it was the not knowing which was the hardest. Maybe do a test as I think it will show neg quite quickly.

Please, I hope it is all right for you...

Oh Pooky Babe,
I'm so so so sorry hunni! :hugs:
It was fab that your doc managed to spin a white lie to get you seen, you're so right it's the not knowing that completely messes with your heart and your head :hugs:

It's been 36hours now since the start of spotting and it hasn't got any heavier at all. The cramps are pretty much the same as AF cramps. I think the main thing at the moment, is I just feel so bloated. I did do a test earlier and it was still positive but then I have heard it can take weeks before going negative. I guess only time will tell.

Stay strong hun, and remember we're always here :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
i was told the same thing about the hcg tests being unreliable.my bleeding was very light and i only had mild cramps, but then i have just had erpc 7 weeks after cos it turns out i never passed the sac, so that is probably why.
like the others said try aou could and rest and if worried give the epau a call and se if they can do anything, you could always tell them your not sure of your dates and they might scan you .

praying for a sticky bean for you.

Hey hun, try not to worry to much as AF cramps and bloating are good early pregnancy signs, many women spot in early pregnancy and go on to have a perfectly healthy baby.
If the bleeding gets heavy and red it will be lightly that a m/c is happening, but fingers crossed hunni your lo is ok.
Nothing will show up until your 6 week scan, so hope your waiting isn't too stressfull. We're here to help when you are worried and stressed.:hug:
Thanks :hugs:

I forgot to mention that a week or so earlier I had an implantation bleed. That was brown spotting then 2 reds bleeds. Maybe it is that! FX
I know I have said this so many times already but I really do mean it from the bottom of my heart...........you girls are absolutely fantastic!!!!!!!!!! :hugs:

Well nothing new to report at the mo, still spotting pink/red. Cramps coming and going, still bloated and my @@s are still sore. I did have very faint pink at 8-11dpo so put that down to implantation bleeding. I'm 19dpo today is it too late to still be implantation bleeding? I thought it would be?

Heaps of :hug: and Ooooooooodles of love

Lisa :kiss:

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