It must definitely be a 3rd boy thing! I've never moaned during pregnancy so much, my first two despite the fair share of issues, were a breeze and I was sad when I was no longer pregnant, even though I loved having them here! I've never felt more down and depressed during pregnancy than I have with this one, I'm so so happy he will be born chunky and healthy and not premature as I first thought, but without trying to sound like a drama queen, I physically can't go on like this, the pain is unimaginable, my spine and my insides feel like they are being crushed to no return, I'm swollen, I'm vomiting, I'm hardly eating, my head is constantly throbbing and in forever telling my older two kids off, they are not even misbehaving, I'm just struggling to cope while feeling like this, I'm just glad this has happened now on my 3rd baby, if i felt like this on my first i probably would never have had any more babies, and to think like that breaks my heart even more. I'm just praying for a sweep tomorrow, or for my midwife to at least examine me to see what's going on, I feel so much pressure and bulging it wouldn't surprise me if my bag of waters are falling through my cervix at this point lol I feel terrible that all I do on here is moan, and even though your all so nice about it, I bet your thinking, just man the hell up its pregnancy and its life and this happens and it's normal, but for me this isn't ok. My pain threshold for anything is amazing, I don't feel pain unless it is excruciating, I love a moan, but pain doesn't bother me, I'm covered in tats and piercings
this pregnancy though is just amazing how its changed me, I'm a shadow of who I was! My little man will be completely worth it when he's here, but I'm 6 days away from my due date, and I feel like I can't go another day in this pain, they should just evict him now, I'm afraid how I'm feeling with the hardly eating, the vomiting and just pure run down, it's no good for the baby, so just get him out before I feel any worse... PLEASE!!!!!