I just knew there'd be something wrong...updated page 7


4 beautiful children
Aug 4, 2008
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Went for my 20wk and cervical scan today, baby measured fine, didn't want to know the sex.....sonographer said she could tell me if I wanted to know but I said NO, my cervical length was fantastic and very long and closed but....

There is a large cyst on my placenta, although not that usual it probably wouldn't be too much of a problem but this cyst completely covers where the umbilical cord meets the placenta and could compromise baby's nutrients and oxygen:hissy:....why can't I just have a straightforward bloody pregnancy without worrying???? I'm so frightened of losing this baby, I've buried two of my babies up to now and I don't think I could do it again:cry::cry::cry::cry:

I have a consultant scan booked for 10.30am on Monday morning where my consultant will have a closer look, maybe do a doppler scan to check the blood flow through the placenta and cord and discuss with me what it all might mean.

I was crying and crying, I'm so glad my friend did come with me and I didn't go on my own...poor hubby feels awful coz he couldn't be there but is obviously coming with me on Monday.

Anyway....that's what happened at my scan today. At least baby seems fine up to now eh and my cervix was nice and long:thumbup:
Oh hun...so sorry to hear that. Hopefully they will have more answers for you on Monday and will be able to set your mind at ease. Good luck:hugs:
Ohhh Hevs , Iam so sorry scan didnt go all to plan .
But i hope that Monday might bring brighter news , So glad baby is measuring well too :) . xxx .
Im sorry hun. I know how incredibly hard this must be...but try (I know easier said than done..) to stay positive. Maybe if its not uncommon it will all work out in the end?!
I'm so sorry. It will be hard to wait till Monday. I had an ultrasound where the doctor gave nothing but bad news. A week later--he has changed his mind! Hopefully the same goes for you too.
Oh honey! I sure hope everything is okay. I can't even imagine what you are feeling.
Thinking about you.:hugs:
Im sorry hun. I know how incredibly hard this must be...but try (I know easier said than done..) to stay positive. Maybe if its not uncommon it will all work out in the end?!

I think you misunderstood....it's very unusual:hissy:

Thanks everyone, trying not to panic but how can I not really? :cry:
Im sorry hun. I know how incredibly hard this must be...but try (I know easier said than done..) to stay positive. Maybe if its not uncommon it will all work out in the end?!

I think you misunderstood....it's very unusual:hissy:

Thanks everyone, trying not to panic but how can I not really? :cry:

Crap! Sorry I reread that now! :blush:
The main thing is that LO is ok, hopefully you'll get some answers from the consultant next week
Maybe it will clear up or now they caught it early they can do something about it.I hope it gets sorted xx
:hugs: thinking of you honey, at least now they know about it and can start looking after it xx
Oh Hevz, I don't really know what to say...
Just want to send you all the positive vibes I can and wish you lots of luck for Monday... xxx :hugs:

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