"impatiently waiting and complaining" IVF November/December/end of the year bumps

Hi to all the new ladies :wave:

AFM; Af still hasn't completely gone, still spotting. :growlmad:
L4Hope - sorry you're in a foul mood today! We all have our days, try to keep your head up :hugs:

Monkey - good luck at your scan!

Sept - I just dealt with a late period, I hate that, especially when you're trying to get started on a cycle! Hopefully she will come very soon and you can get started!
I had late AF as well coming up to starting this IVF cycle! Almost a week late.

Thanks for the Luck! I'm hoping I've DR'd successfully to start stimms.

wifeyw - I meant to add that I am also taking the UK version of Gertitol as well, FeroGlobin.
Hi All, hope everyone is doing well today. Looks like I need to set myself a daily reminder for this thread to catch up otherwise I may just get steam-rolled!

Hi Sandy - I remember you from the previous thread - sorry I was a dine and dasher but I'm not so good at the social media thing just yet...working on it! So sorry that things didn't work out :hugs: though you are lucky to have some frosties to work with :) hope you get in for the xmas break and excellent news on your dh remission!

Wifey - I'm also on tons of vitamins this cycle...prenatals, royal jelly, maca (eek taste nasty), CoQ10, Fish Oil, Vitamin C

Mystelle - Wishing you all the luck for ER. Keep your chin up as those may be the top 2 baby embies! I know it's easier said than done as I also fall into the emotional roller coaster syndrome but everyone has done a good job in keeping me (us) strong! :kiss:

AfamilyGal - I noticed you listed 5 MTHR is that a special herb supplement? I am also the lucky recipient of the MTHR gene (I have another name for this!) I was told if I get pg then I would need to take a baby aspirin, but now you got me curious if there is something else I could be doing. Isn't lovely how the offices don't tell us everything and then make our minds go crazy!

SeptB - so sorry for your failed cycle :hugs: Hoping AF comes now so you can put together a plan

Kris - one more vitamin question (sorry) What is tribbulos? I've never heard of it before and just want to expand my knowledge. I do understand about frustrations with cycles as we too only have 1% to nil chance in conceiving on our own...just not fair!

AFM, I should be having :wine: with L4 as I'm pretty boring myself with only 4 days left of BCP. I do have to add that it's kinda nice not having to inject myself with Lupron this time round!
Hi to all the new ladies :wave:

AFM; Af still hasn't completely gone, still spotting. :growlmad:

hang in there, it is so annoying when AF continues to taunt and keep the spotting around. Hopefully not too much longer for you now!
I'm with you kchope, that's awesome you only have 4 more days of bcp and no Lupron!! Er will be here before you know it!
I can't believe how fast this thread is moving so early on. I too get caught up with work and other things and feel I will get behind already. I truly am trying to keep up with all, and if I don't reply personally I'm reading everyones posts and cheering you all on!
It does move fast! I second what L4 says that it's nothing personal if I don't address everyone, but I too am cheering everyone on (well said L4!) and wishing a lovely BFP for each and every one of you. but I am happy that there seem to be a lot of us on here! (not that we are here) but that we can support one another.

L4- sorry about your crappy mood. That's the worst. I find when I'm feeling that way it is important to be extra gentle with myself and understanding. I like to compare it to treating yourself as you would an old dear friend who you love very much. :) The idea is to not get frustrated that you are getting frustrated, just understanding that you are doing your best and some days are going to suck.
Talking to pg ladies has been hard on me recently too. I find myself staring at their tummies like a crazy person.
One of them noticed I was staring and asked if I would like to touch it, I yelled "NO!" scared the pants off of her. She was being sweet but I did not want to go there :) I probably would have burst into tears and clung to her belly wailing about my wonky ovaries.
the point is, you ain't alone love. :hugs: hopefully your mood has improved now that work is over. Enjoy something you love tonight- something yummy, a hot bath, maybe a chick flick? :) das my favorite...

sept- you're still waiting on AF too? what in the what?! what is going on here?!
It actually looks like I might be ovulating :dohh: and the AF that I thought was AF and called the clinic to talk about really WAS AF and now it's too late for BCP. It makes me SO mad, I have to wait for the whole cycle to play through before I can take the BCP. and then wait ANOTHER 2.5 weeks til I can start treatment. I am irate about it. I hate that this has slipped through the cracks and I am going to have words with my Dr asap.
Hopefully yours won't be too much longer though. FX for you.

Monkey- YAY to your stimming! that is exciting! Tuesday is close now! only one week!:happydance:

Ash- is your scan tomorrow or Thursday?

KChope- What I am taking is 5 MTHF. It is a form of folate (I'm taking extra as I am also on Metformin which does a good job of depriving the body of essentials like folate and B vitamins.) sorry for the confusion :( All I have ever read about MTHR is that the baby aspirin is all that can be taken while pg. There may be things you can be taking now, I would ask a nutritionist or naturopath about it.

great that you only have 4 more days of BCP, wohoo!!!

afm, I am bummed about having to wait this cycle out to even start BCP. I am mad at my Dr and clinic. I TOLD them that I thought I had had my AF and they were SO dismissive and now look where I am.
Why I oughta....:grr:
so I guess I will be looking at a early to mid December ER/ET now... :growlmad: this was SO unavoidable too. I hope my Dr calls me back soon so we can talk about why the F this happened.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

familygal - I was seated by a pregnant lady last week on a flight. She rubbed her belly the whole flight and I stared at her. I'm sure she thought I was crazy.

Mystelle - good luck at the ER.

kchope & L4 - I really need to join you in the giant goblet of wine. I have been at work 9 days in a row including a trip out of town. I can't wait until Friday!

Hey EOE!
afamilygal - my scan is Thursday morning :) can't wait to see what's happening down there! So sorry your doctor made you angry and kinda let things fall through. I really hope you're still able to start sooner rather than later! :hugs:
Thanks, Ash, kchope and Afam! Still waiting on AF...dunno what's going on! I took an HPT yesterday and it was neg, so I'm just waiting impatiently, as the thread name suggests! :)

Ash, good luck with your scan Thursday! Keep us posted.

Afam, that is terrible that you have to wait for the whole next cycle to play itself out. Argh!! It's SUCH a mindf*** without something like that being added in! I'm sorry. Reminds me of when I had cysts before my last cycle and couldn't start for weeks. It's the worst!

Snowbunny, kchope, L4, I am also up for a giant goblet of wine!

Hope all are well. :hugs:
Snow- oh no! hopefully it wasn't a long flight! :) I do wonder what these pg ladies think of us... :dohh:
and 9 days of work in a row? EW! you DO need that goblet! Friday is only 2 days away friend!

Ash- so exciting! I can't wait to hear what the ovary summary is! Hopefully you have many little fellows growing away in there! let us know!

Sept- what is this about cysts? I wonder if that could be my problem?? could cysts cause LH to rise?
I have been doing OPKs since yesterday and the line on them does seem to be getting darker. and I have had some pain/discomfort in my left ovary (what feels like ovulation pain) so I just assumed I was ovulating.
I spoke with the Dr last night and he didnt have his chart in front of him but says it is weird that my progesterone would be so high so soon. (uh? does it?) and told me to come in on friday if I want to to try to figure it out.
maybe I should go??
I started spotting a tiny bit this am too which is odd if I was ovulating, or close to it.
so confused...
And I thought I needed Friday to be here Snow!! Hopefully you have nothing pressing to do this weekend, unless it's something fun and relaxing!

Definitely give us your update tomorrow ash!!

Familygal, with all if the confusion going on, I would prob go in Friday. If that can help figure out what the flip is going on it's worth an extra probe up the hooha right?! Sorry I can't help you out with the cyst thing. Damn the docs for not listening to you to begin with or checking it out sooner!
Thanks girls, I will definitely keep you all posted!

Afam - I would definitely go in on Friday just to get everything checked out :hugs:
I cannot believe how quick it is in here....... I'm trying to keep up! And can't work out the multi-quote button so that doesn't help in the slightest!

AFM; Still spotting, but think I have worked out why! I was supposed to change the nasal spray over to the second spray on Sunday, but completely forgot! Apparently, although there is still medication in the spray, it may not give the full exact dose, so maybe thats why! Luckily I remembered last night and have changed over. Hopefully it won't set me back at my scan next week and I have still DRd sufficiently!
Another brain fart to add to the collection!
I can't do the multi quote thing either monkey! :dohh:
Afam, it is all so confusing! I don't know that your symptoms would mean cysts, necessarily. I think most women don't even know when cysts are present, because they're so common. I was mentioning it more as another out-of-the-blue issue that can end up adding several weeks to the IVF cycle start. I don't think cysts would delay AF, though.

If it helps, I'm still waiting too. A solid week of feeling PMS-y/crampy, 2 neg HPTs...no AF!

I can't do the multi quote thing either monkey! :dohh:

Snow- oh no! hopefully it wasn't a long flight! :) I do wonder what these pg ladies think of us... :dohh:
and 9 days of work in a row? EW! you DO need that goblet! Friday is only 2 days away friend!

Ash- so exciting! I can't wait to hear what the ovary summary is! Hopefully you have many little fellows growing away in there! let us know!

Sept- what is this about cysts? I wonder if that could be my problem?? could cysts cause LH to rise?
I have been doing OPKs since yesterday and the line on them does seem to be getting darker. and I have had some pain/discomfort in my left ovary (what feels like ovulation pain) so I just assumed I was ovulating.
I spoke with the Dr last night and he didnt have his chart in front of him but says it is weird that my progesterone would be so high so soon. (uh? does it?) and told me to come in on friday if I want to to try to figure it out.
maybe I should go??
I started spotting a tiny bit this am too which is odd if I was ovulating, or close to it.
so confused...
BAHUMBUG! stupid AF... thanks for the advice ladies. I have an appointment on Friday which at the very least I can use to tell the Dr how I am feeling about all of this. I think it is a good idea to get it off my chest and I can gage his reaction to see if he is responsive or not.

as for multi-Quotes: you click on the multiquote button of each of the ones you are quoting and the LAST person you are quoting you click the 'reply with quote' button.
I don't use it too often as it makes the post so darned long and since my posts tend to be on the long side... :) you catcha ma drifta.
Well acupuncture was amazing again, I LOVE this new lady. I think that it why I am ovulating 'on time' normally my cycles tend to be on the long side, and it seems to be happening sooner than usual. so unless something is majorly wrong or whatever, I think the acu is helping my body to act normally. go figure! I was doing it for stress! :D

here is what I think happened to me by the by. (sherlocking it)
I think that the provera kick started the lining off early and even though it wasn't as much blood my old AFs, it was enough that in addition to having spotted for 2 whole weeks didn't leave me with my of a lining and so the spotting after I finished the hormones WAS my AF (what was left of the lining)
I should have gone in for an u/s when I called them to tell them it was acting funny (when I first started asking for help) and I would have seen a thin lining, and started BCP on time and already be a week+ into it. but instead, my body kept functioning and the O train took off. (thanks to acupuncture which is normalizing my abnormal body)
so good to write it out! It really makes sense to me.

I think he is going to take a look and tell me it looks like I am O'ing/have O'ed. I'm going to start taking my temp too once I think I have O'd and then I can have a good guess when AF will start. and HOPEFULLY I will have a normal AF this time (or shark week as my favorite blogger puts it) HA! :haha: shark week.. that kills me.

so I am feeling OH so much better and more accepting of what is rather than fighting it and I feel much more calm and ok with it all. It blows but I have waited this long, 3 more weeks isn't going to kill me. and there might be more hiccups on the road, so this is me- trying to roll with the punches and try not to get knocked the F out.

sees what I iz sayin' about long posts??? :dohh:
Familygal - good plan on going in on Friday. We pay enough money that they owe us some time. Great positive attitude, I need to remember that mantra.

Septbride - I really hope af shows up soon. I toohave been feeling crampy and pm's like, sucks...just want af so I have an excuse.

Ash - looking forward to the update.

L4 - I plan on being totally selfish this weekend. I seriously need to unwind. Every 5 weeks I go on call and it requires running the weekend mtgs. I finish on call tomorrow and then it's Friday and goblet time...lol.

I had a cyst after a few iui's and I wouldn't have known it was there if the magic probe didn’t find it. It didn't delay af for me.
Morning ladies!

You aren't wrong about this thread moving quickly. A lot going on so am sorry if i miss anyone out as the other ladies have said I am thinking and rooting for you all thoughout this whole process!:kiss:

Afamilygal - What a confusing time for you :wacko: Its really good to see you have a positive attitude to all of this and I am a true believer in things happen for a reason, it just wasnt the right time for you to start this month and your :bfp: is on its way next month :hugs:

Ash - Looking forward to seeing your post after your appt :kiss:

Sept & Snow - Hope :witch: appears very soon for you.

Think i would like to join you all in the Goblet

AFM - No change still impatiently waiting!!!!! If all goes to plan I should have the :witch: making an appearance next weekend, if this is the case which im not holding my breathe, but am going to call clinic if it is the case as my appt isnt til 26th and dont want to wait that long for appt. VERY impatient at the moment!!!!!!! xx

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