I Think Im Calling It A Day......


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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with the breast feeding....

I'm totally exhausted with it all to be honest. I have been up throughout the night for the past couple of weeks every half hour. I feel like its a massive restriction as I am the only one who can feed her. I tried expressing, but could only get 1oz, I mean whats that all about!

Secondly the rash on her face has got worse, and I hate to talk about my precious bubs like this but its horrendous. It gets worse day by day and I've had her to the Dr and they refused to give me cream as they say its not infected, its just looks bad. She actually looks terrible.

I feel with breast feeding she is not getting enough, and with her only going on for short periods each time then wanting on 10mins later I have no time to deal with Rebecca, as it feels like Lucy is constantly on me.

My last hope was expressing some feeds as that way Dale could take his turn throughout the night but it didn't work.

I feel slightly gutted to be honest as I feel I have over come some bad moments with the mastitis and abcesses and to give up now is a bit lame, but believe me I have thought long and hard.

I will combination feed for the next few days til she is fully on the bottle.

Ha I am actually sad writing this, but I am a strong believer you should never punish yourself if you have tried and failed.

Anyway I will stop rambling but I admire all you women who have done it, it is so difficult, especially with a hungry baby.

I think you've been strong and if you feel its the best thing to do then you should neither feel bad or sad that you have decided to try the bottle that benefits you all. You sound exhausted and both lil ones need you and Mummy needs her rest.

Good on you I say :hugs:

KX you haven't failed. I'm in admiration that you managed to get through all the problems that you had in the beginning, and if breastfeeding isn't for you then it doesn't matter. You've gone through a lot with it and hung on when a lot of people would have given up. Well done for getting to the stage you have. Lucy's rash sounds really horrible :(
I hope that everything settles down soon and you can get some rest ((hugs))

Edited to say that you could always introduce a bottle of formula a day and don't have to give up completely, having read back through my post I don't sound very encouraging of you continuing when the title of the thread suggest you aren't 100% certain on your decision lol.

But whatever you decide good luck with it :)
I don't even know myself what the right thing to do is. I just know I am getting to the point of dreading feeds.

Thanx for the support tho ladies xx
you have done fantastic K, dont feel bad or put yourself down, you have to do what is right for you and Lucy so you can both be happy :)

I don't even know myself what the right thing to do is. I just know I am getting to the point of dreading feeds.

Thanx for the support tho ladies xx

I've been there, especially when it feels like you just need your body back for yourself for a while. The amount you express isn't an indication of how much you're producing, some women manage to express loads, some only a dribble but both can breastfeed fine.
I know that I'd get to a point where I just wanted to throw in the towel, it tended to be towards the end of the day, then after they'd gone to bed and I'd had a bit of rest I'd feel a bit better. It always seemed to get a better after I reached my absolute low if that makes sense?
Have you spoken to a breastfeeding counsellor, or had your latch checked? She does seem to be feeding a lot in a short space of time, but this should calm down soon (no help to you now!). What happens if you don't feed her? Has she had any formula yet?
Oh hun, if you do decide to stop bf-ing, don't feel like a failure, you've done fantastic.:hugs:

I gave up with Kayleigh at 6 weeks for the same reason, I was absolutely exhausted. She was feeding every 90 minutes day and night, for 30 minutes at a time. I had none of the other problems that you have had either. The first night we gave her formula, she slept from 11.30pm to 9.10am! 14 years ago and I can still remember the times and that night that I got almost 10 hours sleep!
Well Karrina, I for one think you have done so well!
Maybe you dont have to give up completely? How is Lucy with formula?
I didnt get much from expressing at first, but after a few more goes I managed to get more.
What ever you decide, you should be proud of your achievemnet. Well done to you x
well done hun for going this long, like the other girls have said how is lucy with a formula feed say last feed at night at maybe 10-11
hey hun :hugs: i can imagine how drained you feel! is hard enough as it is breastfeeding, without having a lil madam to cope with too!

you are not a failure, you have done fantastic :hugs: xxx
Kina has given some great advice but whatever you choose it will be the right choice for you. I really do sympathise, like I said before Seren was exactly the same, feeding constantly and it is tiring.

If you do stop, please do so gradually. Otherwise you risk mastitis and wioth the abscesses you had I would hate for you to suffer these again.
Health Visitor came round for her usual appt to weigh Lucy. She is now just under 11lb so HV said that is promising.

I cried my eyes out to her today and said that i am in turmoil, exhausted, do and dont want to give up bf'ing, and she keeps saying after the first 6 weeks it will get easier.

So for another week I am feeding her myself bar her feed before bed she is getting a bottle that way I can head up to bed an hour before her and get some shut eye.

Beanie you are quite right to do with not giving up right away as the HV said that my breasts would gorge and become very painful.

so I have no decision set in stone yet, and will persevere for another week, but the sleep depravation and lack of me time is wearing.

Thankyou ladies for the great advice especially Kina xxx
Aww hun, you can tell the emotional turmoil you're going through right now. I am nervous how I'll cope this time round with having a wee un to look after as well and I clearly remember how many times I was going to give up bfeeding Olivia.

I couldn't express very much either but then I pumped regularly at the same time each day and gradually I got more and more out. I found I pumped much more when Olivia was feeding from one side and I pumped the other and it poured out and then after she'd fed from the first side I still offered her the side I'd pumped from and she would feed for about 10 mins afterwards as well.

Good on your for carrying on - it is hard work but very rewarding as well, and if you decide to stop then just keep reminding yourself what a wonderful start you've given Lucy.

p.s once you've got to the 6wk point and if you feel your supply isn't as much as it should be you can try some things might help to increase your supply, lots of people use fenugreek
with the breast feeding....

I'm totally exhausted with it all to be honest. I have been up throughout the night for the past couple of weeks every half hour. I feel like its a massive restriction as I am the only one who can feed her. I tried expressing, but could only get 1oz, I mean whats that all about!

Secondly the rash on her face has got worse, and I hate to talk about my precious bubs like this but its horrendous. It gets worse day by day and I've had her to the Dr and they refused to give me cream as they say its not infected, its just looks bad. She actually looks terrible.

I feel with breast feeding she is not getting enough, and with her only going on for short periods each time then wanting on 10mins later I have no time to deal with Rebecca, as it feels like Lucy is constantly on me.

My last hope was expressing some feeds as that way Dale could take his turn throughout the night but it didn't work.

I feel slightly gutted to be honest as I feel I have over come some bad moments with the mastitis and abcesses and to give up now is a bit lame, but believe me I have thought long and hard.

I will combination feed for the next few days til she is fully on the bottle.

Ha I am actually sad writing this, but I am a strong believer you should never punish yourself if you have tried and failed.

Anyway I will stop rambling but I admire all you women who have done it, it is so difficult, especially with a hungry baby.


Here here!!!! No truer words spoken!

Babe, you have nothing to feel bad about in any way shape or form, you couldn't have done any more than you have done, I think you have gone way beyond what most people would! You did so well and you should be giving yourself a big pat on the back!

I think you will feel so much better once little'un is on formula and you can get some sleep, I know I did with Jade and I had none of your complications to deal with along the way!

Well done for talking it through with your HV hon, I hope that the bottle she's getting at night is enabling you to rest. It is hard breastfeeding a demanding LO and having a toddler to entertain as well, you can't just sit back with your feet up because there is always something that needs doing or the guilt that you're not spending time with the older child. I remember thinking I'd never entertain my child with the tv, but Ella has it on every day because she likes it and I can feed in peace. Sleep deprivation is the absolute worst when you can't nap in the day, I've had times at 2am when I have physically banged my head against a wall because of the sheer desperation of needing sleep. It's not to be underestimated how bad it can make you feel.

BTW I've got 2 DVDs done (3 to go!) but nothing to write on them with, I will get there before Rebecca is 16!!

Keep talking about how you feel, it helps to get it out :)
you have not failed, you have to do what is best for you to, i really tried with my first, but had a hard time, and the best thing for the both of us was to go on formular... Dont feel bad about it.. x x x
hi, just thought id rite a quick comment,
i felt totally the same as you hunny! i gave up after 2 weeks i was so tired and soon as i gave my daughter bottle she slept much better!

i must admit that i did suffer from post natal depression i think it was bcoz i cudnt do breastfeeding proply and felt like a failure!!

after talking it through and taking my pills prescrbed everything calmed down and im fine, even though im dreading it with my 2nd, who is due in march! xx
you have done so well.
I found the only time i could actually express any amount of milk was first thing in the morning if i tried during the day i would be lucky if i got 2oz.

I would certainly go with adding a a bottle feed once then at least you get a break and then if you feel you can carry on with the rest.

Forget house work ignore it, just drink loads and eat loads!

Good luck its so hard at times but you have done well getting this far.

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