I need a TTC friend :*(


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2010
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I have been a member since September 19th 2010. And I only got 1 friend and shes already preggy. I used to have a live friend going through the same thing as me but she got preggy also in april last year and has since moved away. Does anyone want to be my friend for support for here on out? I try to talk to hubby but he just doesnt quite get it and I feel I need woman support. I feel so alone and a lot of the time its just so hard to keep going. :cry:
I would love to be your buddy! :) i forsee complications with hubby and i conceiving since i have type 1 diabetes! This is our second month trying so... I dont think itll be anytime soon! :)
I have been a member since September 19th 2010. And I only got 1 friend and shes already preggy. I used to have a live friend going through the same thing as me but she got preggy also in april last year and has since moved away. Does anyone want to be my friend for support for here on out? I try to talk to hubby but he just doesnt quite get it and I feel I need woman support. I feel so alone and a lot of the time its just so hard to keep going. :cry:

I would love to be your buddy! :) i forsee complications with hubby and i conceiving since i have type 1 diabetes! This is our second month trying so... I dont think itll be anytime soon! :)

Count me in here too...I'd love to be both your ttc friend :hugs:
Sweet deal! :) im on here daily ! According to my periods my fertile time starts tomorrow but ive beeeen super..well..gooey today and mocousy so we dtd..... I think hubbys more excited to get down than me this past week lol...hey, im not complaining ;)
Ive also been surrounded by very close relatives and friends that have become pregnant or just had a baby... We got married in october... Dh's cousin was prego during and i found a month before my wedding my best friend who was in my wedding was pregnant...and all along my maid of honor was pregnant at my wedding and didnt know... In december found out y sis in law was prego again and my close friend from highschool just found out shes having a little girl! Soooo happy for them alll! But same time wanting a little bean so badly! :: crossing fingers:: good luck! For now our new puppy is our baby lol a little chihuahua named mocha
I'd love to be a buddy as well :) AF is due the 7th or 8th and we've been ttc since October. I was on the depo for 9 months and we had a chemical earlier this month so I don't feel like well get lucky anytime soon. I'm also on here daily, usually more than I should be ha. I work as a barista so when my shops slow, I sit on B&B :)
do you guys want to post kind of a background of yourselfs and your ttc journey so i learn more about you? I will post mine.
Here we go:
I always wanted a baby all my life. I am 23 years old and I married my husband July 25, 2008. We started ttc before we were married because I have known him since I was 11 years old so I knew who he was and what I was getting into.
I was on depo in July 2007 and didnt start dating hubby until September 2007. I only had one shot of depo and it was only because my mother pressured me into it because I was young. She still till this day is telling me to wait.
After the 3 months of depo effectiveness I went on Yaz to get back to regular because the entire time that I was on depo I bled. Talk about a really long period.
Once I got regular which was 30-35 day cycles we TTC. I tried everything that wasnt doc related.
I tried:
Maca Root
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
Royal Jelly
Fish Oil
Green veggy drinks
Concieve Plus
Soy Isoflavones
Castor Oil Packs
And probably more that I Cant think of.

Went to the doc 2 years ago and they prescribed me clomid and I did all the cycles of that and nothing. Found out I had PCOS both my sisters have it. I have all the classic signs. Cycles are now up to 60 days and not all the cycles have ovulation occuring. Have facial hair I take care of. Weight gain and abdominal fat to where I actually look preggo. Been asked many times if I was Preggo. This year I was put on metformin. Still trying to lose the weight and I am trying really hard to learn how to control PCOS.
Hubby smokes MaryJane (dont judge) and wont give it up but his SA results were normal so I cant complain. He takes Maca, Tribulus, and a multivitamin.
I cant afford to get treatments like IVF and IUIs. Would love it if I could. I dont know what else to try or do.
Anyways, sorry if this is long. Hard to sum up 5 years worth of ttc.
hey gals:flower:, count me in...i am desperatley looking for a ttc buddy or BUDDIES would be even better,:thumbup: im ttc number 2 on my 6th cycle now:wacko:...i have a 3yr old son named jayden xxxx good luck beautiful ladies :hugs::winkwink:

IT WILL HAPPEN FOR US XXXXX:happydance::hugs:X
Count me in too, I am on here most days, think I have become very obsessed with TTC.

I am 33, came off OCP June 2011. We were NTNP til Jan this year, when we started actively TTC.
My cycles were regular as soon as I came off OCP, 33-34 days, then suddenly last cycle I did not ovulate til CD31, just got AF yesterday, so a cycle of 44 days :(

We did SMEP last cycle and we are going to do it this cycle too. We also use pre-seed, and i am thinking of trying soft cups this cycle. I am also getting my OH to start taking zinc and vit c, to give his sperm a boost (we have had no fertility tests yet so no idea if we have a problem). I will go see a doc if we are not pregnant by June
Hope you dont mind I am going to add you all.

My story:

HUbby(turns 30 in 2 days haha) and I (26) got married in October 2011. We've been living together for about 3 years now so it did not make a difference. WE have always wanted kids we just didnt know when. I kind of started freaking out over my Type I Diabetes, and I will be honest, growing up, my blood sugar control was AWFUL! There was a time when I didnt get any periods at all. Fast forward to when I met my husband and we started talking about the future so I started to take care of myself, just about 8 months ago I started getting my periods back, and ovulating regularly.

At first we wanted to buy a house, settle in and then try(currently we live in his grandmothers old house, thankfully for free, and we are just banking all of our money, I know, WE ARE VERY LUCKY!).. we currently have loads of student loan debt, and then we looked at it all realistically and said theres no way were going to pay off our debt, get a down payment for a house and then finally buy a house, settle in, and then try to make a baby! We would be waiting another 10 years! and lets be honest.. hed be 40 and i'd be 36, not the best of situations esp with the Diabetes. We agreed, were doing it now, if we conceive, by the time baby is growing, we can pay debt off, get our down payment and move into our dream home. (We are glad we dont have to pick a house right away even though we are still house hunting, we have seen many beautiful houses but none of them feel right, like we can never imagine outselves living there... we assumed when the right house came along, we would know it. We did almost buy 2 houses, but they came back one was full of radon so we backed out and the 2nd house, well, the sellers are a bunch of A-holes :) Anyway, so were trying for a baby now! :) Sorry not really ttc related but it is in a way I guess...

So that brings us to now...

Last month we agreed we are def trying for a baby and we had sex during ovulation but nothing. This was before I googled things to try to do to get pregnant so now this month we are dtd every other day even not during ovulation, im eating healthier, and blood sugar control has been close to perfect. I know I am ovulating because I can feel it every month (i get the sharp pains, i get a pimple, and i get moody lol) and I also can see and feel my mucous.

Currently I am CD 12 which means were fertile over here!
My chart says I ovulate on CD 14 but I have a feeling itll be a day or two earlier than that so we are going to try to do it everyday until April 3rd.

HUbbys enjoying dtd, he even asks me to do it, ODD?! right!? lol
I will admit, before all this conceiving, there would be a time I would dtd like once a week if that, I get tired very easily, but we seem to be on the ball now;) like i said, Im not complaining!

I hope we all get our BFP's very soon! Good luck to all!
I would love to be your buddy! :) i forsee complications with hubby and i conceiving since i have type 1 diabetes! This is our second month trying so... I dont think itll be anytime soon! :)

just wanted to add, ive got type 1 diabetes, it took me and my OH 8 months to conceive my daughter, and shes perfect....happy and healthy.

i need a TTC buddy too if anyone can put up with me? :winkwink:

That makes me feel so much betttter! Your the first person ive come across with t1d on this site! Did you make it to at least 38 weeks?
Im on my phone (at work :haha:) and would die trying to write my story so Ill do it once I get home. Ill also add all of you to my signature. :)
Any of you girls tried meditation? I just purchased an mp3 specifically for concieving that is meditation. I am going to give it a go. Maybe if I target my brain it might work. Been looking into subliminals also but those are harder to find.
My story :

DB is 23 and I'm 21. We've been together since October but have been best friends for years now and grew up 2 houses down from eachother (I didn't know he even exsisted). Fast forward several years and he's dating (soon to be married to) my ex's sister. Fast forward a few more years and he's best friends with my ex husband and I'm friends with his wife and their new born son is now my god son. Come forward to present day and you get our Jerry Springer relationship :haha:

Our ds is 3 now and after missing a depo shot back in October, we figured we'd give it ago on having another baby, not knowing how long it would take. Since then, we've bought a house and have gotten a 11 week old border collie to befriend our year old border collie mix.

The more and more we settle down, the more we want a baby to complete our little family. This will be his second and my one and only ( or that's the plan!) As for marriage, we've both decided that we're in no rush. We've both been married and divorced and it just doesn't seem to be something we "need" in order to have a child. We're happy and that's all that matters to us.

Until I found this site, I was really down on myself. I thought there had to be something wrong with me since I was a healthy 21 year old having a hard time becoming pregnant. This site has been a god send to me and I really love the support. I hope you all get your BFP soon and maybe some of us can even be bump buddies :)

My story :

DB is 23 and I'm 21. We've been together since October but have been best friends for years now and grew up 2 houses down from eachother (I didn't know he even exsisted). Fast forward several years and he's dating (soon to be married to) my ex's sister. Fast forward a few more years and he's best friends with my ex husband and I'm friends with his wife and their new born son is now my god son. Come forward to present day and you get our Jerry Springer relationship :haha:

Our ds is 3 now and after missing a depo shot back in October, we figured we'd give it ago on having another baby, not knowing how long it would take. Since then, we've bought a house and have gotten a 11 week old border collie to befriend our year old border collie mix.

The more and more we settle down, the more we want a baby to complete our little family. This will be his second and my one and only ( or that's the plan!) As for marriage, we've both decided that we're in no rush. We've both been married and divorced and it just doesn't seem to be something we "need" in order to have a child. We're happy and that's all that matters to us.

Until I found this site, I was really down on myself. I thought there had to be something wrong with me since I was a healthy 21 year old having a hard time becoming pregnant. This site has been a god send to me and I really love the support. I hope you all get your BFP soon and maybe some of us can even be bump buddies :)


I believe in fate and you 2 were definetly fated for each other. No coincidence you crossed paths so much. I know you will have a baby together. I feel it in my gut I just dont know when.
My story :

DB is 23 and I'm 21. We've been together since October but have been best friends for years now and grew up 2 houses down from eachother (I didn't know he even exsisted). Fast forward several years and he's dating (soon to be married to) my ex's sister. Fast forward a few more years and he's best friends with my ex husband and I'm friends with his wife and their new born son is now my god son. Come forward to present day and you get our Jerry Springer relationship :haha:

Our ds is 3 now and after missing a depo shot back in October, we figured we'd give it ago on having another baby, not knowing how long it would take. Since then, we've bought a house and have gotten a 11 week old border collie to befriend our year old border collie mix.

The more and more we settle down, the more we want a baby to complete our little family. This will be his second and my one and only ( or that's the plan!) As for marriage, we've both decided that we're in no rush. We've both been married and divorced and it just doesn't seem to be something we "need" in order to have a child. We're happy and that's all that matters to us.

Until I found this site, I was really down on myself. I thought there had to be something wrong with me since I was a healthy 21 year old having a hard time becoming pregnant. This site has been a god send to me and I really love the support. I hope you all get your BFP soon and maybe some of us can even be bump buddies :)


I believe in fate and you 2 were definetly fated for each other. No coincidence you crossed paths so much. I know you will have a baby together. I feel it in my gut I just dont know when.

Thank you! I believe so too :) There has to be a reason we crossed paths so much! I never thought I'd have such a hard time getting pregnant though since I'm healthy,active 21 year old :/
Can I join? IM 23 DF 21 and we've been ttc for 2 years off and on. Been pregnant twice but miscarried :( right now I'm taking fertilaid and soy isoflavenones. I also have pcos. :(

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