Hi, I can completely relate
41, had already decided if wasn't pregnant from ntnp after Xmas I would likely go on the pill and accept we were finished having babies as have 4 aged 8 and under, we're exhausted too so understand how you're feeling, yet every month I've tested I've been disappointed by the negatives! I had finally accepted it wasn't a wise decision and now find myself with bfps, probably conceived around my bday, when I said if I wasn't pregnant by my birthday then that's it lol
Slightly worried,but if this pregnancy continues well we will be happy, just even more tired!
Had 20 years of infertility, 3 babies from ivf, natural pregnancy at 39 the month I was about to have a frozen embryo transfer, and now this one at 41, the month I was due to stop ntnp!
I hope you get the result you're hoping for, I'll be following and rooting for you!
Thank you so much! Our situations really are similar in ways.
I think that if it's meant to be it will be, especially with how it happened for you with positives as soon as you decided to close up shop lol. It's also so special after dealing with infertility and ivf for so long!
I was really lucky in the sense that all of mine were conceived quite easily with only minor hiccups. I am worried about the delivery part because our daughter came out not breathing and it was terrifying, but she is perfect now...and currently yelling loudly in the bathtub lol
My husband is worried about having more because we just moved out of state and his job right now is only entry level pay, and we racked our credit card bills up during the move.. but I know he would come around and be happy, I can't believe he chanced a pregnancy at all to be honest but I guess he heard my feelings even if he's not ready to admit it.
Everyone else will think we're nuts if we have another one and I'm not looking forward to the commentary, especially since my mom lives with us and begs us not to have more...she's been begging us since the 2nd we had together (1st has a different birth father, but hubs is still dad) the reason I don't know lol, she doesn't babysit and she thinks we're good parents, I'm sure she just worries about money and how tired we are but I feel like it should be our decision. It really does bother me that anyone else has a say, but she does pay the bills right now because of the financial transition...
I said to my husband, we only get to be parents to our small children once, and one day they will grow up and move out and have their own lives, and it will just be us. I don't want things like how many seats we have in the car or someone else's judgement of how many kids is feasible to be the deciding factors in us having babies that we get to love and raise.. cars can be changed and it should be up to the parents what is right for them and their family

I'm exhausted but I'm never regretful and I love being a mommy. If 4 is right then 4 is right but if 5 happens I know they will be just as loved and welcome.
I will be following your story and your tests also! Cautious congratulations in these early days!