I'm going to use this thread as my testing thread

Dont be crushed (I know it's hard not to be us I did the same thing to myself yesterday) but its still early! Gotta keep telling yourself that!

Isnt the flow of cm weird?! I was drying up between dpo 7-8 but since 11dpo I've been getting cm in my panties...strange. Don't know what it means though...keeping my fingers crossed!
Definitely weird, I was worried that maybe I ovulated or something. I think I might head to the gyno and get checked for PCOS, just to be on the safe side. I am expecting a period next week-ish. I think I'll test again at 20dpo. Unless my AF shows up lol.

I really hope we don't have any issues conceiving. It's my biggest fear.

I really don't have any of the symptoms of pcos. I mean some times I'll miss a period for a couple months then it will come, one year I missed it for 4 months, but I had stopped taking my zoloft earlier that year and I was also convincing myself I was pregnant I think.
Definitely weird, I was worried that maybe I ovulated or something. I think I might head to the gyno and get checked for PCOS, just to be on the safe side. I am expecting a period next week-ish. I think I'll test again at 20dpo. Unless my AF shows up lol.

I really hope we don't have any issues conceiving. It's my biggest fear.

I really don't have any of the symptoms of pcos. I mean some times I'll miss a period for a couple months then it will come, one year I missed it for 4 months, but I had stopped taking my zoloft earlier that year and I was also convincing myself I was pregnant I think.

Well I don't think the cm is weird in a bad way, I read online that lots of women said they got either a flow or blob or whatever of cm a few days after ovulation (even after 10 dpo) and they either got a BFP or AF (of course I focused more on the stories of BFP ahah)...so I don't think it's a bad thing...just very interesting! They say that the cm could be leftover cm from ovulation that is finally making its way down (which makes sense cuz I was wet, but I wasn't flowing with lots of ewcm during ovulation, so maybe that's what is it now). So I don't think there is a big worry there.

If you are really worried about PCOS, then have yourself checked out. It wouldn't hurt. And take it from me, someone who has been told as a teenager that I will have trouble conceiving when the time comes, as scary as PCOS sounds, there is SO much that can be done in the medicine world and other therapies to get your body on track. I don't know if AF will come for me or if I get a BFP this month, but I'm going to take a break from the medicine side of ttc (take a break from Clomid) and try some natural therapies instead with acupuncture. Acupuncture might be something you'd like to try to just to help you relax your body (my sister-in-law who had trouble conceiving cuz she is very anxious herself tried it and she swears by it, so she's making me go see her acupuncturist...I've never been, but I'm excited to try!) and just get your body aligned and prepared.

But from the sounds of what you've been sharing with me, I really don't see anything that would be a strong sign for PCOS. But for the sake of having peace of mind, it might be a good idea to just have your doc check you out :) And anxiety can be a big reason why you may have missed periods here and there. My sister doesn't have PCOS (she got herself checked out after I was diagnosed) but her periods are irregular and sometimes she misses a month or two, but she is SUPER anxious and worries about every little thing, and the ob/gyn told her it was just because of that. So it makes sense why you might miss a period here or there if you're anxious...I'm sure many women go through that, all this baby stuff is VERY anxiety-provoking!

I feel like I'm rambling, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that as scary as ttc sounds and as many worries as you have in your head, just know that 1. there is SO much that can be done to help your situation and 2. no matter how much stuff there is out there that can help our bodies out, the most important thing that can and should be done is to keep ourselves as optimistic and as relaxed as we can be. And when those times are tough (like today, cuz trust me, I'm feeling bummed out too, I hateee waiting) it's good to just vent and look for support in all the right places. I'm sure DF is a great source of support, the same way my hubby is, and I have to say, this website has been amazing. I love getting all my information from here and sharing my symptoms with you, it's been a great source of comfort and relief for me!

I hope you feel better! Keep yourself optimistic! It will happen! If crazy people who don't know what they're doing are having babies, then responsibly awesome ladies like us will be having them too! We just need a little more time :)

Feel free to vent all you want! I'm always around!
That makes sense, about the left over CM, DF checked my cm/cp today and he could barely reach it he said it was reaaally high and hard but really wet. He couldn't get up far enough to see if it was opened or closed, which was kind of weird. I'm not too worried about that. Last night when we BD'd after I had the slippery CM he said it felt more shallow and tight, like it was swollen. He even accidentally hit my cervix, causing a quick sharp pain lol.

I might give my gyno a call just for peace of mind, like you said. I have OCD so I worry about all kinds of health complications. I'm sure it's anxiety and lack of exercise, I should probably improve my diet as well. Maybe I will look up some foods that promote fertility, or supplements, something along those lines. I wouldn't mind trying acupuncture, it would probably ease my anxiety as well as help me in my ttc journey. We really haven't been trying too long, so I need to keep that in mind that it usually doesn't happen right away. This is the first month I've used OPK's, I tried once before but I had no idea what I was doing. haha.

Talking everything over with you has really helped me a lot and DF is a huge support, he hugs me and tells me it will happen and he even checks the test over and over for another line. :haha: I will do some looking around here and try to find an acupuncturist and look up some things that can promote conception naturally, I honestly hate taking medications. I wouldn't take zoloft or xanax if my OCD/agoraphobia wouldn't spiral out of control, I am in therapy though and making good progress. I love taking my vitamins they make me feel healthy and happy. I think I'll talk DF in to walking the dogs tomorrow cause he has a day off and it'd be a good exercise.

I think I'll hold off on actually making an appointment with my gyno until after 6 months of trying with no result. I read it takes most couples 6 months to conceive, so 5 months to go! Unless I get a bfp this month, I doubt I will. But after some time to think and reading what you've said I'm okay with it. I also prayed for strength to handle a bfn. I think I did okay. I got mad and upset, but that's fading now. Thanks for letting me vent! I always appreciate it, and you can feel free to PM me or post here if you ever need to vent! I'll always respond! :)

I hope you're staying optimistic too! I wish you nothing but the best of luck! Hopefully we can get our bfps this year!
Having some AF like cramps... I'm not sure if AF is on her way or not... hmm.
My eyes have been so dry and itchy the last couple days. DRIVING. ME. CRAZY.
Hi Donut! Hope you're feeling better! I'm glad you're taking care of yourself and have all the love and support you need! Blah, I hate taking meds too, but that's great that you're doing what you need to do to keep yourself in a happy place. I know it's not an easy thing to do at all. Ttc isn't an easy thing whatsoever, and as someone who is nearing the 11th month mark of ttc, it doesn't get any easier cuz that ache for a baby just gets stronger. But you do get so much stronger and learn a LOT about yourself, your man, and all about your body. I thought I knew my body pretty well and was in tune to it, but I was SO wrong. This last year I've learned so much about how my body works, it's pretty amazing to realize how much crap we put ourselves through and how our body has to be in sync to do what it needs to do. Crazy! It definitely makes me appreciate the idea of getting pregnant so much more too!
My eyes have been so dry and itchy the last couple days. DRIVING. ME. CRAZY.

Ugh I've been feeling crampy but in a weird way the last couple of days. They don't feel like AF cramps, but maybe I'm just tricking myself they're not AF cramps...ugh! My eyes have been driving me nuts too! I can't keep my contacts in all day like I use to! And at 12dpo today I'm still feeling wicked lightheaded if I do not eat right away, even though I haven't changed how and what I've been eating. Hmmm.

Oh and I cracked again and took another pregnancy test today and it was negative. Bummer. No more testing for me until I'm past 15 dpo!

Are you feeling anything else now that you're 11dpo?
Hi Donut! Hope you're feeling better! I'm glad you're taking care of yourself and have all the love and support you need! Blah, I hate taking meds too, but that's great that you're doing what you need to do to keep yourself in a happy place. I know it's not an easy thing to do at all. Ttc isn't an easy thing whatsoever, and as someone who is nearing the 11th month mark of ttc, it doesn't get any easier cuz that ache for a baby just gets stronger. But you do get so much stronger and learn a LOT about yourself, your man, and all about your body. I thought I knew my body pretty well and was in tune to it, but I was SO wrong. This last year I've learned so much about how my body works, it's pretty amazing to realize how much crap we put ourselves through and how our body has to be in sync to do what it needs to do. Crazy! It definitely makes me appreciate the idea of getting pregnant so much more too!
Hello hun! I'm feeling all right, still kinda nauseated throughout the day, and a bit constipated, so that sucks. I have already learned a lot about my body it's crazy! TTC has definitely taught me a lot about myself! 11months, wow, it's awesome to see how strong you are! With that determination you'll have a bfp soon! I have my fx'd for you!!
Ugh I've been feeling crampy but in a weird way the last couple of days. They don't feel like AF cramps, but maybe I'm just tricking myself they're not AF cramps...ugh! My eyes have been driving me nuts too! I can't keep my contacts in all day like I use to! And at 12dpo today I'm still feeling wicked lightheaded if I do not eat right away, even though I haven't changed how and what I've been eating. Hmmm.

Oh and I cracked again and took another pregnancy test today and it was negative. Bummer. No more testing for me until I'm past 15 dpo!

Are you feeling anything else now that you're 11dpo?
I had the weirdest cramps during bd! I've never never had cramps during bd, I've even had sex while AF was here and no cramps during. So weird!! I'm still bloated and have like a bloated bump right above where my pubic hair starts. I felt it really well in the shower, that was odd as well. I've been trying to eat but my appetite has been so weird lately lol I seem to get REALLY hungry at night! But during the day I'm just meh. I don't wear contacts, that must be awfully annoying when your eyes are itchy! My eyes have been so itchy and dry that DF asked if I had hay fever lol. I can't really think of anything else. Still having clear slippery stretchy CM. The only new things are the itchy eyes and cramping during sex. DF brought home an odwalla drink, and I took a sip and it nearly made me throw up, I could taste the iodine/iron... I could smell the iodine too! BLEH!
oh man...that sounds like a pregnancy sign to me! The whole iron thing that is! Some women say they get this weird phenomenon where they taste metal in their mouth. I wonder if you drinking the odwalla drink and you tasting the iron is you being super sensitive tastebuds, kind of like those ladies who taste that irony metal in their mouth! Same with the cramps too! All sounds like really good signs! You're still in it for this month! Who knows, you might get that bfp! I got my fingers crossed and twisted in knots for you!
thank you thank you thank you! I am praying I get my bfp!! DF bought a few more FRER's so I'll test on the 22nd! I'll be 20dpo I might test at 16 too... we'll see! I have my fingers crossed x100 for you! did you figure out if you o'd for sure??
I'm still having a lot of slippery stretchy cm! I don't know why... I thought pregnant cm was more lotiony???
I'm still having a lot of slippery stretchy cm! I don't know why... I thought pregnant cm was more lotiony???

It could just be left over ewcm from ovulation that is trickling down and that your hormones are just raging so either it's prepping for AF or you have a BFP! But since you're surprised about the slippery stretchiness of it, maybe it's a BFP!?!?! Ahh I hope it is! Either way, I don't think it's a bad thing! I know women say their cm is lotiony when they are pregnant...mine right now is a little bit of both, it's lotiony and creamy looking but if I get a lot of it on my fingers it's definitely stretchy and slippery! So I wouldn't be worried :)

Oh and in reference to your other posts, DH and I bd'd this afternoon and it hurt right at the end..I automatically thought of you! ahaha. Sorry, tmi, but I don't know if it hurt cuz DH was really into it or what, but I definitely felt a sharp pang of pain and automatically shifted my position so it wouldn't hurt. Is that kind of the same thing you experienced? And I definietly have that bloated feeling, kinda like a rock, down in that same area you were talking about too. Is it a BFP or AF!? Ahhh I can't figure it out! I guess we'll find out soon though cuz it's CD 31 for me and 12dpo! AHH I hate waiting!!

And I've been feeling lightheaded here and there today..and the eyes continue to bug me. Your story about the juice makes me feel SUPER optimistic for you! Such a good sign! or just a bad batch of odwalla, but I've never heard of odwalla putting anything bad on their shelves :haha: YUM!

It could just be left over ewcm from ovulation that is trickling down and that your hormones are just raging so either it's prepping for AF or you have a BFP! But since you're surprised about the slippery stretchiness of it, maybe it's a BFP!?!?! Ahh I hope it is! Either way, I don't think it's a bad thing! I know women say their cm is lotiony when they are pregnant...mine right now is a little bit of both, it's lotiony and creamy looking but if I get a lot of it on my fingers it's definitely stretchy and slippery! So I wouldn't be worried :)

Oh and in reference to your other posts, DH and I bd'd this afternoon and it hurt right at the end..I automatically thought of you! ahaha. Sorry, tmi, but I don't know if it hurt cuz DH was really into it or what, but I definitely felt a sharp pang of pain and automatically shifted my position so it wouldn't hurt. Is that kind of the same thing you experienced? And I definietly have that bloated feeling, kinda like a rock, down in that same area you were talking about too. Is it a BFP or AF!? Ahhh I can't figure it out! I guess we'll find out soon though cuz it's CD 31 for me and 12dpo! AHH I hate waiting!!

And I've been feeling lightheaded here and there today..and the eyes continue to bug me. Your story about the juice makes me feel SUPER optimistic for you! Such a good sign! or just a bad batch of odwalla, but I've never heard of odwalla putting anything bad on their shelves :haha: YUM!

Oh I completely forgot you already told me that :dohh: lol. I've never had this before AF, so I'm hoping it's not just a fluke! lol
It's definitely crystal clear and slick, I can stretch it maybe 1/2in - 1in between my fingers! I usually dry up before AF comes. I'm talking bone dry.. either that or it gets really sticky and thick and there's barely any of it.

I hate waiting too, we're in the same boat!! I'm CD 29 and 11dpo! I wrote down that my AF might start on the 14th-16th. Any of those three days.

From what you described about the BD pain it sounds like he maybe poked your cervix, happens to me all the time, the cramps I had were constant, just like everything was tight down there. It was really hard to enjoy, towards the end it got a little better. But every woman is different, don't let that discourage you :)! I was drinking my beloved Arnold Palmer half&half today and even that tasted kind of funny! :( I'm praying that's a good sign!

I got light headed in the shower, except I think I stood up too fast lol. So hopefully that's a good sign for you, hun!! FX'd!!!!!! My eyes are still driving me crazy too! It's like allergies or something, I usually don't get those until spring! grrr! lol

So unfortunately after tonight DF and I are switching to NTNP. We are having some relationship issues that really need to be discussed and worked out before we can bring a child into the mix. I'm hoping that we can fix it soon and get back to trying. I'm still gonna pray for your bfp though, hun <3 :)

Who knows maybe now that we aren't trying we'll actually conceive, that's usually how my luck works lol.

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