Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Thanks ladies! I called my RE to see when they could even get me in for a d&c but had to leave a message. At first I wanted to do it natural but my re wants to test it since this is my 3rd miscarriage. I'm glad for that bc I want to know what the deal is. But when he said to bring the fetus in, that's when I started leaning towards d&c. So we will see. I'm heartbroken of course. While I didn't necessarily let myself get too excited as a means of protecting myself, I was still excited that my son might be getting a sibling, and that I may be blessed to have another awesome little boy/girl bc my little boy is amazing! And then of course there's the feeling of letting everyone else down. Everyone at the clinic was so excited for me. My family and friends that I did tell we're excited for me. And then I had to tell them about this and I hate it bc I don't want people's pity, you know? But this just sucks ladies! Miscarriages in general suck and infertility sucks. I know each and everyone of you feels the same. It's just not fair! Sending hugs to all! Xo
Stacer--how sweet you are sending us all hugs when you are dealing with the absolute pits. GL with your decision and your healing.

Sienna--I forgot to ditto love for Key West. It's where DH and I went on our honeymoon. We had a blast! It's great if you want to party like crazy, or if that's not your thing (we're not real party people) -- we felt like there's something for everyone.

Guess what?!?! AF arrived! My mood increased immensely as soon as I started spotting. :thumbup:
Vonn-glad to hear you can move forward! Good luck!!

Sienna-I love key west too! It's about 7 hours from me so we vacation there a lot. There's something for everyone as long as you like the beach! It'll be pretty hot too! Florida heat is the worst! That's why we got out and went to San Fran on our vacation!

Of course dh keeps asking what caused this to happen. Was it me flying last week, walking too much, etc. of course these thoughts already went through my head. I started spotting a little, but I'm hoping I can gat the d&c in time although not sure at this point! Waiting to hear back from Doctor.
Stacer--I think it's totally natural for both DH and you to want to know why & what caused it. When it's happening to our bodies and others are questioning, it is REALLY hard to not feel guilt and blame, even though we shouldn't and even though those asking probably do not blame us, either. They are just hurting, too, and want answers just like we do. Did the Dr get back to you yet?

AFM--Bad news for me, I think. I had a saline sonohysterogram today and the dr who did it says there is debris on one side of my uterus and a possible polyp on the other side. She recommends a D&C and then a cycle off after that to heal. Hopefully, the results have now been sent to my IVF clinic, so tomorrow I will find out if they see & recommend the same. In the meantime, I scheduled the surgery for next Friday, just to get it on the books.

I am super disappointed. I cried alone in the exam room, pulled myself together and walked out to see a hugely pregnant woman and her doting husband, and then a cute mom pushing a baby stroller with a cute baby. Just keep piling it on, universe, that's so lovely of you. :gun:

BTW, the doc said my cervix was being very stubborn so she had to really pry it open and it hurt like the dickens. I wasn't really expecting any pain and the pain was quite bad.
Ohh Vonn that sounds like a bucket of pitts! Keep on keeping on though, I wish you luck with your surgery. The debris, is that scarring or endo or something like that? Sorry to hear about the bad news. Maybe you'll be delayed but you're setting yourself up for success by getting everything checked out. Good things come to those who wait. That's a crumby saying I know, I'm such an impatient person myself and you've been SO patient! Hopefully the time flies by quickly.
Oh vonn! I'm so sorry Hun! I know it feels like another road block but at least it was found now before another cycle! Take care of this and then move forward!!! I guess we may both be having d&c? Am I being a baby by being scared of it? Lol I totally feel I am!
hi all!

stacer - I'm so sorry. Ugh, what a kick in the gut. I do agree with the others, though - I haven't had a natural m/c but I did have a D&C and I liked the control I had. Schedule it, you know when it's coming. I was knocked out for it so it was a breeze (except the first time I went, the heart was still beating so they had to send me home. Awesome, huh?) Will you be knocked out for it? if so, seriously - it's a good nap. And I only had minor cramping afterwards, for not very long.

vonn - omg, they had to pry MY cervix open too!! clamps and all - it was awful!! Same as the first one I had to have (last year after the D&C). I hate that thing. The HSG was a breeze compared to that.

2have - I liked your notes on what you love/don't love about being preg! :)
Will join you all here.

After failed IVF OE last August and a year of heartache, starting IVF DE. Starting Lupron maybe Monday, donor to stimm early September, with fresh transfer hopefully third week September. We are doing a shared (2:1) cycle and are secondary recipient. Donor is first time, not proven. Has been difficult getting someone from my background. If less that 10 eggs, only primary couple gets eggs. Donor's resting follicle is about 22 and she's young, 22. They say it looks really good.

Trying not to be pessimistic but scared to be optimistic and don't know how to stay neutral. Emotionally and $, can't do more after this. This took our adoption option off too due to many reasons as we were about to start that long journey until got call from clinic..
Hi PS, gl to you! There's always fet donor embryo options which are usually 1/2 as expensive as DE ivf and extremely high rates of success. But lets see you get your bfp in Sept shall we!
Stacergirl I’m so sorry, sending you :hug::hug::hug:

Vonn how disappointing for you, the bright side your lining is going to be good for your embryos to give you the best chance of success.

PS57002 welcome and good luck with your cycle
Oh no Vonn, what a disappointment. Have you had any word back from your clinic yet? Patience really is a virtue when it comes to IVF isn't it?

Stacer, how are you doing?

PS - welcome, I wish you well with your cycle x

Anyone else got any updates? X
Hi ladies!
Tomorrow is the d&c. My RE couldn't get me in until the 30th so i scheduled with my ob who delivered my son instead. My birthday is this coming Friday so I want this to be behind me by then. Plus my dh is going to be out of town a couple nights this week and didn't want it to naturally happen while he wasn't here. Today I wasn't doing so well but I'm ok now. I'm sure tomorrow I'll get worse since its at noon and I have to be there at 10. Glad you all had decent experiences (well except 2-have who was awake) so that's good to hear! I hope I'm in and out like a hysteroscopy or egg retrieval!

I'll write more tomorrow but I hope you're all doing well!
Gl Stacergirl, mine went ok because they knocked me right out. If I hadn't put up a fuss I would have been awake. I've done enough of those things awake, I just wasn't in the mood for it that time!!

Hi to all. I hope everyone had a great weekend.
This is a hug from me to you, to let you know I'm thinking of you! <3
Sorry I haven't been around for the last week.

Stacergirl, I am so sorry lovely, it so cruel this has to happen. I am wishing you a quick and painless procedure tomorrow and I will be thinking of you.

Vonn, it's one thing after another isn't it. Good luck on Friday, I am glad this has been found before the transfer and I hope you can move forward with the cycle asap.

Boopin, how are things progressing for you?

PS, Welcome, I hope we can offer you some support on your DE journey, wishing you the best of luck.

Hi to everyone else, hope all is well xx
Stacer--thinking of you for tomorrow! :hug: Take care and heal quickly.

Bluebell & Pinkie--Thanks for the well wishes. How are your pregnancies going? I'd love to hear how your pregnancies are going!

Sienna--when do you get started?

Wish--as I lay there in pain during the saline sono, I wondered if other ladies find clamping and dialating of their cervixes as painful as I did. Good to hear I'm not alone, or a total wimp! Thanks, my friend. :hugs:

PS57002--Welcome & good luck!

AFM--I am having the hysteroscopy/D&N this Friday. My IVF nurse confirmed it looked like a possible polyp and no one wants to take any chances (me included). They will move forward with the donor, so we either had to take frozen eggs, or provide a sperm sample so they can create embryos to freeze. We are opting for the embryos, so DH will fly out for egg retrieval (tentatively Sept 2) to provide a sample. We could have shipped a sample, but we were too nervous that something would go wrong. We want to give ourselves the best chance possible, which means an extra trip for DH. At least we don't lose the donor, keeping her was vital at this point as there are no others we are very interested in.
Vonn-I'm glad you are making progress. September 2nd will be here in no time. Not sure if you have had a d&C before, can't recall, but I Had mine today and I can honestly say it was a piece of care. Similar to a hysteroscopy as I have no pain at all. So all the best for you on Friday!!

The procedure was uneventful, quick and painless! I'm doing well. I got there at 10am, registered, went to pre-op and then procedure was over around 130. I left the hospital close to 3. I hadn't eaten since 11pm the night before so I was starving and even though she told me to ease into my diet, I ate an entire sub, I was that hungry. I did have saltines and sprite before I left though so that probably helped. It feels weird to have gone in with the fetus and leave without it...I'm doing okay emotionally so far. They asked if we wanted to have a funeral-we opted out of that only because it only made it to 6 weeks so likely never even had a heartbeat. If it was later in the pregnancy I probably would have considered it. But they are testing it for chromosomal abnormalities. So we will see what the results show.

As always, hope everyone is well. Going to head back to bed, talk more later! Thanks for all of the support!
Stacergirl, I'm so glad to hear it was quick & painless. Did they knock you out?

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