I want to Complain

Hi There, exciting I'm glad I checked in! I will have everything crossed for you tomorrow, I hope they get 4-5 good eggs for you and that the procedure is ok.

I'm fine here just nervous after last time, that 12 week 'safeish' zone seems a long way off. I have an early scan booked on the 30th when I'll be around 7 weeks to check all is as it should be.
Hey there, I'm just wondering how the retrieval went? I hope it was ok and you got some good eggs. Xx
good morning! eh - not as successful as we'd hoped but we got 3 eggs, only one fertilized. Going in this morning for the transfer back already b/c given that it's just one, they don't want to roll the dice and see how long it lasts. They want it back in mum as quickly as possible. So FX'ed for the one embie!
Hi there, you must have had the transfer now? Fingers crossed that little embie is burying in and getting nice and cosy. I guess you're in for a long week waiting now. Are you up to anything nice this weekend to help pass the time? I think you said you've got thanksgiving plans?

I'm having a quiet time of it at the moment which suits me fine as I'm pretty tired. We've got a really busy December coming up too so I'm trying to get organised for Christmas
hello friend!
yep, the transfer was yesterday - easy peasy. I go for my beta on 12/7 - my 40th birthday! sheesh! the nurse almost fell over when I told her that. :)
yes, we have thanksgiving plans and we host my family, so we'll have 13 people here, big turkey, lots and lots of other food. Should be fun! The weather is going to cooperate as well - last year we had a huge snowstorm and were without power from Wed to Saturday!

I'm glad you're taking it easy right now. How are you feeling besides tired? When do you have your first scan? I know they don't do them as often as they do here (especially with IVF).
Wow such a coincidence it's fallen on your 40th. Let's hope for an amazing present for you. Will you test first or just wait for your beta reading?

I'm glad you've got a lovely and busy weekend coming up - cooking for 13 will certainly take your mind off the waiting.

I'm feeling ok, I wish I felt worse really then I wouldn't worry as much! I have a scan booked for Monday morning which can't come quick enough.

Happy thanksgiving X
You are still early - so many ladies say that they didn't feel a thing until 6-7 weeks. Good luck at the scan! Please let me know how it goes!
Oh and I won't test early. DH was with me when the RE said not to bc it could be a false positive. So if that were the case and he was crushed and it was bc of me and early testing, I couldn't forgive myself!!
Hi there, how was your thanksgiving dinner? And how are you feeling? I hope your little embie is sticking nicely. I will be counting down to the 7th with you!

I had my scan yesterday and it was worrying. They took ages to find anything and then said the max size was 6 weeks, when I should be 6+4 - 7+1. I'm so worried after last time. I can't get a rescan on the nhs until 12 weeks now so I've booked a private scan for Friday to see if there is any change. The private scans also use better equipment so they will hopefully be able to see a bit more and know if there is a problem.


oh no - try not to worry. Is it possible you ovulated a day or two later than you thought? Good luck at the scan on Friday. please keep me posted!!

things are fine over here - I am getting lots of little waves of fuzziness/lightheadedness so I'm hoping that's good. I also have little twinges on my lower lefthand side, which is where the stuck the little one, so I'm hoping that's it that I feel snuggling in. Quite feasibly, it could have stopped developing the day after it was put back in too, so who knows.

I'm at a super stressful client business trip right now and I can't even have a glass of wine! AHH!! hahaha

good luck friday - FX'ed for you that the better equipment can get a better, more positive measurement.
Hey there I just noticed on the December thread you got a bfn, I'm so sorry and sending you a huge hug. Be kind to yourself and drink lots of wine. Thinking of you X
thank you so much - yeah, another this morning too. The RE office said not to be discouraged if I saw a negative this weekend before my beta tomorrow but I'm pretty sure it'll be the same result.
I had a bday party out at a new bar last night - it was good to be able to drink :)
I will keep my fingers crossed for you anyway, you never know. Have a lovely birthday tomorrow. Next year will be your year X
Hi JJ! how are you doing? I wanted to check in to see how things were going with you and the LO. How far along are you now?

things here are fine - we have a follow-up appt with the RE on Monday to plan our next steps. We're going to go with our frozen embie next, so I have to wait for my next cycle, which should be around the first week of Jan, I think. Then I guess 2 weeks after that we'll transfer? I haven't done an FET (frozen embryo transfer) before, so I don't know if I'll need to take meds to prep my uterus for the transfer or what. I really hope not!
Speaking of IVF - how's your sister doing? any luck there yet?

anyway - I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!!
Hi there Happy Christmas!

Things are good here, I'm 11 weeks now, I've had 3 scans and all looks good. I'm just waiting for my NIPT results so fingers crossed all is ok then we will announce.

I'm glad to here you can get straight on to another cycle in January with your FET. My sister is also waiting for a FET but the centre here is closed in January so it will be February before she can do it. I don't think she needs to take meds just regular scans to confirm ovulation then they just put it in I think.

Good luck x

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