I would love to talk to others that are about as far along as I am!Hey guys,
After 8 months of trying, I finally got my BFP. This is my second baby and I while I remember some things, it's been a long time since the last and I am feeling a bit lost. I would love some ladies to chat with about all the changes that are happening!!
Anyone out there wanna join me??
I would love to buddy up with you! I'm also 5 weeks pregnant. Due on January 14th. I also have a boy like you. He was born in 2008. It will be nice to have a 2012 baby. I think 4 years is a nice gap. Sounds like you had a 2007 baby? 5 years is even better!
crispychewy I am in calgary Where are you now?
rnmommy, it'll be nice to have a nurse to chat with to tell me how neurotic I am being about every pinch and twinge