I want to Complain

Very excited for you! It only takes one to get the egg so fingers crossed. :) be nice not to have to do the IVF.

My sisters retrieval went well. They got 7 and 5 are fertilised. She will have the best one or two put back on Tuesday.
Thank you! Yeah, it was really nice to not have to do the IVF. Just walk into a room and it's like a pap. No bells and whistles haha
And they actually said that DH's sperm looked great!! So my fingers are so crossed that one of his is interested in burrowing into my egg right now!
V exciting! Sending lots of lucky thoughts and baby dust! How long before you'll know?

My sis had her embryo transfer today so hoping I'll get double good news this month!

I am on to next month. 9dpo today and bfn - I always get super early results as my lp is so short so I'm just waiting for af in 2-3 days. I'm going to try extra hard next month!
hey - you never know! you could have a later implanter and not see results for another couple of days!

my beta is on 10/19. I started Crinone this morning so let the sore boobs begin!

Good luck to your sister! And if this month doesn't happen for you (I still HOH until AF shows!!), then EXTRA good luck to you next month!! keep me posted!
Hey there, any news???? I have everything crossed you are the lucky one this month.

AF for me and no luck for my sister xxx
boooo for both of you! I'm so sorry. What's her next plan? What's your next plan? How long have you been trying again, I forgot (unless you hadn't specifically said)?

I'm currently on 11dpiui and getting really antsy!! no real symptoms to speak of except just feeling 'off' sometimes and I'm having some really watery CM. I thought it might be from the Crinone gel inserts but I don't think so. I need those for progesterone in the TWW and they can also make AF late, so I haven't gotten AF yet. I usually get AF either 10-11dpo. But my boobs are fine, only a little tiny bit of cramping every now and then. So we'll see. I go in on Monday for my beta!! I am just wishing to anyone that will listen that it's a BFP!
Oh wow! That all sounds exciting!! Especially as you usually have AF by now. Are you going to test or wait until Monday?! I wouldn't be able to help myself :) I have everything crossed for you.

I have been trying for around 2 years although some months more than others! Then mmc in June. We are going to give it until the end of the year so 3 more try's then move on after that. I am feeling positive though!

My sis got two frozen embryos so will try again in 6 weeks.

Have a lovely weekend and hope those bbs start hurting ;) x
Any news??!! ����
oh crap, sorry - yeah, no - BFN. I started spotting on Sunday and AF came full on Monday right after my blood test. Got the call that afternoon to confirm it's a negative but it was actually ok b/c I already knew on Sunday. BUT - we're starting right in on my next IVF cycle with a new protocol and everything. And I was able to learn what my body feels like on Crinone (progesterone during the LP) when it's a negative compared to the positive I had in the first cycle, so that's very handy to know.

How are you doing?
Sorry :( this has it been a lucky month! No news here I will ov in the next week and we have booked a few days holiday sun-wed so hopefully good timing.

How will the timing of your IVF work? I know your 40th is coming soon - do you have plans? Xx
ooooh exciting!! Good luck! are you using OPKs or temping or anything?

so the timing of my IVF cycle is interesting. I think if things go by the book and everything works as it should, we'd be transferring on Thanksgiving day. That's a BIG day for us here and I'm hosting around 15 of my family members, so that would be hard and stressful!! And I may have to start my shots when I'm visiting my folks in NC, and they don't know I'm doing IVF yet. My shots need to be refrigerated, so that's another puzzle I have to figure out. But I'm going to call my RE office to see if things can be pushed out by a day and I hope that covers both situations.

and yep - trying to figure out my bday plans now. It's kinda funny - I am not sure I want to do anything. I mean, I do, but I don't like being the center of attention or the reason that people are out spending a lot of money on dinner or something. So I'm trying to figure out a good in-between thing. And I will be in my TWW then too, so I can't drink, so I want to have something laid back.

have a great time on your mini-holiday! what are you guys doing?
hi JJ - just checking in! hope all is well - did you have fun on your holiday? I imagine you got in all the right BD'ing and you should be in your TWW by about now, right?
Hi Wish2bmom. I just got what I think is a faint bfp so looks like the holiday might have worked. I'll see if it's darker tomorrow. Hope you get good look too - when will you know? It would be lovely to have you as a bump buddy X
omg that's fantastic!! Did it end up a for-real BFP?!?! I realize I'm late to the party here - I was visiting my family in North Carolina for a long weekend. OMG!!!

I'm doing fine - started my stims last week but i messed up the protocol so we had to 'call an audible' as they say in football. But I went for my first check this morning and I have 5 follicles already! That's 4 more than last month, so something is working! I'm glad I didn't screw things up completely. I was so mad at myself last week!
Hey there! Yes it's turned into a proper bfp! I'm excited and also terrified something will go wrong - I'm doing a couple of tests a day to make myself feel better by watching the lines get darker.

I hope you had a good break - it sounds like things are going well :) when will they be able to do the retrieval? I hope all of the hormones aren't making you feel too bad X
that's so awesome!!! Congratulations!!! :wohoo: :happydance:

I think we'll do the retrieval in about a week, maybe next Tues? I go in tomorrow for another scan to see how things are going. Then prob another on Sat, then maybe daily until they are mature enough to trigger. Then retrieval 36 hrs later. I actually had to cancel a business trip b/c I will have to stick around here for that.

The meds are only making me SUPER sleepy early in the evening and a slight headache throughout the day. But it could be way worse, so I'm fine!
Glad you're coping well with the meds - it's exciting to think you could get an early December bfp. That would be a great Christmas present. I have everything crossed for you X
thank you so much! I'll keep you posted. Scan this morning still showed just the 5 and only one grew to measurable (11), so we'll see....
hey there! checking in - how are things going? do you have any tests or scans coming up?
My 5 follicles are all going well now - I'll trigger either tonight or tomorrow. they are measuring at 19, 18, 17, 17 and 14 now. I hope that last one plumps up over the next couple of days so they don't have just 4 to pluck eggs from. And I hope all of them have eggs in them. And I hope all of them fertilize well! and I hope, and hope, and hope! :)

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