Inconceivable and beyond :-)

2have, no scans in between? They should scan you at 14-15 weeks to make sure growth and blood flow is good? It could just be they scan more here but I had one every two weeks until 28 weeks and then weekly. That was protocol for Di/Di twins:thumbup:

Vonn, hopefully nothing to worry about, always something in these cycle to drive us crazy:wacko:
Hi Vonn, lupron works by sending your sustem into overdrive and then it naturally has nothing left and shuts down. The first part of a Lupron cycle sends your hormones to the top of the roller coaster and then your body falls to the bottom after that. I can't quite remember now but I thought I always did mine on cd 1 and then started estrogen. I seem to remember taking Northisterone to force AF and then following up with Lupron but I have 3/4 of a brain right now so maybe some of the other ladies can remember when they took lupron?

If your lining doesn't look right you'd think she'd order a sono. But why are yhey wanting a perfect lining right now? It's cd30 and your cervix would be closed. I don't really understand their timing? I've always had a transfer, fredh or frozen between cd16-21. Lupron, estrogen, lining check and then progesterone for 5 days, then transfer. Let us know how things go for you, my fingers toes and everything is crossed for you!!

Crystal because I'm only with my GP right now I think I've had less monitoring. She wanted the OB to take over by Aug 5 but somehow they only open their doors to pregnant women around the 24 week mark. Even still then I'm early going. You'd think with twins they'd take a little more care. How are you? Keeping busy with those angels of yours?
Oh yeah for sure 2have, I was in a twin clinic and had monitoring from week 12, I'm surprised they are so lax about it.. Craziness :)

Yeah so busy with the girls we wake up and it feels like it's bedtime again lol! Their doing wonderfully though :)
Canada's healthcare system is overtaxed as the Conservatives systematically ran it down in hopes of getting American privatized healthcare. That's the understanding in my province anyways. And so for that reason and many many more they've been voted out on both national and provincial levels, even locally lol. So we have some rebuilding to do before we'll see things get better here.

I can imagine things will be busy and time will fly with twins. What's going to happen with two sets?

Boopin that sounds like a fun day! Do you and your DH also play cards and stuff like that? DH and I love playing Canasta and board games. We've been dying to play board games like Blokus, Apples to Apples, Scotland Yard, Clue, Mouse Trap, etc with our own kids. Imagine the fun of going to the amusement park or Disney World with your very own kids? I've almost outgrown the thrill of camping with my creaky body but I'll make sure I have a comfortable sleeping pad so that it's fully enjoyable with children. Now lets see you get your bfp so we can stop dreaming and start the clock to when the fun happens!
Hey Vonn, sorry I am a bit confused with your cycle too. Did you get a treatment plan before started your Meds which should give you a breakdown of your protocol? I never took Lupron but a one off prostap injection which basically does the same thing, but your cycle looks different to mine. Mine basically went, BCP, one off prostap injection, stop bcp, AF arrives 5 days later, baseline scan cd2 (check lining thinning, ovaries quiet), donor starts stims, lining check cd11, start progestrone on day of EC. Did you hear from the clinic? I hope everything is ok?

Boopin, your weekend with DH sounds like great fun and I am pleased to hear you enjoyed yourself, you deserve it.

Hope all you ladies are doing well? Have a lovely weekend x
This cycle has been confusing! I think it's at least partially because of me, unfortunately. I had said I preferred not to go on bcp, so long as it didn't mess anything up. My nurse said it would be okay. The Lupron has delayed AF, though. When I talked with the nurse ab doing it this way she had said I should get AF in X number of days. I forgot what that was & should have told her I hadn't gotten it yet before the scan. I don't think she'd have had me do it. Dumb me. But she didn't ask me to confirm, either. Not good communication both ways, but I'm paying her to be sure, she's the expert. She's hoping AF will come this weekend. I have to let her know when it does. We are pushed back about a week, but we can still do it. I went to acu today as whenever AF is close and I do acu, it comes later that day. I really hope it helps. I have my weekly spot on Monday, so I'll try again then, if AF doesn't come before then. I also upped my vit c dose as that could help. C'mon AF!!
Boopin I’m glad to hear you had a good time it sounds like fun, where about’s in the states are you?

Vonn I wasn’t on lupron so don’t know but I am confused with your cycle though, fingers crossed af comes soon
Boopin I’m glad to hear you had a good time it sounds like fun, where about’s in the states are you?

Vonn I wasn’t on lupron so don’t know but I am confused with your cycle though, fingers crossed af comes soon
Northern California
Where abouts are you?? xx

Vonn - How was your ACU appointment??
Boopin--are you waiting on anymore test results?

Pregnant ladies--what's your fave thing ab being pregnant right now, and your least fave thing?? I'd love to hear how it's going for you all!

AFM--still no AF. Boo! I have my regular, weekly acu appt today, so we'll put some more needles in my uterus area and hope it moves things along. Thanks for all the support!
Hi ladies!
Vonn-sorry your cycle is confusing and delayed a week. Hope af comes so you can get this party started!!

Hope everyone else is well!

I'm doing good so far, no spotting or anything, and I have my scan tomorrow which I'll be 7w2d so freaking out nervous!! I hate the first scan, so scared! We were on vacation last week in San Fran which was awesome! I'll update tomorrow on the results! Fx!
stacer - Best of luck tomorrow at your scan!! I'm keeping everything x'd for you!! :hugs::dust:

Vonn - I'm waiting for the results of the AntiPhosphoSerine Ab (IgG/IgM) test. All the other tests have come back normal. I go tomorrow for my water sonogram. If all is cleared, I'll start my next FET cycle. :happydance:
Pregnant ladies--what's your fave thing ab being pregnant right now, and your least fave thing?? I'd love to hear how it's going for you all!

Vonn I really hope AF shows soon for you, do you have a timeline yet for your donor? All the best with acupuncture. My gf has high blood pressure, it's amazing she's the most fit healthy person I know and it's totally genetic but they want her to be induced as the risks are enormous with hbp. So she's doing acupuncture to try to deliver. Lets hope it works for both of you!

My most favourite thing about being pregnant is knowing we'll have our family in Feb, siblings will be here for MacKinley. I can tell, she REALLY needs other little people to interact with, it would benefit her immensely (she's a little social butterfly and Andy and I just don't cut the mustard!)
Least fav thing (can I not name a few?) Feeling so fat as there's no bump yet, feeling nausea now that I'm off prednisone ie when I'm hungry, when I'm eating OMG half way through a meal sometimes I could hurl, especially if I let my hunger get too strong, and the lack of energy only now in second tri because I haven't been able to work out in first tri I've lost alot, am winded all the time etc. Other than that it's wonderful, especially with everyone so excited. Friends, family, co-workers, everyone except for maybe 1 sour lemon is just so nice and happy for us. We're really blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives.
Boopin, I really hope something shows so that you kind of know what's going on. But either way, 3rd time's a charm right? I can't wait for you and all the other ladies to get started! This fall is going to be SO very much fun.

Stacergirl, all the best with your scan, will be stalking to see your results. fx!
Boopin I’m in the UK, we’ve been to a few places in the states but not that side, we love Key West :)

Stacergirl good luck with your scan :happydance:

2have it’s lovely to hear your pregnancy is going well MacKinley play mates will be here before you know it
Stacer--so good to hear from you, can't believe how far along you already are...7 weeks OMG!! Have a great scan and tell us all about it. :winkwink:

Boopin--so excited for you to get started! I think I may be having the same thing you are having tomorrow. Report back, will you? I'm not that familiar with saline sonohystergrams.

2have--Thanks for sharing! The last schedule I was told is retrieval around 1st of Sept and transfer around the 6th. But that was when my nurse thought I'd get AF this last weekend, so we are now pushed out further than that. So who knows...
Hi ladies! Thanks for the well wishes! Unfortunately the fetus stopped growing about a week ago. So now I have to decide if I will have a d&c or natural miscarriage. Anyone have advice or experiences on a d&c? Please share if you don't mind as I think that's what I'm leaning towards. Just don't want to be sitting around waiting for it to happen naturally bc who knows where I'll be. Thanks in advance!
Stacer--oh, no! :cry: Dang it! I am so sorry to read this, how devastating. Heartbreaking decision ahead no matter what. I've got no suggestions, just want to send you a cyber hug. :hugs: Take care of yourself.
Hi ladies! Thanks for the well wishes! Unfortunately the fetus stopped growing about a week ago. So now I have to decide if I will have a d&c or natural miscarriage. Anyone have advice or experiences on a d&c? Please share if you don't mind as I think that's what I'm leaning towards. Just don't want to be sitting around waiting for it to happen naturally bc who knows where I'll be. Thanks in advance!

Hi Stacergirl, I'm so sorry to hear this bad news. Your body must be really trying hard for you but it detected perhaps a fetus that wasn't viable? It's not fair, I'm sorry this happened to you.

To make the decision about a D&C...if you wanted to have the fetus tested for chromosomal problems this is definitely a benefit to having a D&C, they will likely do that for you for free if you have a good medical system. If you don't mind waiting for a mc then you won't have the ability to do this and I don't know how long it could take. Are you still working? It may be inconvenient for you to not know when it'll happen. I really hate D&C's as they don't knock you out completely here in Canada. I made such a fuss, I was crying last time that the anesthesiologist knocked me out completely. It still upsets me even now thinking about it. I was determined to figure out what was going on though, was it the fetus or immune issues. It took them 3 weeks to come back with the labs on the fetus so I got immune tests while waiting. Turns out it was both in that case, fetus had Turners Syndrome and I have serious blood clot issues and won't be able to carry without daily Lovenox.

I've had both a natural mc and D&C, neither are great. In the mean time please take care of yourself. Sending you massive hugs!:hugs::hug:
stacer - Heartbreaking news. I'm so so sorry lovely. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I can tell you from my recent experiences both having a natural mc and a d&c, I preferred the d&c. I had more control over the situation and I recovered quickly. And it sounds like that's what you want, too. Also, like 2have mentioned you have the added benefit of having your pregnancy contents tested if that's what you choose. As far as pain during, I had minimal discomfort (mild cramping). I took a valium and a shot of toradol before the procedure. And naproxen for mild pain after. I was awake the entire time. The procedure only lasts a few minutes and then you're fine to continue your day. I advise you to take it easy 24 hrs post d&c.

Once again, I'm very sorry you have to go through this. We're all here for you stacer. Please take time to take care of yourself and remember that none of this is your fault. Sending you lots of LOVE & HUGS!! XOXO
Stacer, I can't offer any advice but just wanted to say how sorry I am and I am thinking about you. Big hugs x

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