I need help!

I think I'm o'ing...cervix high and soft...I don't know howto check if it's open or not.
I think that one is a judgment call... I think once you have been keeping track of your cp for a while you can begin to tell if the "hole" is open or tight...

Well... I look forward to seeing what your tests bring tomorrow!!! :mamafy: she's excited too!
I got a blaring opk today did you see it? I don't know what to think, just that I better get busy tonight!!! I'm sick of taking tests! But, I just can't help myself!:nope::shrug:
How are you feeling my friend? Is the witch being nice or is she being a witch?
Well, I'm not pregnant! I took a digi today and it told my ass!:jo:
I guess I'm in for a 42 day cycle! WTF!!!! I hate this! I'll be testing when you'll be in your 2ww again! If I don't get it right this cycle, I won't have another chance til the good lord knows when! I'm just hoping for a holiday miracle.[-o<:xmas8: :cry: I don't know why I'm getting so many +opk's, but it was super dark yesterday, so I'll take that as O day. Oh well. poor Gabby. Just kidding....I'm done sulking:sulk:

How are you doing?
Have you thought about seeing a doc about your long cycles?? I see some ladies on here are meds that make their cycle shorter.. one girl went from a 45? day cycle to a 30 day cycle right away and O'd on the 16 day. That is quite a difference!! I really think you should look into that!!

Sorry to hear that you got the dirty ole bfn! We'll have great Christmas news though!!! fx'd!!

I am still waiting for AF to pack her bags and get the hell out! Looking forward to getting this ball rolling again! PLEASE LET THIS BE THE CYCLE!!! I would love nothing more than to be able to surprise my family with some great news!
I feel ya hun!Tell that witch to leave already! She is way over staying her welcome! I got another positve opk today!!! What the hell is going on? It wasn't blaring like theat one, but still dark. I hope I don't have pcos. I heard you always get positives when you have that. I think I need to see my doctor too. Well I dd again last night! I'm so proud of myself, I followed through with 3 nights in a row. I'm proud of hubs too, but I'm gonna go for it again tonight. He told my cat this morning that if the baby comes out orange, he's gonna kick his ass. Hahahaha! That's hilarious!:rofl: He makes fun of me because I love my cat so much and he can do no wrong. :)

Yes, lets pray for a xmas bfp!!!! It would be really cute if we can somehow tell our family creatively. Like sign the card and include the baby bump in it or something.:xmas1:
I know this is hugely corny but i have this idea to get someone to take a pic of me and dh looking at a bun in the oven... I KNOW! DORK! I thought it would be cute to show them a bunch of pics maybe of a drive somewhere and then include this one. I can see them both now just looking at it and trying to figure out what it means! Cant manage to get knocked up so I guess i may as well dream!

Your dh sounds as funny as you!!! All the same.... if you start getting starry eyed at the cat might be time to go to the doc!

****CHRISTMAS :bfp: CHRISTMAS :bfp:CHRISTMAS :bfp: CHRISTMAS :bfp: *****
HAhaha! That's such a cute idea, but hilarious! I can picture it now. Your relatives might just be like, "Ooookkkk" and flip to the next pic. LOL!!! They'll probably wonder why you're showing them some random photos too! Hahaha. You should do it!:book:
So, I tried to get hubs to go get me some more opk's but he said no. I don't feel like driving anywhere right now, so whatever. I just want to see a negative opk....a really negative opk so I know that I was ovulating at least. My dd slep in the bed with us last night so no nookie! Urgh. I better pull him aside today for a quickie, if he doesn't hang out with neighbors all day!!! Yah my husband is an open book. He's hilarious. The stuff that comes outa his mouth is just raw, but super funny. He always breaks odd silences in a room, that's for sure. Everybody just loooooves Mike. He does get on my nerves alot though! He is a lil jealous of my Enzo, but he's just gonna have to deal with that! What's your hubby like? Is he funny like you?
Haha! If only he was as funny as he thought he was!! He has a pretty awesome sense of humor. That's probably what attracted me to the ole goof to begin with.

If he's at the neighbours yell out and tell him you something you need "nailed!!"
That's a good one! I like that. He went to get my opk's after all. Aww....he acts like he doesn't want another baby, but it's all a front. He promised me we would bd today, but we'll see. I told him I'm not the one who is used to begging. He just smiles...he loves it. My cp today was open! I could feel it. I've never felt that before. So, if I have to be forceful today, then gosh darn it I WILL!!!

It sounds like we both married the goofballs for the same reason. :) I could never be with a stuffy, serious boring guy EVER! I don't care how hot he is.
opk negative. I think I'm leaving and going out tonight. my husband is being super rude tonight. I can't even stand to look at him right now. Maybe we shouldn't have another baby. At this moment I'm on the fence about even staying with his ass!!! It's like just because the neighbors left town he's being such a prick!!!!! :growlmad:
OH NO!! I am so sorry to hear that you two are having a bad day! But hopefully its just that, a bad day. We all have them! Men can be arseholes... this is not NEW! Go out, de-stress... have some drinks but dont give up on the baby thing!

On the positive side... you wanted to see a negative right? So hopefully that means that you were O'ing and you said you have been bd'ing your arse off right?? Now ya just gotta wait it out! Good luck.... NOW GO HAVE A DRINK! :wine: then maybe you wont feel like :gun: him!
I got my drank on last night! But, it was with my husband. LOL! So with fmu this morning I got another +opk and -frer! I'm so confused!!!!!!! I don't know what to think anymore! I'm cd32 and this waiting game sucks! Oh well. Did the witch pack her bags yet?
I told you he gets on my nerves. :ignore:
But, I did bd again last night.:haha:
How are you this lovely Sunday afternoon?
Glad to hear that things are okay! Not so happy to hear that your still getting a + opk... wtf??? I wonder what it all means???

Yes, af finally left the building! Old hag! I am awaiting a new order of opk's, pg tests and OH YEAH, softcups. I dont know how I feel about those yet but I have read a lot of reviews on them and they sound like they might be useful so I'll give 'em a whirl...

I am putting up my Christmas tree!!! wow... I am putting up my christmas tree... really thought that I was going to be about 4-5months pregnant by the time Christmas rolled around. I really hope that its just nature taking time and that there is not a bigger problem here. Hubby sees the doc next week and so do I... I am going to mention to the doc that we havent been able to conceive yet hopefully she wont give me the whole "you have to try for a year before we can do anything.." crap. Maybe I can back date it... how the heck would she know right?? Probably wont do that, I want her to know exactly whats happening (or not happening). Hoping for O next week. I kinda dont know when exactly to expect it now because of the last cycle... 29th maybe?? Hoping that my opk's will be here by then. I was a little skeptical about the ic's but they seem to have been pretty dead on last time so hopefully I will see a ++ next week. So much for preseed being the miracle lube too! I guess i read so many things about people using it the first time and getting a bfp that i thought "this is it!" But now that has been 2 cycles and nothing. Oh my.... christmas tree is going to put itself up right?? Talk to ya later chick!
Is the tree real or fake? We have a fake one. The kids are off all week so ill get it up this week. I know how u feel about thinking you'd be preggers by xmas! So if what I was feeling was o pains on cd27 then I think I would be 6 dpo today right? I didn't use an opk today I'm so over it! I hope that softcup works for u!!!! Keep posted about u and hubs dr appt! I hope it all goes well. I wonder if they'll give u clomid??? Prob not until after a year though haw? Positive thoughts this cycle and get that spermy to meet that eggy!!! :)
Why does my life feel like one big, cruel joke! I just found out that my youngest sil is pregnant again!!! I want to feel excited and happy for her but I cant find it. I am a bad person for feeling like this I know. The first time I found out she was pregnant I was decorating the damn tree too... I feel like ripping it down and throwing it out the window. She actually apologized to dh too. Why is it so easy for some people?? WHY DO IT HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS!!!!!!??? I am totally venting because I have no one to do that to! DH didnt even tell me until I asked him whats wrong. He is upset too. I feel like just saying to hell with it all. FML! sorry gabby.... I just feel terrible right now. All I can think about is did she spill the beans about us to anyone (she is the only one in the family that knows). We'll become that couple that no one feels they can say anything to because it might hurt our feelings. I dont even care now if it all comes out. I think that i am going to have a hard time dealing with this one. My mom just asked me if there was any news (gossip nut) and I said "nope." I couldnt even tell her. FML!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So i had a horrible nite. I cried and cried. Went out with my mom this morning and finally decided to tell her about my SIL... then i proceeded to break down in front of her. I wanted to tell her because I thought that letting the secret out might take a little pressure off me. My mom and I are close too so I thought it would help me to tell her. But of course it killed me to tell her too because I have dreamed of it being a big surprise. Anyways, she knows now and she was wonderful about it. She said that it will still be a surprise and that she is happy that we are finally trying. She told me that it will happen and that I just need to calm down, try to relax. I feel ok about the surprise thing too because I realize that it WILL be a surprise. She just knows that it could happen any time but she has no idea when so we can still tell them in a fun way. I dont think that i will tell her every little detail once the tww comes. She knows that we are trying and that enough i think. If it comes down to me taking a pg test, she doesnt need to know that. Dh is okay with me telling her too. I feel kind of relieved.

Oh Ally!:hugs::flower::hugs::flower:
I know that musta felt like a slap in the face! Try to stay focused on you, and not anyone else. I know right? Way easier said than done! Are you spending Thanksgiving with SIL? Maybe try to ease up on the cocktails. LOL!
I agree about not giving every detail. That's what you have me for...bnb for! It's good to hear your mom is so supportive, and try not to feel like there's an elephant in the room when you hang with the family. I'm sure there's been more than one person in your family that has "tried" before and it didn't come right away. Nobody talks about it that's all.
Me on the other hand, I don't mention a word because the elephant in the room will be a bunch of judgemental faces of weather it's a good idea or not.
I wouldn't even tell them at thanksgiving if I had good news. Sad, haw. It's not like I ever burden them with my kids and I never ask them for money either. Whatever.
When's your af due? I think I'm 6-7dpo and on cd35.
:mamafy: says she's mad that they didn't put her in a Santa hat.
you definitely put a smile on my face Gabby. I think the past couple days have just been about venting for me. I had expected sil to get pg soon because she told me on thanksgiving (canadian) that they wanted to try soon but didnt want to step on any toes... she was either pg already or right after. I didnt quite expect it that quickly though. Sometimes I have to wonder if it was done on purpose because she knows we are trying... BAD, BAD! I know.... worry about myself. I think that I am done with that, I needed to have a cry and now its done. I am expecting to O next week.. maybe 28th or 29th? I will focus on that. I try to tell myself that every cycle brings us that much closer to getting pregnant. Having said all that... I still feel awkward to call sil and congratulate her. Maybe i'll just facebook her a message, afterall, she knows that on some level this is hard for me. I am happy for her but upset for us.

Sorry to hear that your family is like that. That must really suck. Not like your the "octamom."

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