I told myself I wouldn't do this


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2008
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But I just noticed that I am in the last box!!!!:yipee::wohoo::yipee:
I know it happens to us all, but now it's happened, I'm sooo excited!! ONly 4 days until mat leave starts too. OMG it's all happening now!!!:happydance:
wow.... congrats... wont be long and youll be joining us in the baby and toddler section!!
wow.... congrats... wont be long and youll be joining us in the baby and toddler section!!

Hey honey, how are you doing? Bet it's a bit wierd being in that section now?!!
wow.... congrats... wont be long and youll be joining us in the baby and toddler section!!

Hey honey, how are you doing? Bet it's a bit wierd being in that section now?!!

Yeh it is... no way near as many posts etc!! I def miss being pregnant and being on BnB!! Lol!! About the only thing I miss about being pregnant!! Oh and the food lol!

Gosh 35 weeks... the end is near :yipee:
excited for you!!! :yipee: congratulations!!
the end is in sight! bet you can't wait for your mat leave to start - I know I can't!!!
wa-hey!!!! not long now honey!!
wow congrats hunni, excitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!! x x
Congrats not long now :) XxX
hehe i noticed that this morning too, but managed to contain myself lol!! cant believe you've not finished work yet!! i'd be going crazy by now if i were still there!! hows everythin goin??xx
not long now Kat, so will you be the first of us November mummies to go? x
Yaay!!! Congrats honey!!! It is so exciting to be so near the end isn't it?
Congratulations! :happydance: Almost there!
Wayhey congrats - treat time me thinks......... x
Ooooo kat, the first of our November mummies to have reached this target!! Will you be the first to pop though, that is the question :D

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