I need a bump buddy!! Anyone else due October 25th?

I don't think I've got PPD, I think that I am just really hormonal. DH isn't working right now, which in one way is great because he gets to help me alot. BUT, we are together alot, and sometimes its just too much. The economy sucks here at the moment. Theres just not that many jobs out there.
The first picture was when we were still in the hospital. The second picture was taken when he was 2 weeks. I just cant get enough!!!!!
Well i had to call the doc today. Ive got mastitis. Yesterday i rAn a 102 fever all day, felt like total crap! My right breast hurts lhorribly and is swollen and red. No fever this morning, but their going to put me on an antibiotic. Its ok though. I feel lucky that i had such an easy pregnancy and delivery. Hope none of you get mastitis.
Waiting, what a cutie! And bummer on the mastitis. I have had friends get it and I hear it's pretty terrible. I hope you get better soon! I imagine it's difficult to take care of a newborn and feel sick yourself :(

I don't think I have PPD, but the first couple of weeks were rough. I was weepy every night and some mornings too. I am really starting to feel human again though and rarely cry anymore. I think the first few weeks there is a big hormone adjustment and you add exhaustion and being overwhelmed to the mix and you really feel like you are losing it!
they put me on zoloft and told me that its better to come in sooner than later so they can get me on meds before it gets really bad..so Im glad we went...they said it should help a bit within the first few days and then get better and better so hopefully it will help and I'll enjoy taking care of her and not feel so crap lol..
Hoping you feel better! It seems like these 1st few weeks are just so hard. I think hormones on top of NO sleep makes it close to impossible to feel normal.
i get tons of sleep....well...usually 2-3 stretches of 3-4 hours each... i think just being alone all day on top of the hormones is what is soo depressing :cries:
Corin started smiling on Tuesday! She's done it a couple of times every day since. Big proper smiles rather than her "I'm filling my nappy" smile which she'd done since birth ;)

Sorry to hear about your PPD MrsJ but it's true what they say about catching it early. You'll be feeling more like yourself in no time :)

Hope you're feeling better too Waiting. It sounds really painful. No one really tells you how hard BF'ing can be. I had a few 2 hour feeding sessions yesterday. I was so sore and exhausted but then she slept a lot so it was worth it. 3 week growth spurt maybe!

I'm hoping that Hippy's been quiet because she's too busy with her LO.
Hope we get baby news soon Hippy!!!

Brieanan has slept so much yesterday....and been crankier than usual too and also been eating more...her poor little nose is stopped up now too on one side so idk if her sleeping and stuff is because of the 10 day grown..she sounds soo pitiful when shes trying to eat... :nope: :cry:
yeah...we have a steam one..we will put it by the bassinet tonight..they tested for RSV and it was negative luckily..they said she just has a really bad cold and to keep her suctioned out as much as possible and get her to eat whenever she will..shes already 6oz over her birth weight so they said we can wait 3 hours or so at night before feeding if I really need the sleep but I'll prolly be up all night anyway worrying about her and the PPD doesnt help..and visa versa..this doesnt help the PPD either...luckily I am feeling alot better cold/sinus wise..just stuffy nose which I can treat with Afrin.....hope everyone else is doing better
Hope she gets better soon! Ive made a new saying "its his world, and were just in it" LOL! This is so true! So if LO isnt feeling well or having a bad day, its a bad day for us.

My LO was up all day today, didnt want to sleep any after eating today. I know they start staying awake more as they get older, but it was like a light bulb switched on today. He didnt seem happy today though. Maybe gassy, he was very fussy all dau while eating and afterward. Hes been asleep right now for over an hr, 1st time all day. Lets all hope for a good night to all of us out there!
shes breathing a bit better and actually took a paci!!! hopefully that will help some and help her sleeping and not needing to suck on my boobs all the time just to get to sleep even when shes not hungry...the only good thing to come of her being sick is the extra sleep but even that I cant enjoy because Im so worried about her breathing... hope your LO gets some sleep tonight..maybe being up all day will help him crash and let you get some rest..
My LO was up all day today, didnt want to sleep any after eating today. I know they start staying awake more as they get older, but it was like a light bulb switched on today. He didnt seem happy today though. Maybe gassy, he was very fussy all dau while eating and afterward. Hes been asleep right now for over an hr, 1st time all day. Lets all hope for a good night to all of us out there!

My bubs has been like this the last 2 days and now she's sleeping loads. I'm led to believe this is the 3 week growth spurt. I don't think she's grown yet but we'll see in a day or so.
Well last night went well. He slept well from about 8-12. Was up til after 1 but then slept til 6. Ate then was back down til 8. Whoo hoo! I hope this continues.

MrsJ, is that the 1st time shes taken the paci? My LO seems to really like his. He likes the soothies that you get in the hospital. Ive already bought some more. The dog chewed up one. Haha
Lauren has started staying awake a lot more too. She used to eat and then sleep and not really wake until she was ready to eat again. She was most awake during cluster feeds. Now she eats and is still wide awake. The first few times it happened I had no idea what to do with her, lol. The paci has been a life saver now that she is more awake. There are a lot of times when she's not hungry but just wants to suck.

I am trying to transition her off the nipple shield I have been using. Both of us are frustrated with trying to get her to latch without it. Hopefully we will get the hang of it soon!

I have to think Hippy has had that baby by now...I keep checking in for an announcement!
Hi guys. - Baby Alana Harmony was born at 11.34pm weighing 6lb 8oz on Tuesday 8th November by Emergency C-section. So this is what happened to

As you know I had planned a home water birth using hypnobirthing techniques. Well I finally started my contractions at 5pm on Monday 7th Nov at +10 days. The next morning at 8.20am my waters broke and I called the midwife. When she arrived my cervix wasn't dilated and babies head was still in a very bad angle despite my contractions moving to every 4 mins and being over 60 seconds apart.
I was sent to hospital where they decided I was not going to progress and they felt to give me a start they would induce me if things didn't progress.
By 3pm I was exhausted and opted for an epidural alongside the drip for induction which by this point I had to have as my cervix just wasn't opening at all. By 7pm I was 3 cm dilated, baby appeared to have dropped but they had concerns about my pelvis in relation to baby. By 10pm baby was starting to show signs of distress on and off. They examined me and it appeared baby couldn't get through my pelvis, they had to put on the head monitor thing as her heat beat kept dropping. The doctors were called and a scratch test was done on babies head, the results came back and within minutes I was rushed for an emergency C-section. Alana was born at 11.34pm on 8th November.

She wasn't breathing when born having swallowed lots of meconium but she was suctioned and resuscitated. She was quick to respond and all turned out well.

I spent the whole of the epidural time vomiting, each time they topped me up I vomited. I was still vomiting while she was being delivered and after the birth despite every single anti sickness drug being used on me. They also put in too much block and I couldn;t feel anything from my neck down which I have to say was horrible. He first feed Matt and the midwife had to her her and my boob as I couldn;t hold her or feel my boobs or anything. I can't say it was anywhere near what I had planned but all is well now.

Finally home yesterday after a release on Thursday night only to have to go back in on Friday as I developed an infection. She is good as gold, very peaceful and feeding well, roughly every 6 hours. Although sometimes she wants to feed for comfort. My right nipple is hacked to pieces as she doesn't get a good latch on it at all, but the antibiotics I am on for the infection have helped my nipple as well, along with nipple cream.

All's well that ends well but such a long hard road.

I should get my stitches out today and finally the pain is starting to improve, I am very bruised as they had to get her out really fast or she wouldn't be here today.

Glad you are all well. I can see no update from MrsT yet, I hope they are ok.
Congratulations Hippy!!! You must be so glad she's here safe and sound.

It sounds like you had quite an ordeal. I hope you're feeling ok and healing up well.

I'm looking forward to seeing picture of her when you're feeling up to it and can find a spare minute to upload a photo :)

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