i'll never understand this (drug content)

P.s sorry if i offended u in any way nifirsttimer. ive tried to present my opinion on this respectfully as i do feel very strongly about it as im sure u do too. I dont know all the answers and i dont think u are wrong and im right necessarily. just what i feel is right from research and personal experience. anywho its 2am here so im off. :)
nah its rare that someone can offend me online.. plus, im pretty secure in my decisions, and the main thing is that i know my daughter has EVERYTHING that she needs, so its cool! you do whats best for you and yours, and ill do the same!

you have missunderstood my point, I didn't say fires started by cooking, I said fires started by cooking WHILE DRUNK, but im not going to try to explain it again, i know what i mean and thats the main thing!
also, i have as many studies that say that smoking weed (aside from tobacco) isnt harmful, or is even beneficial, as you have that say that its harmful, thats the beauty of google! People will always chose to believe what they want to believe, and take what information they want to take, so all this bandying about back and forth with links and studies is actually pretty pointless!
I think the type of people who smoke weed are the types of people who don't care much about their kids health, it certainly doesn't come before their pleasure.
I picked up something I had bought on ebay and when I went into the house it stank of cannabis. And there was a young boy (about 5 or 6) there too. I was a bit shocked for sure, especially as they couldn't seem to care about whether I could smell it in their house.

bit harsh, and a huge blanket generalisation!
Smoking cigarettes or weed in the company of children is clearly just not acceptable, but to say that anyone who smokes weed puts it before their kids, and doesn't Care about their kids health is just wrong and to be honest, ignorant!

UNLESS they were smoking in front of their kids, knowing the exposure of second hand smoking can affect them.
Yeah, I think we clarified that about 30 pages ago tho?
I'm glad I didn't see that comment from xxembobxx before.
Its not nice, and its very not nice lol
you cant judge everyone that does it the same though, and i think the negstive effects come more from smoking TOO much ratther than just doing it. if they wanna have a smoke before bed with no-one else around and srent sdvertising it on fb etc then I dont think its a problem. :shrug:

I dont smoke btw just know ppl who do.
Don't kids get high from second hand smoking (sorry, I never been exposed to pots or any drugs) if so, they didn't ask for this
No they don't, I don't see why they would? Even if for arugments sake they are right in the room, it is nearly impossible to get high off the 'fumes', unless you have directly inhaled the smoke you won't get 'stoned'. If the smoke is mixed with tobacco smoke, yes it will be harmful, but it won't get them high.
How do I know? I've sat in rooms full of people getting stoned with two or three bongs going round and not been affected at all, many many times. You have to get a certain amount of the 'stoned' chemical into your system for it to take effect, being in the same room as a few plumes not directly blown into your face/mouth won't do the job :flower:
I have posted many legit studies and links from government health orgs and drug and alcohol research agencies. im yet to see one substantial study from a reputable source that says cannibas doesnt do all those things to ur mind and body. And nifirsttimer thats great u are so confident in ur decision. i disagree thats all :) can i ask do u smoke it? And im afraid its actually more harmful than cigarette smoke.
I have posted many legit studies and links from government health orgs and drug and alcohol research agencies. im yet to see one substantial study from a reputable source that says cannibas doesnt do all those things to ur mind and body. And nifirsttimer thats great u are so confident in ur decision. i disagree thats all :) can i ask do u smoke it? And im afraid its actually more harmful than cigarette smoke.

you obviously dont remember that we have already discussed this about 20 pages back lol. yes, i smoke, as does my OH, and again, if you flick back through the thread you will see several 'credible' links that i posted which contradict your 'credible' links.

now really sure what you mean by the last line.. i mean, i get your point, but im not sure why you needed to add that there, and to be honest, i completely disagree, and would be interested to see where you found that evidence.. i think its really just your opinion, which is fine, although i disagree ;-)

just wanted to ad, i would absolutely totally NOT call a government study on drugs a credible report, do you really think that a goverment are going to publish a study which says 'actually, we got it wrong, this stuff isnt half as bad as we said it was and actually can be very useful'? :haha:
Wow I just sat and read through all 34 pages of this thread and I don't know whether to be amused or frustrated....

I have smoked weed when I was young and impressionable. It's not something I would ever do as an adult who knows the implications.

As a PP stated, it's illegal. Whether or not you agree with the legality of it, the fact is it's still illegal, and by smoking it you break the law. Perhaps the law is in regards to possession but I would argue that by smoking it, you possess it. I agree that very few law enforcemetn agencies would tackle someone who is a recreational user - that doesn't mean they condone it, just that they have bigger problems to tackle first.

For those that stated they don't get high - well, the last time I smoked it, I was about 18 years old (eek that's a long time ago) and I had two puffs on someone elses joint. I was incapable of driving home. My brother smokes it on a daily basis and it would take a considerable amount for him to be 'high'. He tells me he has built up a tolerance to it over the years. So, my guess is that if you don't get high anymore it's due to the volume of it that gets smoked ( and I reiterate - my GUESS is...)

Either way, I wouldnt smoke it around my child, and I wouldnt allow my husband to smoke it, whether he went outside or not. There's no gray area on this for me, it's black and white.
Then we can get into the reasons of WHY it's illegal, and I'm not going there :) Why is it legal in some countries and not others instead of being banned worldwide like class A drugs if it is really so evil a 'drug'?
A child is unlikely to get high from second hand smoke as it seems they are less sensitive to the psychoactive effects of cannabis than adults are but of course second hand smoke is bad for children anyway, as we all know.

There is indeed a problem with some government studies, they are biased and even when the study reveals the opposite of what they wanted they either ignore the study or suppress it.

Why not get into the 'whys' of why its illegal? Its illegal (in the US) because it was a threat to the paper and nylon trade (the use of hemp as material), racism and the personal ambtitions of Harry J. Anslinger. Most other Western countries just followed suit.

Its a plant that has been around and used by humans for thousands of years and yet its only been illegal in the last hundred years. It used to illegal for farmers NOT to grow it. In my country we have problems with fertilisers leaking into the leaks harming the ecosystem there - growing hemp on the lakes (floating) would solve that problem - the hemp absorbs the nitrates and cleans the lakes.

As a medicine it is pretty remarkable with its benefits and the side effects are much more pleasant and less toxic than most (if not all) prescription pain killers. Do you think its better for people to use opioid painkillers (derivitives of opium, of which heroin is another derivative) rather than cannabis? Consider the problem with painkiller addiction these days - cannabis is not addictive (physically). I honestly cannot see any reason for it to remain illegal.
I still agree it should be legalized and cafe's should be set up for people to smoke it. Nobody is ever going to agree but at least you know the drug dealers are losing out and children wouldnt be harmed as if they could smoke it in an environment that was allowed you wouldnt get children there.
I have posted many legit studies and links from government health orgs and drug and alcohol research agencies. im yet to see one substantial study from a reputable source that says cannibas doesnt do all those things to ur mind and body. And nifirsttimer thats great u are so confident in ur decision. i disagree thats all :) can i ask do u smoke it? And im afraid its actually more harmful than cigarette smoke.

you obviously dont remember that we have already discussed this about 20 pages back lol. yes, i smoke, as does my OH, and again, if you flick back through the thread you will see several 'credible' links that i posted which contradict your 'credible' links.

now really sure what you mean by the last line.. i mean, i get your point, but im not sure why you needed to add that there, and to be honest, i completely disagree, and would be interested to see where you found that evidence.. i think its really just your opinion, which is fine, although i disagree ;-)

just wanted to ad, i would absolutely totally NOT call a government study on drugs a credible report, do you really think that a goverment are going to publish a study which says 'actually, we got it wrong, this stuff isnt half as bad as we said it was and actually can be very useful'? :haha:

Sorry lol, 20 pages ago! U really expect me to remember that far back?? :haha:

The fact that u smoke it and think its harmless is a worry. And yes i believe the studies that have been done on it, including ones by drug and alcohol research agencies. Inhaling smoke into ur lungs is deadly, not to mention the strain on your cardiovascular system. Thats common sense.

If u read a few pages back u will see the research that has been done on dope v's cigarette smoke and it is more harmful, although i agree u dont amoke as much as u would cigarettes.....and thats with what we know as the research is behind what we have discovered about what cigarettes do to your body, they were once thought to be much less harmful too.

Anyway i have nothing more to say on this subject. All the best ladies and thanks for an interesting debate! Peace x
Nats- Why? Cause I couldn't be assed looking up links upon links to support my argument :haha: I know they're out there so if anyone wants to know why they can look it up themselves, I don't see the point in posting links all the time to prove myself. If the other party disagrees with my stance on the issue enough they'll find ways to disprove me by looking up my argument anyway. :)
Yeah thats true, and its no point explaining things to people who have already made up their minds (just my usual experience with this, not saying this is the case now).
I have not once said that it was harmless, I said that having weighed up the risks and compared them to other everyday socially acceptable things, I firmly believe it was LESS harmful Than most. It's interesting that all through this debate you have misconstrued all of my points, whether deliberatly or accidentally, I'm not sure!
I don't expect you to memorise 30 pages no, but to be honest, if you are to actively participate again I would expect that you would have had a re-read to refresh your memory.... I know I did!
(trying really hard not to point out that as a non smoker your memory should be A1 and mine shot to pieces lol)

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