"impatiently waiting and complaining" IVF November/December/end of the year bumps

Hi girlies, I've been on here a while but we are on our way to hopefully starting injections next month with you guys.. just alittle question. What vitamins etc is everyone taking?x
Hi ladies! I thought I'd join you while this thread is still fairly new.. I too find it intimidating and hard to keep up with long threads that have been ongoing for a long time.

I am currently working on IVF cycle # 2. Scheduled for egg retrieval tomorrow and after our last failed attempt, I too am worried, especially since I have a low follicle count, and after my last follow-up, was informed that only 2 follicles are big enough to retrieve.

I agree that the treatments take a toll physically but I personally find the emotional roller-coaster of an IVF month more unbearable, especially when nobody IRL knows what I'm really going through, and my friends all have kids from easy pregnancies and can't even begin to imagine what it's like.

I hope that we can all share some good experiences, and wish you all luck!
welcome Ash and wifey!
I recognize you too Ash from a very old thread I was on.
I did lupron in my incomplete IVF cycle, it was annoying only since it took so looong but at least they were little and easy, no burning- my favorite! :)

Hiya L4Hope! yes, this thread has cottoned on nicely- horray! sorry you are stuck in the land of waiting/BCP but pretty soon your life is gonna get crazy and there will be much to report! :)

I did call the office and they sent me for blood work to check what my progesterone is (to determine if I ovulated/am ovulating/about to to see if they can bring me in for u/s and then get me started on BCP.)
But get THIS, I asked 'why would I be ovulating now?' and she said that provera can induce ovulation randomly which is why they tell their patients on it not to have unprotected sex- as you can get pg and its bad to get pg on it.
I was like NO ONE TOLD ME THAT!!!!! seriously, DH and I had unprotected sex after the balloon came out (it was around her 3 yr anniversary and I got to feeling frisky) I figured since no one said anything and I COULDN'T be ovulating (oh brother) it was not a big deal to not use protection.

SO long story short, they are testing my HCG too. Im freaking out a little as A.) getting pg on provera is dangerous and B.) I tested a HPT and there is no line so if for some CRAZY reason I am pg, then there would be a line now which would mean low HCG/there is something wrong again.
ARG!not cool...
I really don't think I am. They only indication is no AF (although if you recall I DID bleed, not much but more than you would want to if pg!!!)
but I started going back in my mind and going over how I have been feeling. and I have been tired (but no surprise there) my BBs have been a little fuller (but I have also gained weight since the surgery and my sloppy 2 weeks of not moving) I have been having AF stomach cramps (but that could also be a result of the surgery or my AF coming.
So I'm not betting the farm. and I'm totally scared that if I am that there is another problem like last time.

and not just that, but I also have my hopes up a little which I shouldn't as it probably isn't that and I will be sad if not but also like I said, bad to get pg under these circumstances.
The last thing I need is another ectopic pregnancy to beat up my heart, mess up my body and rattle my confidence even more.

But I'm jumping the gun. so I'm sitting around waiting for the nurse to call with the results. MADNESS.

wifey- hi there! sorry to be such a rambling mess today. not my finest hour.
but as for supplements, I am on a TON. :)

fish oil
maca root (maca harmony)
B complex

yowsa! long ass post! sorry!!! :blush:
L4Hope - yeah it took forever to get here but now that it's here I really feel like it's going to go so fast! I feel your pain with taking the BCP's ... I took lupron instead but it was the same thing, just waiting, nothings exciting! Can't wait for you to get to the exciting part!

Afamilygal - The lupron shots were annoying but now that I'm at the stiming part it should get a lot more interesting. Good luck with your b/w results, I'm sure everything will be fine! :hugs: I hope you can get started with your new cycle soon!
wifeyw - I'm taking Pregnacare Conception His and Hers (must be doing something for Mr Monkey as his SA was 125million last month)

Mystelle - Good Luck for tomorrow, hoepfully you will be well enough to let us know how things went in the next few days! You'll be in my thoughts.

Afamilygal - I'm sorry things are so confusing for you right now, I have no words that can help, just know I'm thinking of you

AFM: Ouch, just had a really bad pain around my left ovary...... I've no idea what thats about? CD7 and still spotting, I was told that AF could be longer and more painful, so maybe its just that. Im probably reading way too much into every little niggle.
Wifey, hope you have a good appt tomorrow. I'm sure you are anxious to get things going. I am taking prenatal vitamin, low dose aspirin, DHEA, and coq10. My doctor also puts me on doxycycline sometime around ER or ET

Mystelle good luck tomorrow! Let us know how you make out I'm not familiar with your protocol, what all do you take?

Ash yes the long protocols feel soo drawn out... Unfortunately that's all I've been put on so far. Start with bcp, then start Lupron on day 21 of bcp cycle. Stop bcp and continue Lupron. Start stimming around day 5. Feels like an eternity to get to the stimming part!

Familygal, my long response is in your journal. The abridged version... I feel your pain with docs forgetting important details/ restrictions and now you have annextra worry and disappointment. I hope you hear soon so you can figure out what comes next! :hugs:

Oops missed my response to you monkey! It's crazy how we analyze every little thing we feel in our bodies now. Are you going to be stimming this month?
Hi everyone!

Laine, nice to share another thread with ye! Thanks for starting this one. It helps to do something other than sit on our hands waiting for our cycles to start.

All, I'm waiting on my second cycle after a failed go in September. I have DOR/low AMH and did an antagonist cycle before. Next time we'll do a microflare protocol. Right now I'm waiting on AF and it feels like she's taking forever...this is my first period since the failed cycle, so I've heard it can be delayed. As soon as she arrives, I start in on BCP for 10 days and then begin lupron.

Fingers crossed for everyone!
it was negative.
Actually is was less than 1 which is how I guess the lab measures it.
It's all very annoying. What a roller coaster. I started to play the"what if" game and now I am feeling a little disappointed. so stupid.

she also said my progesterone is still falling too (WTH) and thought I would likely get AF within 10 days.

I am irritated and in need of a drink.

Hi Sept! glad you found us! :) sorry AF is being a pain for you too... nice that BCP is only for 10 days though. I wonder if my DR will let me do that too. He owes me after that debacle!

Hi to Mystelle too! sorry I think you posted right before I did and I never saw your post.
We decided it was too hard to hide all of this from our friends/family so it is all out in the open which is good and bad. It's nice to have people to talk to but none of them have been through it so it's still hard to relate.
People have been pretty nice about it though which is something.
You have us to talk to now!

ok, I'm going to go watch an hour of TV and try to stop feeling so crappy. laters x
Mystelle- hope the egg collection went ok. How did you go? Keeping fingers crossed for you.

Wifey - I'm also on loads of supplements. I take a prenatal multi, magcal, fish oil, zinc and vitex at the moment to try and balance all my hormones while I wait for the next cycle. My naturopath also recommended tribbulus from day 1 to ovulation while doing my fresh cycle. It's meant to increase the amount or eggs and quality. I don't know how proven it it, but we had a good outcome!

Family gal - I'm sorry you're feeling so frustrated. It really sucks... Waiting for af is so hard. Hope you're feeling better and you can take some time to so something really nice for yourself. If all else fails, a glass of wine helps for me :winkwink:

I think I am ovulating at the moment.... It is so cruel that I can't help but be hopeful. We have been given a 1% chance of conceiving naturally- but I still have this glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, it will work for us and we won't have to keep going with the ivf! 1% isn't 0% I guess :nope:

Have a great day girls... Xxx
Familygal, Wish I could have a drink with ya dear to drown our sorrows a bit! I agree with you, it's nice to have family and friends to support youbut hard since they don't truly understand. Feel better!
thanks peps!
I never did have the wine but I watched some mindless TV and when DH came home he was extra sweet which made everything so much better.

Monkey- its hard not to read into every pain and ache, I know I do!

Ash- yes it goes pretty fast once that starts- when is your first u/s?

Mystelle- Good luck tomorrow! let us know how it goes! FX!

Kirs- It is cruel to be hopeful I agree but it's hard not to hope that you will be the miracle story. It DOES happen! I hope it happens for you! :)

L4Hope- cyber boozing! :wine::beer::drunk:
Hey everyone, mind if I join in? I recognize a couple of names from other threads. I am just waiting not so patiently first or after and regular cycles so I can do fet#1 aftercare failed IVF in September.
Morning Ladies

Hope everyone is doing well. :kiss:

Afamilygal - What an emotional night for you!:wacko: I understand what you mean by the Doc not telling you everything as dont think i was ever told anything about not to have unprotected sex! definitely a rollercoaster ride. It's good to have this site so we can find out these things from each other. Hope you are feeling better today :hugs:

Mystelle - Good luck for today :hugs:

Monkey - Hope you are feeling better today and :witch: isnt being to hard on you. :kiss:

Welcome :hi: Wifeyw, Ash, Septbride

Snowbunny :hi: - How you doing, im waiting as well time seems to be dragging so much its driving me crazy:wacko:

Afamilygal - first ultrasound to check follicles is Thursday :)

Sandy - thanks for the welcome!!

Snow - welcome to the group!!
Hiya snow! of course you are more than welcome! and the fact that you are not so patiently waiting qualifies you perfectly! :) jk.

that all I seem to be doing these days. How long has it taken everyone else (if you have ever taken provera) for AF to come?
in the past, it has never taken me so long. I hate that my body seems to be changing so damn fast! I was reading about menopause the other day and I don't want it! I'm not ready!!! Once I finally get pg or give up I'm going to have to go on all sorts of hormone replacement therapies.:cry:

anyhoo. enough of the pity party. How is everyone feeling today?
BTW Snow, I'm really sorry for your failed cycle.. :( but there seem to be a lot of women who have success with their FETs! I'll bet you are one of them! :hugs:
Morning, everyone!

Afam, sorry about the negative test :( It is impossible not to get your hopes up just a tiny bit, isn't it? I'm still waiting impatiently on AF..three days late now. Ready to start BCP when she shows her face.

Hope all are well today!
Family, What a delicious cyber drink. Even better that we can dive into the glass! :haha:

Welcome Snow to our sick of waiting thread!!

Sept, stupid AF. She's really being a queen B for ladies this month!

Afm, I'm trying not to be in a foul mood but just am for some reason today. A teacher irritated me with annemail this am, then had to talk to a preggo teacher and almost cried. So I'm all over the map today! Thank goodness I only have two more hours!!
Oops missed my response to you monkey! It's crazy how we analyze every little thing we feel in our bodies now. Are you going to be stimming this month?

I'll hopefully be stimming from next Tuesday

I got my scan date wrong yesterday, its next Tuesday 30th not 31st!

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