So glad to see everyone is doing well and hanging in there. I have gone from looking bloated just 2 weeks ago to OMG you look like you're going to pop. The pressure i feel when i stand after sitting for a while has me convinced that I am not going to make it to 40 weeks. I have 12 more days until the cerclage is removed and I'm just hoping he doesn't come then. Its interesting how we worry from the moment we get a positive, and just hope to make it to the next week. Next thing you know you are in your third trimester wondering if you prepared. My biggest regret is never taking the time to enjoy pregnancy. My first was born so soon I couldn't, the 2nd I was so afraid something would happen that I didnt, and this 3rd and final pregnancy between working full time, finishing up my degree, parenting a 4 year old and a 18 month old, etc. I woke up one morning and realized I've barely even acknowledged that I was pregnant. So I plan to send these last few weeks enjoying pregnancy, every uncomfortable moment.