Thanks so much, cdelmar!

It would be wonderful if it happened faster this time! When we were TTC our 1st, I learned the hard way that I tend to test too early and too often, which meant SO many negatives. I got really discouraged. This time, I've made a promise that I'll always wait until at least 10 dpo and try my very hardest to only test every other day. I really want to be more realistic this time, but it's so hard not to get your hopes up.
I also symptom-spotted like crazy last time. I was looking for everything! I had almost every symptom practically every month and then I would be so shocked and disappointed when AF came right on time. I've since learned that most of these symptoms are completely normal after O (whether you're pregnant or not) and that I most likely always had them, but didn't really notice when we weren't TTC.
So this time, I'm trying to tell myself that every little thing I feel is just normal during the luteal phase/caused by progesterone or may be PMS related as I get closer to my period. Hopefully that will help keep me a little more sane this time around.
Something I did take note of during the month that we conceived was three new things we tried...
1. We used Preseed (I thought I didn't need it because I had plenty of EWCM, but I do think it may have helped).
2. I used an OPK for the first time (Clearblue Digital). I honestly never thought it would make a difference. We always aimed for mid-month (CD12-16), since I have very regular 28/29-day cycles. I also have pretty tell-tale CM progression, and I almost always felt cramping and twinges around O. However, I learned that I tend to ovulate a tad on the early side and have a longer luteal phase. So we may have been
just missing O for those first four months.
3. This may be TMI but, I made sure to have an orgasm right afterward, since I read that the uterine contractions may help propel the sperm upward.
I don't know whether it was one of these things or all three working synergistically together, but we conceived that month. This time, we're doing all three of those from the start. Also, I always stay flat on my back with my legs up for 30-60 minutes afterward.
Wishing you good luck in your TTC journey! Hopefully you'll have your BFP very soon!!