Incompetent Cervix - stitch/cerclage - threatened labour

So time for my scan update I suppose baby is head down I'm approximately a cm dilated I now have 1.9cm of cervix left with funneling. So in 4weeks I've now lost 1cm of cervix and I'm funneling again as well as have some dilation. I need to make a doctors appointment and go for a second round of steroids. She also hasn't grown much but she's still on par for her gestation.
Hey ladies, just came to update with my scan results from yesterday. My fluid levels are still considered normal/low so I will continue to be scanned every 3 weeks until they either are just considered "normal" or I deliver. Right now everything with the baby is good, they are estimating that she weighs 3lb 6oz. According to the abdominal ultrasound yesterday my cervix was fine, they didn't do transvaginal this time because they wont after 26 weeks. I'll get manually checked from my regular OB on Friday.

Katlin-1.9 is still a decent length for where you are, I've been running across so many stories lately of women going to term on nothing. I'd say losing 1cm in a month isn't terrible at your gestation, my doctors all say you should naturally start to shorten at this gestation anyways. Heck, I lost a cm in a week at 24 weeks and have somehow managed to stay stable from there so lets hope you stabilize now. My MFM yesterday also told me that 1-2 cm dilation at this point isn't a big deal after a first pregnancy. I was nervous about the dilation but she told me it really isn't concerning to her....we shall see I guess. Just hope to keep pushing on until 32 weeks...
Hi ladies, had another follow up cervix check today. No changes to report. My cervix is still very high up, same length, 1-2 cm dilated. I might skip next weeks cervix check depending on symptoms. My OB said its really good that my cervix is so high, sign that the pressure isn't on my cervix too much right now. Feeling more hopeful for 32 weeks. My emotions are still up and down depending on the day.

How are you feeling Katlin? I didn't see your second message about calcifications on your cervix, did they say what that means or if it means anything?
I had strong contractions today for like an hour that passed had increased discharge but theyve stopped now, as for the calcifications I don't have a clue about them and ive kinda been bad and have missed two doctors appointments so I gotta make sure I go this week cause I have no idea what's going on with my body right now. Put myself and the pregnancy on the back burner the last two weeks but I figure sometimes that's what you gotta do.
19 weeks and had my anatomy scan today. Baby looked great, measuring over a week ahead. :) we were tempted to find out gender but we resisted.

Cervix is 2.5 cm and closed from the outside, stitch holding fine. But from the inside there is a tiny bit of funneling. They want me to take it easy this week and go back Monday for a follow-up scan.
Hope everyone is doing ok and managing to rest up, without going too crazy! My cervix measured over 3 cm yesterday and no funneling, so the doc doesn't want to see me for another month. I hope I don't go crazy wondering in the month, but with my cervix being stable so far, in spite of the surgery and the stitches falling out, I'm going to think positive. 24 weeks today - viability!
That's amazing twinkle! And what a great length! I'm so happy your having such great luck with things remaining stable.

Had a doctors appointment yesterday she says everything is looking great and is opting to send me for one more ultrasound kinda happy cause I like seeing her on the screen lol. Also was given an induction timeline if she doesn't come before of 37 weeks so between march 13-21 due to me having fast labors aswell as some other small reasons so regardless baby will be here within 8 weeks!!! I'm absolutely off my rocker excited!
Ahhh so exciting Kaitlin.... and so glad you got to see the Doc! Hope your discomfort has eased. So far not too bad for me, but I am getting huge fast. I foresee misery in month 8 and beyond if I get there.
Bahaha yeh I've found the last two weeks trying and uncomfortable. I find using an old sheet and belly binding helps a lot just kinda holds up the extra weight when I'm mobile. Just keep making small goals twinkle and it really does seem as long either I'm happy you've made it really to what I considered the biggest goal viability, your baby really has a great fighting chance now which is awesome! Just think you literally have less then half The time you've already done honestly I think this is kinda my mantra I'm constantly reminding myself this. Also you get bigger faster with it not being your first! I'm so excited for all of us!
Twinklie - yay for 24 weeks! 3cm is great! :) Hopefully it stays like that for a long time. Once I hit 24 I think my doctor is also going to stop checking the length for a while.
So glad to see everyone is doing well and hanging in there. I have gone from looking bloated just 2 weeks ago to OMG you look like you're going to pop. The pressure i feel when i stand after sitting for a while has me convinced that I am not going to make it to 40 weeks. I have 12 more days until the cerclage is removed and I'm just hoping he doesn't come then. Its interesting how we worry from the moment we get a positive, and just hope to make it to the next week. Next thing you know you are in your third trimester wondering if you prepared. My biggest regret is never taking the time to enjoy pregnancy. My first was born so soon I couldn't, the 2nd I was so afraid something would happen that I didnt, and this 3rd and final pregnancy between working full time, finishing up my degree, parenting a 4 year old and a 18 month old, etc. I woke up one morning and realized I've barely even acknowledged that I was pregnant. So I plan to send these last few weeks enjoying pregnancy, every uncomfortable moment.
Okay so after my appointment Monday, I was a little nervous but mostly feeling confident. My MFM told me she expected that I would make it past viability by the current state of my cervix and how well my cerclage is holding. At 2.5 then. I was concerned last night so I went to L&D because I was a little worried that I was having contractions. The doctor there basically stripped all my hope. Didn't check me on the monitor and said that even if I was having contractions there was nothing they could do. :/ He also said I'm about 80% effaced and soft, which I guess isn't unheard of with IC, but just made me stress even more. My doctors never prescribed bedrest but I'm so worried and can't think of anything else to do. :(
Tcinks I can't remember but do they have you on progesterone? I was also low and soft and with rest and 200mg of vaginal progesterone I gained length as well my cervix hardened back up. Definitely get off your cervix lay down, lay down, lay down! Also push for vaginal progesterone if your not on it already I swear its the thing of miracles.
Thank you for the encouraging words. I am definitely laying down most of the day. I am on the shots but plan on bringing up the suppositories with my doctor Monday.

Do you also have a stitch?
I don't have a stitch resting as much as I could has been my savior I also put a thin pillow under my hips when laying down. I was told the suppositories were better for direct absorption so it may actually help more with hardening your cervix back up! I also sat at 3.5 cm dilated 80% effaced low cervix and fully engaged with my son from 33-39 weeks pregnant. You still have a good chance of getting past viability but I don't recommend lifting over 7lbs walking further than your bathroom, and laying with your hips partially raised. I think if you can do your best to do that you'll have alot better of a chance.
No cleaning, no vacuuming have hubby prepare meals and leave snacks at your resting spot as well as a cooler with drinks pretty much anything to avoid getting up and moving.
Oh and something my doctor recommended for calming my contractions at home was to take two Tylenol with codiene because apparently codiene relaxes your muscles which in turn relaxes contractions, I don't know if that is an option for you cause we get it over the counter here in Canada
Thanks so much!! How far are you now? I also have a cerclage in so hopefully that helps a little more, as well. I definitely have been just laying down most of the time, hubby is wonderful and handles meals and cleaning. So basically just up to go to the bathroom, and shower a few times a week. Unfortunately I don't think we have that OTC. :/ The only time I've had it before is in the hospital. I'm almost 19 weeks but baby is measuring about a week and a half ahead. Not sure if that really makes a difference, but I'm hoping that means he or she is getting good and strong so that if I do end up delivering early, he or she will have a better chance for survival.

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