Hi guys. - Baby Alana Harmony was born at 11.34pm weighing 6lb 8oz on Tuesday 8th November by Emergency C-section. So this is what happened to
As you know I had planned a home water birth using hypnobirthing techniques. Well I finally started my contractions at 5pm on Monday 7th Nov at +10 days. The next morning at 8.20am my waters broke and I called the midwife. When she arrived my cervix wasn't dilated and babies head was still in a very bad angle despite my contractions moving to every 4 mins and being over 60 seconds apart.
I was sent to hospital where they decided I was not going to progress and they felt to give me a start they would induce me if things didn't progress.
By 3pm I was exhausted and opted for an epidural alongside the drip for induction which by this point I had to have as my cervix just wasn't opening at all. By 7pm I was 3 cm dilated, baby appeared to have dropped but they had concerns about my pelvis in relation to baby. By 10pm baby was starting to show signs of distress on and off. They examined me and it appeared baby couldn't get through my pelvis, they had to put on the head monitor thing as her heat beat kept dropping. The doctors were called and a scratch test was done on babies head, the results came back and within minutes I was rushed for an emergency C-section. Alana was born at 11.34pm on 8th November.
She wasn't breathing when born having swallowed lots of meconium but she was suctioned and resuscitated. She was quick to respond and all turned out well.
I spent the whole of the epidural time vomiting, each time they topped me up I vomited. I was still vomiting while she was being delivered and after the birth despite every single anti sickness drug being used on me. They also put in too much block and I couldn;t feel anything from my neck down which I have to say was horrible. He first feed Matt and the midwife had to her her and my boob as I couldn;t hold her or feel my boobs or anything. I can't say it was anywhere near what I had planned but all is well now.
Finally home yesterday after a release on Thursday night only to have to go back in on Friday as I developed an infection. She is good as gold, very peaceful and feeding well, roughly every 6 hours. Although sometimes she wants to feed for comfort. My right nipple is hacked to pieces as she doesn't get a good latch on it at all, but the antibiotics I am on for the infection have helped my nipple as well, along with nipple cream.
All's well that ends well but such a long hard road.
I should get my stitches out today and finally the pain is starting to improve, I am very bruised as they had to get her out really fast or she wouldn't be here today.
Glad you are all well. I can see no update from MrsT yet, I hope they are ok.