Inconceivable and beyond :-)

2have, how are you going? Did you end up getting in for another scan? That's terrible and I forgot to mention because I had scans every few weeks it was actually how they caught my gestational diabetes. Both girls measured normal at one scan and by the next they both had quite big bellies which is warning bells for GD, I did have it and wouldn't have know for weeks if I hadn't had the scans.
Hi Crystal, I have gestational diabetes in a much worse way than last year. When I have carbs I get nauseated instantly and they leave the absolute worst taste in my mouth. I've been living on veggies and protein. I was starved last Saturday after a whole day of painting the rental property, we went out for a meal and 1/4 of the way through I nearly threw up right there at our table. I think the bun was too much. I had another burger during the week without the bun and was totally fine. Any but of rice, bread, noodles makes me want to hurl. I had to stop eating my high protein granola cereal months ago as it had a rancid sour taste.

I'm going to refuse to do the sugar drink test as it would send me straight to the can, and simply start testing my blood sugars after every meal. I meet with my GP who's still in charge of my care until Sept 15th and will ask her why I'm nit getting more frequent scans.
stacer - I'm thinking of you, sweetheart. Sending you lots of hugs. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
2have the only thing Inwould warn you about is with twins you need carbs, what happens is you have carbs so it's a bit trickier, when are you supposed to go and have your glucose test? I just think it's terrible that your being left to take care of yourself. Will you get a dietician to help with your nutricional requirements? I was in a group with ladies all having singletons and their carbs were cut dramatically but mine weren't because of the extra requirments. Your totally right though you'll feel awful eating carbs until your glucose is sorted. Mine was controlled with insulin, keep me updated!

With all this talk lately about anti-inflammatory diets, it got me wondering... Do any of you have a specific book, special diet i.e. ketogenic, meal plans, recipes, etc... that you can recommend and/or share? I'm going to Barnes & Noble tomorrow to pick up a book on anti-inflammatory diets. I'd like to change my diet ASAP, would appreciate any recommendations.

Thanks :flow:
Hi Boopin, I'm sorry I rarely purchase books these days. I've just read about keto and paleo diets over the last few years. I get all my recipes off Pinterest now. From what I know, they cut out sugar and white processed foods like pasta, bread, white rice etc, sweets are made from thinks that don't cause inflammatory/insulin spikes like coconut flour, oil, etc and the diets focus on giving you proteins, veg and healthy fats to burn rather than simple carbs/sugar.

Crystal I've contacted my OB to try to bump up my appointment. Fx!

That's frustrating not to know what is going on. It's good that doctor is covering all bases for next cycle. Third time is the charm!!!

Vonn how did it go today?

Now you have me thinking of my diet too.

I've changed my diet a bit this time. I try to avoid sugars but not totally out of my diet. I've reduced caffeine minus that half a cup in am. I know i have thyroid/hashimotos issues (in control with meds). Plus last 3 years or so i've dealt with torn ankle ligaments/surgery, bad knees, and now slipped and now some shoulder wrist issue (slipped 2 weeks ago). Besides that I am always stressed so I've always felt i have an overactive immune system that is going crazy on me.

So lately i've focused on eating much more fruits vegetables (i'm vegetarian) and include smoothies, follate instead of folic prenatal. I take turmeric milk to reduce inflammation related to joint pains etc. more nuts and berries. Anything else I can do?

Just feel my immune is a bit whacky. Oh and trying little bit of yoga now too to reduce stress. What do you all do?
Ps it sounds like you're turning your whole life around! I love yoga for stress, massage & magnesium do me wonders too. Good job:flower: if you're vegetarian the only thing I'd watch is that you're getting B12 supplements and 71g of protein/day. is s fantastic resource for measuring how much protein is in the foods you eat. My mom is a vegetarian and she not only needs to take protein shakes but she takes liquid calcium/magnesium as there's not enough in her diet to prevent Osteoporosis. She doesn't eat soy or dairy either, soy mimicks estrogen, something that is NOT healthy for pre/post menopausal women. Are you on pinterest? I'd love to see your recipes. I'm always looking for new things to cook for when she comes over. She made me a bean veggie soup that I can't wait to dig into!
Boopin--I don't have a book to recommend, either. Sorry! I am just an avid and thorough Googler, which can be pretty hit or miss. I also use Pinterest quite a bit to find recipes. Paleo & Whole 30 diets are basically whole foods diets that cut out sugar and simple starches, so they are good search terms to use on Pinterest or Google. Grass-fed, pasture-raised, no antibiotics, organic foods are gonna be way better for you. Grass-fed bone broth or grass-fed collagen/gelatin is very healing. Good for you for jumping in and making the diet change!

PS--I was going to recommend bone broth/collagen/gelatin, but I guess if it's sourced from animals you wouldn't eat it. Hmmm... Make sure you are buying organic. Aloe Vera juice is also supposed to be anti-inflammatory.

I'm learning more about resistant starch & am starting to incorporate that into my diet. It's starch that is not broken down in your stomach or small intestine, but stays intact until it gets to the colon, where it serves as food for the good bacteria. I have tigernuts/tigernut flour, an excellent source of resistant starch that was a key food eaten by our paleo ancestors. But resistant starch can be very bad if someone has SIBO or IBS or Crohn's....because it can get broken down before making it to the colon and feeding bad guys instead.

2have--good luck getting the gestational diabetes sorted. Doesn't sound fun. Do you have a bump now? You had asked me about NAC. The integrative Dr that I go to ran many tests (blood, urine, saliva, poo) and uncovered a whole host of problems, deficiencies, etc. NAC is one of the MANY supplements/vitamins she has me on. I spent thousands on vitamins last year. It's insane. DH just shakes his head.

AFM--the surgery went fine. I feel good. The Dr says it was residual stuff leftover from the surgery from last year. Because they don't want to dig too deep and cause scarring, she thinks the Dr last year didn't quite get the whole polyp/fibroid out. I had a monitored IUI cycle last December with multiple ultrasounds and two ultrasounds in May, and no one noticed this before. Not sure if it's because it didn't show up or if no one else was as conscientious as this Dr. I'm glad it's all out now. The Dr. that did the surgery said to wait one complete cycle before the FET cycle. My IVF nurse said she'll have me start Lupron on day 21 of my next cycle. I'm CD12, so hopefully this cycle stays on track and doesn't go all whacky.
Vonn I'm not cycling till the end of the year now, hoping for hysteroscopy October then transfer November, it’ll depend on my cycle and when I can get time off work.

Stacergirl I’m glad it all went well

Pinkie I’m glad to hear is all going well, will you be finding out the sex?

Ps57002 good luck with your cycle

Bluebell lovely to hear you’ve hit 24 weeks, enjoy the shopping

2have I totally agree with you, if you tell kids from a young age it becomes normal for them. It must be awful for people to find out as an adult and have their world turned upside down.

Boopin I’m sorry you haven’t got an answer it must be very frustrating, the only thing I can think of additional is infection screening have you had this done? Serum use menstrual blood to test for infections in the uterus.
Sienna, Thank you!

Vonn, Yes I am against gelatin unless i can't avoid it due to being a capsule with meds etc. Your post gives me more to think of in terms of starch and diets etc. BTW how are you holding up. I can imagine maybe you a bit disappointed with the delays but at least they got it all out and gives you a chance to get your body in best shape it needs to be for a healthy and successful IVF coming up.

2Have4Kids, I think I am ok with protein. Been vegetarian my whole life. i do have dairy and occasionally eggs (unless i get turned off by some bad hardboiled eggs if you know what i mean). I stopped eating eggs past couple of days due to lupron having messed up my tummy big time. I am trying to have more beans/chick peas, avacados, greek yogurt (big on protein). I need to supplement my calcium intake though and watch for the B12 like you said. Sorry I am not on pinterest. My recipes I like to google a lot online. Mom always tried to teach me but i would run away. I like to experiment with food and my recipes are never the same if you know what i mean. My poor hubby will sometimes say make this again, and it never comes out the same again lol.
Sienna--did you have a delay? Were you always planning a hysteroscopy in October?

ps--hope the tummy feels better!

2have (& anyone else)--when you did your DE FET, what was your protocol? How far out were you confident enough about timing to book flights/hotel, etc? I am totally getting ahead of myself since we don't have any embryos yet, but I just can't help thinking about it and wanting to have a rough estimate in my mind.
Vonn with Reprofit we can book months in advance, with either fresh or frozen they have their timing down. With Serum it all depended on when my cycle came, they wanted to transfer between cd18-21 (as most clinics do) but there wasno protocol beforehand to get the timing set. That was the same with their fresh cycles, it was very expensive and stressful. So in my experience, it depends on the clinic ypu're going to. If they're considerate they will give you a bcp or northisterone protocol to keep the timing simple & organized for you.

PS I'm not vegetarian and I have a hard time getting my 71g in everyday:haha: I've never considered beans, cheese, avacado proteins since they're typically below 20% protein (80%+ carb) and you'd literally need to eat buckets full to satisfy a pregnant woman's protein requirements. It's a little like iron, to satisfy a pregnant lady's daily iron needs you'd need to eat 28 heaping plates of spinach. And ungortunayely spinach sourced iron isn't easily digested. So nix ~ 25% for poor absorption and we're still at a deficit. I use fitday to breakdown my diet for me and even with protein in meat form I'm barely able to meet my nutritional goals.

Edit: just got an appt with my OB for Thursday rather than Sept 16. Very relieved. Will discuss GD with her & check babies heartbeats:bunny::bunny:
Vonn – yes I’ve had a delay, we decided to change clinic and had a long wait for new donors and one we were not happy with, by the time we had two donors we liked it was July and I couldn’t get any time off work in August and already had our holiday booked for September. Which is why hysteroscopy October then transfer November, although at the minute just reading round things as I found some info suggesting your better to leave a month gap between the hysteroscopy and the transfer, anyone have thoughts info on this?
2have--Thanks. I had asked for no bcp last time because they are so high in estrogen (and candida loves estrogen). Lupron alone delayed my period, which would have pushed things back by a week if the surgery hadn't royally messed timing up. When I go out for FET I want to schedule it a month in advance, buy tickets, and not stress about whether the timing will actually work. I guess I have to do the bcp + the Lupron. Blerggghhh. I'll have to talk with the nurse about this.

Sienna--Sorry to hear of the troubles! My surgery was a hysteroscopy with D&C to remove polyp debris. My IVF nurse said her plan is to have me start on Lupron on CD21 of my next cycle, take it for a bit, get AF, prep with estrogen, transfer. So, it will mean sitting out the remainder of this cycle and next cycle (I will start meds during it, but won't transfer til the following one). I'm hoping this current cycle is a normal length, then the next one will be manipulated with meds.

Point of comparison: Last year when I had this surgery the first time, the cycle of the surgery was 30 days (normal for me). The next cycle was 60 days long, anovulatory. I was supposed to have an IUI and the clinic I was at then wanted me to have a normal cycle first, so I had to wait another cycle (which ended up being a normal length). My surgery was in August and my last IUI was in December. (AF came on Christmas Day. Grrr...) I got the feeling that is was very unusual for my cycle after the surgery to be so messed up, but it can happen and I wish I had been warned. That's why I'm glad I'll be starting meds on the first full cycle post-surgery this time around. No chance for my body to go haywire. I don't trust it.
Sienna I too have heard that it's best to wait one cycle after any surgery inside the uterus to ensure it heals properly before transfer. I'm sorry to hear the timing has been delayed. It's disappointing when you're expecting things to happen in a reasonable amount of time.

Vonn, there is an alternative to Lupron. Northisterone is a progesterone based drug that, according to my coordinator at Reprofit, can make a dead old man have AF:rofl:
And it works! Within 7-8 days my AF has always come no matter where I am in a cycle. It's the method I chose before this twins cycle @ Reprofit. I hate Lupron and there is a lifetime limit as to how many doses a person can take. That says alot. And I don't like estrogen based bcp either, last time I got cysts from it.
Vonn, good to hear that the surgery went well, I hope things move forward smoothly for transfer. I was the same as 2have and my clinic told me to pick a date for FET transfer and they would work my treatment plan to that but it did mean going on bcp. I hope your body fully cooperates this time around.

Boopin, sorry I can't recommend any books. I didn't do any diets this time around I just stuck to my usual diet which is (or was) generally quite healthy. I hope everything is going to plan with your FET. Did AF show up on time?

PS, it sounds like you are doing everything to get your body ready for transfer. Stick to your healthy diet, gentle exercise and be as stress free as you can.

Sienna, November will be here before you know it. I am finding this year is flying by. No we don't plan on finding out the sex, think we are sticking with team yellow.

2have, really glad you have an appointment this week to get checked and see those little beauts.

Hi to everyone else, hope all is well X
Pinkie--17 weeks already. Yay! Are you starting to have a bump?

2have--sorry to be a total begger of information, but I'm intrigued by the possibility of using Norethisterone. Would you be willing to share with me exactly what your meds were for the lead-up to your twins Reprofit cycle? I'd prefer to go to my nurse with some knowledge of specifics related to how it's used for an FET cycle, rather than just, "I've heard of this drug..." I'd really appreciate it! Thanks for being such a good resource. :thumbup:

AFM--donor's ultrasound was good yesterday, she has a final one tomorrow to confirm, then retrieval on Friday (if things still look good on Wednesday). DH is getting nervous. I was super obsessive yesterday checking the message portal waiting to hear about the ultrasound. I asked the nurse to let us know the results yesterday, but she didn't respond until this morning. First thing, at least, before we were even up. They really know how to make you crazy! I can't imagine what I nervous nelly I will be waiting on fertilization/embryo growth updates. Yikes! :wacko:
Pinkie--17 weeks already. Yay! Are you starting to have a bump?

2have--sorry to be a total begger of information, but I'm intrigued by the possibility of using Norethisterone. Would you be willing to share with me exactly what your meds were for the lead-up to your twins Reprofit cycle? I'd prefer to go to my nurse with some knowledge of specifics related to how it's used for an FET cycle, rather than just, "I've heard of this drug..." I'd really appreciate it! Thanks for being such a good resource. :thumbup:

Crystal has the best diet & protocol by far that I've heard so far from any b&b ladies, and I think by now she may have even started hers as she's up soon in November. The only thing I haven't been so good at was taking calcium but I've tried to do better coming into second tri as I now also supplement with a liquid Cal + Mag in the morning. But taking most of my advice from her with the drugs that I could get my hands on, this was my protocol:

Northisterone is progesterone based, you take it for a certain amount of time I think 10 days (I will check for you all of the details when I get home from work tonight on my pill box), and then your AF is guaranteed to come 7-8 days later.
For the protocol I was on
-Prednisone 30 mg starting cd1, take in the morning as it can mess with your sleep. Try Magnesium at night if it does mess with your sleep.
-Lupron injections starting cd1
-Estrogen starting cd1 (5 mg 3x/day)
-Progesterone injections 5 days before transfer, 5 days is minimum any less and the coordinator would refuse the transfer (there was almost a mix up with my transfer as the coordinator didn't give me the specific date to start taking it so they had to bump my transfer back by 1 day - talk about stress!)
-Pregvit which breaks the calcium and iron into 2 pills and has iodine. I also take another iron tab with the pink (iron) pregvit pill.
EmergenC when I take the iron tabs at night. Also helps you avoid getting sick while prednisone knocks out your immune system. But my main reason is to help iron absorb.
liquid calcuim + mag in the morning with the blue Pregvit pill.
-Folate 5mg/day until 2nd tri when I reduced it to 3 mg/day as there's new evidence that too much B12 and folate (5-10mg folate) have links to autism. Pregvit also has 1mg folic acid.
B complex by AOR SO many B complexes have made me nauseated over the years, this one is super easy to digest and absorb.

Diet-wise, you seem to eat much like I do for an anti-candida, anti-inflammatory diet. Avoid sugary drinks ie juice and pop, avoid white processed foods white bread, pasta, white rice, desert things, crackers, chips etc. Lots of veggies, curries, turmeric, high protein dairy (avoid fruit flavours as they have the same amount of sugar as candy bars - plain greek with protein more than carb content), fruits, I love spicy foods and always add hot peppers to my stir fries, they're right at the top of the chain for anti-inflammatory foods as are ginger & garlic. I was having decaf coffee in the morning until the pregnancy took over my love of the stuff. Now my head craves it but my mouth & taste buds tell me no! no! no!

Lots of fresh air, good movies, love and laughter!

I hope that helps a little Vonn, wishing you all the best! LOTS of healthy eggies :bunny::bunny:
Thanks for the info Vonn & 2have

Vonn I hope your cycle all goes to plan and your donor has lots of eggs to make you lots of lovely embryos

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