Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Vonn the Progesterone drug is Norlutate, Norethindrone Acetate 5 mg DIN# 00023760 aka Northisterone. Took 3/day (am, noon, pm)for 10 days and then stopped. AF will come 7-8 days later.
Any word on your donor?
Excellent, thanks 2have!

Retrieval's been pushed back by a day, so it's now on Saturday. Didn't require a change to DH's flight, though, so we kept it the same and he flies out tomorrow.

Sienna--This is an egg sharing program, so we only get 6 eggs. From a 24 yr old donor who got pregnant with twins around age 21 "when she wasn't even trying." I hope she's got some good eggs! It's really nerve-wracking, knowing we just have 6 chances. I'm just so curious and excited and scared to see how many embryos we get (if any...I know there's the risk of getting none). How do ppl maintain sanity while awaiting fertilization and embryo development reports?? I'm gonna need some tips!
We were usually in Europe sight seeing and I don't remember getting daily updates. I thought we had a day 1, 3 and 5 update, it was 8 embryos, thn domething like 6 with 4 good ones and in the end they put bavk the best 2 and discarded the other two that didn't make expanded blast stage. I was mad at the time but now I realize, you don't want them putting back bad embies, better to have goid quality than waste $$ travelling and the emotional pain of a mc. Go sight seeing when you're there. Are you going to be in an interesting city for transfer?
Vonn, EC on Saturday how exciting! There are no real tips to stay sane during the fert report, you don't stop thinking about those embryos. We had 12 eggs and my clinic were very confident that we would have a blast to transfer which kept me positive. We got updates on the first 3 days but you can't see much on day 4 so we found out the number of blasts when we arrived for transfer. I think all clinics work differently.

I am doing good thanks and yes finally getting a little bump, I can't wait for it to be more noticeable, at the moment I look like I've eaten too many pies.

I am sure I am lacking in many departments still with my diet but just trying to do the best I can and hope for the best. Healthiest I've tried to eat in a while!!!

Vonn that is got to be nervewrecking the wait. I wish I knew how to make the time go and deal with anxiety. I know I will feel same way when the time comes. Can't wait along with you to hear the results of EC, fertilization, etc.

AFM, Day 11 on Lupron, no sign of period. They said if i don't get it by day 12 to call/come in for bloodwork/ultrasound. When I asked what happens if no period, nurse says she doubts that it will not come, as that's rare....:shrug: Well I emailed her today and now going for bloodwork tomorrow instead of saturday. Does anyone know if cycle gets cancelled for me if my period does not show up??? I am trying not to stress but this is more difficult to control than my diet:wacko:
Boopin, thanks, I finally figured out to get one on my signature. :dohh:

PS, I was never on Lupron with my cycles so sorry I am not sure. I did take a prostap injection which is suppose to be the same and it always delayed my period, for most people it takes 2 days, mine always took 5. I wouldn't have thought it would delay the cycle I am sure they cater for this. Good luck with the blood work today.
Thank you Pinkie.
Had bloodwork today and ultrasound even though no period. Doc didn't seem worried, said lining is thick and should get period in 4-5 days. Today is day 30!!! Says the only reason not to get would be pregnancy which is not in my case. Although I've googled and it seems women on lupron do loose out on period somehow but doc doesn't think so. So gotta wait and watch. Waiting for call back too.

Feel sad today. Speaking with hubby on phone and realizing he is really struggling and trying to avoid a breakdown. It's been a real rough year and half. I can't see him like this. I have seen him severely depressed this year and I thought maybe he was holding on better but seems was trying to sweep it under rug and it keeps creeping back up. I am scared too and trying not to think of all this. This am I remembered how last time with IVF when they called to say it was BFN, how I was with him and started bawling. Ok here come the tears. At work, can't cry. Feeling very sad today. :cry:
PS--sorry, hun. :hugs: My donor conceived group therapy/support group leader calls it reproductive trauma. It is real and you just have to honor that some days will be really hard. I hope your DH can get some help. Does he have a counselor or any anti-depressant meds? No shame in getting help for depression. Just remember...this time is different, though, and you have lots of reasons to be hopeful!

And RE: Lupron. I was just on it and also took it without bcp. My period was delayed by 4 days, got it on CD34 (normal for me is 30 days). This is not what they were expecting, but also not unheard of. It's stressful, no doubt! But I bet AF comes within a week for you.

AFM--DH is many states away, about to help make "our" baby, while I sit at home letting my stupid uterus heal. It's exciting and a little sad all at once. The retrieval is tomorrow. Scary!! Thrilling!! We will get a fertilization report on Sunday. My heart starts racing when I think about it. And then we will get a day 3 report and a day 5 report (if any make it to day 5...pretty please...). Sounds very similar to what others have mentioned. Provided we do get some embies, we will do an FET, most likely in early November. That's the earliest it can happen and that's what I am counting on.
Hey Vonn

Thank you for the support. Feel a little better today. Cried lots last 2 days. I am in therapy and hubby tried but it's not his thing. We even had 2 joint sessions. He deals or not in his own ways :( I finally got started with period yesterday but there wasn't much bleeding. Suppose to go day 2 of periods for bloodworm ultrasound so headed out now but feel period hasn't really kicked off as it's very light and barely there. So let's see. Hope I'm still on track to start estrace today. Donor starts stimms tomorrow. I hope it all syncs out. Getting stressed. Went for acupuncture yesterday and slept bit better

I can imagine how nervous u must be. Have you heard anything yet about fertilization. I am biting my nails for you too and anxiously waiting to hear the positive news. Do u know how many eggs donor got? Keep us updated
Bit disappointed after my ultrasound. No go for estrace yet as lining still too thick. Seems more flow today so hope it really is shedding now. Feel am falling behind though doc not concerned. Plus I have some ovarian cysts growing though again doc not concerned. I worry about cysts as I've had surgery in past to remove two huge cysts both sides same time. Painful
Surgery recover was very long painful so don't ever want those again. Plus wonder if estrace makes it worse?

Am I going to fall so behind in this cycle?
PS--it all depends on whether they will hold off starting the donor on her stims. My nurse was willing to do it for a week for me; however, when I found I needed surgery, they decided to keep moving forward with stimming the donor. That's how we've ended up where we are now. Since it will only be a day or two now, I can't imaging why they wouldn't wait to start the donor until you are ready. If they seem like they are giving up on you this cycle, give 'em bloody hell!

AFM--just heard from the clinic's lab about fertilization. They collected 7 eggs and 6 successfully fertilized. YAY! :happydance: (Because they recently changed from offering 5-7 eggs to now offering a flat 6 eggs, I think they grandfathered us and gave us all 7. At least that's what I am assuming.) We are beyond thrilled! Starting with what could be a small number, I was nervous about how many would get past the first hurdle. I know we still have the torturous wait until day 3 (Tuesday) and then day 5 (Thursday), but we can at least breathe easy about fertilization. I actually haven't been as anxious and nervous as I thought I would be, so that's good.

DH just kept saying "Wow" when I told him over the phone. He was in shock, in a good way. Of course, he hasn't done as much research and doesn't have a support resource like BnB, so he said he was hoping for 1 to make it. Silly boy, if we only had 1 fertilize, that would be a very bad sign. I've talked with him about fertilization & growth rates, but some of it goes in one ear & out the other. Poor guy is hanging out in NYC with a pounding migraine. We just got off the phone because he said he was going to look for someplace to throw up. He only gets 1 or 2 migraines a year, so he's refused to go to the Dr about it to try meds. Maybe now he will if it ruins a vacation day in a city he loves.

One other thing...DH saw the donor. I don't know if she showed up late or what, but he said she was in line behind him checking in and when she checked in, they took her right back. I would hope the clinic would actively try to avoid that from happening. I will ask our nurse about it. He thought she didn't seem to recognize who he might be, but that the woman with her who waited in the waiting room after she went in was eyeing him up. I was very curious about her, but he didn't want to share much aside from she was "normal looking." He felt super uncomfortable on the ethics front and wished he hadn't seen her.

Sorry for the long post! Writing about all this is apparently therapeutic for me. . . :wacko: I hope everyone's having a great weekend! And to those in the US, happy Labor Day. Hope you don't have to labor on it.
Vonn that is awesome fertilization stats. Yes husbands don't always get it lol but yes good strong number is a good place to start. How will you try to relax until next report. I'd be so nervous too. Keeping fingers crossed for some strong healthy embies for you. As for hubby seeing donor, yeah I'd be very uncomfortable too. At my clinic it's so many in and out patients but few from my race/ethnicity. I'm always curious which woman is my donor and there for monitoring. Saw someone today and wondered though she's supposed to start tomorrow. So yeah it's weird.

Can't ask my clinic to delay donor stimms as its shared cycle and there's another couple involved. Doc wasn't concerned I was bit behind. Today is full period so hope I'm shedding the lining and be ready on Tuesday. Hope acupuncture will help me catch up too as plan on going weekly for next couple weeks.
Ps they can always up the estrogen to have you build the lining quicker if need be, all the best with the retrieval, fx for high numbers & quality eggies.

Vonn those are fantastic numbers, I'd be excited too! Hopefully they grow beautifully and you'll have a few excellent embies to throw back and a few to freeze.

Are you both putting back 2 if you have enough?
Vonn, this is wonderful news I hope those embryos keep going and you have a lovely pick of the bunch on day 5, so happy this stage is finally coming around for you. Keep us posted.

PS, dont let it worry you, the clinic would have dealt with delays many times and would have no doubt taken this into consideration before starting. Lining will be nice and thin tomorrow if your bleed has got heavier and you have plenty of time to thicken it up again. As 2have says, they will increase estrogen if needed. Sounds like everything is on track to me.

Boopin, how are you getting on lovely?

Vonn, that is great news. You must be over the moon. Fingers crossed that your little embies are dividing away as they should be as we speak :flower:

PS- glad to hear your bleeding has increased. Hopefully your lining will be good to go. Keeping everything crossed for you.

Pinkie, loving your ticker. Any signs of any movement from your little bambino yet?

2 have- how are you keeping?

Boopin , Stacer - hope you are well and taking it easy.

Sienna - you doing ok? Hope everyone else is well.

We are in the throes of decorating chaos at home, but it's all good :)
Vonn, any 3rd day report yet?

Thank you all. Lining looked good this am. waiting for bloodwork results and call back to hopefully start estrace today. One step at a time.

BTW does x rays affect men's sperms? Hubby ended up going to ER this weekend due to back/tummy aches, had x ray. Has another one today due to elbow pain etc. So just wondering. He had to take antibiotics last night.
So all is ok so far. Donor started today, a day late. Compared to my miserable numbers, her AFC today was 30 (mine was 2), and her last bloodwork her AMH was 3.5 (mine was 0.04), FSH 5 (mine 11). Wondering if she was in waiting room this am while I was there lol.

I reduce Lupron today to 5 units and start estrace 2 mg/2x daily (well not 2x today as most day is gone). Then from Saturday will be 3x daily. My next bloodwork/US is on 9/13.

One day at a time??? So difficult.
Ps does your Lupron come in tablet form? Whdn I had it it was a one time injection.
Your donor sounds great, numbers we all wish for!

Vonn any news?
Hey 2have!! I can see you are on a 2nd journey, congratulations. Been a while. Just tot I'll pop in and see how the girls are all doing.
Wishing everyone smooth sailing and lots of baby dust:hugs::hugs:

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