Illegal drugs - worse than legal ones?

I must be one hell of a bad mother because not only do i smoke and drink, i leave Brooke at home with OH so i can go out clubbing and partying to do it :dohh:

Nevermind the fact that i work my backside off 3 days a week and play mum 24/7 ... i dont think "me" time, in whatever way you choose is wrong and makes you a bad person!!

but you dont take drugs though do you? thats what the debate is about,its not about wether you go out and have a drink or not :kiss:


I still have a drink now and again .. this is about illegal drugs.

I just don't think a Mother shouls be doing drugs .. seems highly inappropriate to me.
Most prescription painkillers have caffeine in them. I'll have to look it up but something about how it enhances the effect of the rest of the drug?

Kind of like how if you have a headache when pregnant a common "cure" is to have a small glass of coke or pepsi. The caffeine will help. :shrug:

It's also commonly found in cocaine and pills for the same reason!

And if i don't drink pepsi for two days i get a severe headache. That's addiction.

i suppose the bottom line is,you either have an addictive personality or you dont. Alot of people beleive that,people who i know,not statistics. i drink coke zero but dont get withdrawls if i dont have it:shrug:

So to compare:

Caffeine: Addictive. Always harmful in large doses.

Cannabis: Non-addictive but may be habitual. Harmful to health in some cases.

Obviously that's very basic and flawed because there are more caffeine drinkers than cannabis smokers but it's to show you can compare. And caffeine looks worse to me!

Disclaimer: this is from a health point of view, not social.
Most prescription painkillers have caffeine in them. I'll have to look it up but something about how it enhances the effect of the rest of the drug?

Kind of like how if you have a headache when pregnant a common "cure" is to have a small glass of coke or pepsi. The caffeine will help. :shrug:

It's also commonly found in cocaine and pills for the same reason!

And if i don't drink pepsi for two days i get a severe headache. That's addiction.

i suppose the bottom line is,you either have an addictive personality or you dont. Alot of people beleive that,people who i know,not statistics. i drink coke zero but dont get withdrawls if i dont have it:shrug:

So to compare:

Caffeine: Addictive. Always harmful in large doses.

Cannabis: Non-addictive but may be habitual. Harmful to health in some cases.

Obviously that's very basic and flawed because there are more caffeine drinkers than cannabis smokers but it's to show you can compare. And caffeine looks worse to me!

Disclaimer: this is from a health point of view, not social.

if cannibis isint addictive then why do people smoke it? you say people drink caffieine because ther are addicted,people smoke cigs because they are addicted etc you get my point
I must be one hell of a bad mother because not only do i smoke and drink, i leave Brooke at home with OH so i can go out clubbing and partying to do it :dohh:

Nevermind the fact that i work my backside off 3 days a week and play mum 24/7 ... i dont think "me" time, in whatever way you choose is wrong and makes you a bad person!!

but you dont take drugs though do you? thats what the debate is about,its not about wether you go out and have a drink or not :kiss:


I still have a drink now and again .. this is about illegal drugs.

I just don't think a Mother shouls be doing drugs .. seems highly inappropriate to me.

I started the debate - it says in the title legal AND illegal.

Your comment is contradictory. You have a drink now and again but don't think a mother should take drugs?
Most prescription painkillers have caffeine in them. I'll have to look it up but something about how it enhances the effect of the rest of the drug?

Kind of like how if you have a headache when pregnant a common "cure" is to have a small glass of coke or pepsi. The caffeine will help. :shrug:

It's also commonly found in cocaine and pills for the same reason!

And if i don't drink pepsi for two days i get a severe headache. That's addiction.

i suppose the bottom line is,you either have an addictive personality or you dont. Alot of people beleive that,people who i know,not statistics. i drink coke zero but dont get withdrawls if i dont have it:shrug:

So to compare:

Caffeine: Addictive. Always harmful in large doses.

Cannabis: Non-addictive but may be habitual. Harmful to health in some cases.

Obviously that's very basic and flawed because there are more caffeine drinkers than cannabis smokers but it's to show you can compare. And caffeine looks worse to me!

Disclaimer: this is from a health point of view, not social.

if cannibis isint addictive then why do people smoke it? you say people drink caffieine because ther are addicted,people smoke cigs because they are addicted etc you get my point

You say you're not addicted to caffeine but you drink it. I eat food with MSG in it sometimes, i'm not addicted. There is physical addiction and a habit - two very different things.
I must be one hell of a bad mother because not only do i smoke and drink, i leave Brooke at home with OH so i can go out clubbing and partying to do it :dohh:

Nevermind the fact that i work my backside off 3 days a week and play mum 24/7 ... i dont think "me" time, in whatever way you choose is wrong and makes you a bad person!!

but you dont take drugs though do you? thats what the debate is about,its not about wether you go out and have a drink or not :kiss:


I still have a drink now and again .. this is about illegal drugs.

I just don't think a Mother shouls be doing drugs .. seems highly inappropriate to me.

I started the debate - it says in the title legal AND illegal.

Your comment is contradictory. You have a drink now and again but don't think a mother should take drugs?

when she says drugs she means ILLEGAL drugs. i dont think a mother should take illegal drugs but i have a drink,albeit rarely
Most prescription painkillers have caffeine in them. I'll have to look it up but something about how it enhances the effect of the rest of the drug?

Kind of like how if you have a headache when pregnant a common "cure" is to have a small glass of coke or pepsi. The caffeine will help. :shrug:

It's also commonly found in cocaine and pills for the same reason!

And if i don't drink pepsi for two days i get a severe headache. That's addiction.

i suppose the bottom line is,you either have an addictive personality or you dont. Alot of people beleive that,people who i know,not statistics. i drink coke zero but dont get withdrawls if i dont have it:shrug:

So to compare:

Caffeine: Addictive. Always harmful in large doses.

Cannabis: Non-addictive but may be habitual. Harmful to health in some cases.

Obviously that's very basic and flawed because there are more caffeine drinkers than cannabis smokers but it's to show you can compare. And caffeine looks worse to me!

Disclaimer: this is from a health point of view, not social.

if cannibis isint addictive then why do people smoke it? you say people drink caffieine because ther are addicted,people smoke cigs because they are addicted etc you get my point

Me again! Hi! You say you drink coke zero because you like it and you're not addicted. People smoke joints because they like it and they're not addicted!

I can smoke a cigarette without becoming addicted. Or a joint for that matter. Oh and wait, I had a drink last week - and I'm not addicted to alcohol!!!

Anyways, I can't see how they can have alcohol and tobacco legal but not cannabis and a few other softer drugs. It makes no sense at all! And it's ridiculous how people can say it's wrong to do one, yet fine to do the other just because it's legal, yet it can do the same (if not more) damage :shrug:
I must be one hell of a bad mother because not only do i smoke and drink, i leave Brooke at home with OH so i can go out clubbing and partying to do it :dohh:

Nevermind the fact that i work my backside off 3 days a week and play mum 24/7 ... i dont think "me" time, in whatever way you choose is wrong and makes you a bad person!!

but you dont take drugs though do you? thats what the debate is about,its not about wether you go out and have a drink or not :kiss:


I still have a drink now and again .. this is about illegal drugs.

I just don't think a Mother shouls be doing drugs .. seems highly inappropriate to me.

I started the debate - it says in the title legal AND illegal.

Your comment is contradictory. You have a drink now and again but don't think a mother should take drugs?

when she says drugs she means ILLEGAL drugs. i dont think a mother should take illegal drugs but i have a drink,albeit rarely

I don't see the difference tbh.
Its about Illegal vs Legal :dohh: :lol:

I am just SO agaisnt drugs :lol:

I will try and explain best i can the illegal vs legal arguement that only applies to me and my beliefs.

I do not believe that alcohol and cigarettes can be compared to drugs. I have smoked weed in the past and it left me in a right mess, ended up being arressted etc, however when i drink i fall asleep .. so maybe it's based on my personal reaction to weed that i find it repulsive. When we think about drugs i think we think hard drugs like heroin, or coke, and in relation to them weed isn't as serious.

I think that alcohol and cigarettes are not good for you and i don't think they will ever be made illegal because the gov make too much money from them. So yes i do think all 3 are potentially very bad for somebody.

However there is something about drugs that just don't sit right with me, and comparing coffee and weed just becuase coffee is a 'drug' just isn't the same. I believe that drug taking is not essential or needed by anyone and i hope drugs stay illegal. If drugs were healing or good for people they wouldn't be illegal.

Sorry for my earlier quick blunt posts, half the time im breastfeeding so can't write a long reply!
I must be one hell of a bad mother because not only do i smoke and drink, i leave Brooke at home with OH so i can go out clubbing and partying to do it :dohh:

Nevermind the fact that i work my backside off 3 days a week and play mum 24/7 ... i dont think "me" time, in whatever way you choose is wrong and makes you a bad person!!

but you dont take drugs though do you? thats what the debate is about,its not about wether you go out and have a drink or not :kiss:


I still have a drink now and again .. this is about illegal drugs.

I just don't think a Mother shouls be doing drugs .. seems highly inappropriate to me.

I started the debate - it says in the title legal AND illegal.

Your comment is contradictory. You have a drink now and again but don't think a mother should take drugs?

Drugs, i.e weed, coke, etc are not in the same league as having a glass of wine now and again. Especially as some of you admit to doing drugs regularly or everyday - which would suggest to me that you are addicted.
I must be one hell of a bad mother because not only do i smoke and drink, i leave Brooke at home with OH so i can go out clubbing and partying to do it :dohh:

Nevermind the fact that i work my backside off 3 days a week and play mum 24/7 ... i dont think "me" time, in whatever way you choose is wrong and makes you a bad person!!

but you dont take drugs though do you? thats what the debate is about,its not about wether you go out and have a drink or not :kiss:


I still have a drink now and again .. this is about illegal drugs.

I just don't think a Mother shouls be doing drugs .. seems highly inappropriate to me.

I started the debate - it says in the title legal AND illegal.

Your comment is contradictory. You have a drink now and again but don't think a mother should take drugs?

when she says drugs she means ILLEGAL drugs. i dont think a mother should take illegal drugs but i have a drink,albeit rarely

Please understand I am simply questioning the reasoning behind the law when some legal drugs are proven to be more harmful than illegal ones from a health point of view. I don't believe we should simply bend over and accept every law. For example, it is still illegal for a hackney carriage to not have a bale of hay in the boot - sometimes a law needs to be changed with the times.
I definitely agree that you will be heavily influenced by personal experience. That's why folk have such varied and strong views. I'm the opposite, I used to smoke weed and I was the most happy, chilled person. But on a few occasions when I've drank certain things - bloody absinthe lol - and gone mental! So that's probably why I rate cannabis as the lesser of 2 evils.
If there really were proven and recognised health benefits, healing benefits etc .. drugs, would not be illegal.
Its about Illegal vs Legal :dohh: :lol:

I am just SO agaisnt drugs :lol:

I will try and explain best i can the illegal vs legal arguement that only applies to me and my beliefs.

I do not believe that alcohol and cigarettes can be compared to drugs. I have smoked weed in the past and it left me in a right mess, ended up being arressted etc, however when i drink i fall asleep .. so maybe it's based on my personal reaction to weed that i find it repulsive. When we think about drugs i think we think hard drugs like heroin, or coke, and in relation to them weed isn't as serious.

I think that alcohol and cigarettes are not good for you and i don't think they will ever be made illegal because the gov make too much money from them. So yes i do think all 3 are potentially very bad for somebody.

However there is something about drugs that just don't sit right with me, and comparing coffee and weed just becuase coffee is a 'drug' just isn't the same. I believe that drug taking is not essential or needed by anyone and i hope drugs stay illegal. If drugs were healing or good for people they wouldn't be illegal.

Sorry for my earlier quick blunt posts, half the time im breastfeeding so can't write a long reply!

I won't pick apart your post but why are people failing to understand that the word 'drug' applies to legal things too? And if alcohol makes you fall asleep i wouldn't be doing that with a baby around.

As other people have pointed out - different people react in different ways but in my opinion just because some people react badly shouldn't automatically make it illegal. Peanuts are a common allergy - should they be banned?
Alcohol makes me fall asleep if i drink a seriously large quantity which i haven't done for 11 months .. i think i would be more concerned about a Mother smoking drugs occaionally around her child, and so would health professionals.

The last time i had a drink was nearly 8 weeks ago, i had a glass of wine while he was in SCBU and i was at home in the evening, i had about 4 sips and then got bored, so there would have been no chance of my falling asleep around my child thank you. I think before telling me what i should and shouldn't do around my baby i think you should assess the fact that you do illegal drugs around your child, which you could be prosecuted for. I am a responsible parent :thumbup:

Anyway, thankfully the gov recognise that drugs are bad for you and have made it illegal .. and it will stay that way hopefully.
Its about Illegal vs Legal :dohh: :lol:

I am just SO agaisnt drugs :lol:

I will try and explain best i can the illegal vs legal arguement that only applies to me and my beliefs.

I do not believe that alcohol and cigarettes can be compared to drugs. I have smoked weed in the past and it left me in a right mess, ended up being arressted etc, however when i drink i fall asleep .. so maybe it's based on my personal reaction to weed that i find it repulsive. When we think about drugs i think we think hard drugs like heroin, or coke, and in relation to them weed isn't as serious.

I think that alcohol and cigarettes are not good for you and i don't think they will ever be made illegal because the gov make too much money from them. So yes i do think all 3 are potentially very bad for somebody.

However there is something about drugs that just don't sit right with me, and comparing coffee and weed just becuase coffee is a 'drug' just isn't the same. I believe that drug taking is not essential or needed by anyone and i hope drugs stay illegal. If drugs were healing or good for people they wouldn't be illegal.

Sorry for my earlier quick blunt posts, half the time im breastfeeding so can't write a long reply!

I won't pick apart your post but why are people failing to understand that the word 'drug' applies to legal things too? And if alcohol makes you fall asleep i wouldn't be doing that with a baby around.

As other people have pointed out - different people react in different ways but in my opinion just because some people react badly shouldn't automatically make it illegal. Peanuts are a common allergy - should they be banned?

im sorry but i feel like i have to stick up for aob here. when she said she falls asleep when she has a drink i really dont think she meant after having one,i would think she meant it after having a few too many. and i think she wouldint be putting her baby in danger like that,thats not fair to say that
This thread's gone all over! :dohh: To clarify this isn't a debate about parenting under any sort of influence it's about the law surrounding all kinds of drugs. I personally would really appreciate people refraining from arguing about good/bad mum as we were having a really interesting discussion.

On the caffeine thing, it's effect is to increase the heart rate which is why people tend to feel more alert when they take it and probably also why it might be included in some medication - to get it pumped round the body more quickly. I'm pretty sure it's not in patacetamol and it is a substance in its own right that doesn't contain sugar. In large quantities it stresses the pregnant woman's already hardworking heart and has contraindications for the baby. Most people can consume it without issue but those with heart conditions might suffer having too much. People are often addicted to it without realising. I've discovered I am not (probably because I only get it in weak tea), though I tried proplus as uni at it did nothing. My friend cannot have any caffeine as she is basically made drunk by it. Once again everyone is different however the normal response is one that isn't damaging to the individual nor society. Except for all that sausage breath I'm subjected to by coffee drinkers!

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