Pinkie--17 weeks already. Yay! Are you starting to have a bump?
2have--sorry to be a total begger of information, but I'm intrigued by the possibility of using Norethisterone. Would you be willing to share with me exactly what your meds were for the lead-up to your twins Reprofit cycle? I'd prefer to go to my nurse with some knowledge of specifics related to how it's used for an FET cycle, rather than just, "I've heard of this drug..." I'd really appreciate it! Thanks for being such a good resource.
Crystal has the best diet & protocol by far that I've heard so far from any b&b ladies, and I think by now she may have even started hers as she's up soon in November. The only thing I haven't been so good at was taking calcium but I've tried to do better coming into second tri as I now also supplement with a liquid Cal + Mag in the morning. But taking most of my advice from her with the drugs that I could get my hands on, this was my protocol:
Northisterone is progesterone based, you take it for a certain amount of time I think 10 days (I will check for you all of the details when I get home from work tonight on my pill box), and then your AF is guaranteed to come 7-8 days later.
For the protocol I was on
-Prednisone 30 mg starting cd1, take in the morning as it can mess with your sleep. Try Magnesium at night if it does mess with your sleep.
-Lupron injections starting cd1
-Estrogen starting cd1 (5 mg 3x/day)
-Progesterone injections 5 days before transfer, 5 days is minimum any less and the coordinator would refuse the transfer (there was almost a mix up with my transfer as the coordinator didn't give me the specific date to start taking it so they had to bump my transfer back by 1 day - talk about stress!)
-Pregvit which breaks the calcium and iron into 2 pills and has iodine. I also take another iron tab with the pink (iron) pregvit pill.
EmergenC when I take the iron tabs at night. Also helps you avoid getting sick while prednisone knocks out your immune system. But my main reason is to help iron absorb.
liquid calcuim + mag in the morning with the blue Pregvit pill.
-Folate 5mg/day until 2nd tri when I reduced it to 3 mg/day as there's new evidence that too much B12 and folate (5-10mg folate) have links to autism. Pregvit also has 1mg folic acid.
B complex by AOR SO many B complexes have made me nauseated over the years, this one is super easy to digest and absorb.
Diet-wise, you seem to eat much like I do for an anti-candida, anti-inflammatory diet. Avoid sugary drinks ie juice and pop, avoid white processed foods white bread, pasta, white rice, desert things, crackers, chips etc. Lots of veggies, curries, turmeric, high protein dairy (avoid fruit flavours as they have the same amount of sugar as candy bars - plain greek with protein more than carb content), fruits, I love spicy foods and always add hot peppers to my stir fries, they're right at the top of the chain for anti-inflammatory foods as are ginger & garlic. I was having decaf coffee in the morning until the pregnancy took over my love of the stuff. Now my head craves it but my mouth & taste buds tell me no! no! no!
Lots of fresh air, good movies, love and laughter!
I hope that helps a little Vonn, wishing you all the best! LOTS of healthy eggies