Inconceivable and beyond :-)

BOOPIN that's fabulous news! Bring on round 3 :happydance:
PS, has your DH indicated that it's painful to do the duty at all? It's from a different area of the body and yes, it still uses 1 tube get out but hopefully there isn't the same type of pain as urinating. With estrogen the only thing I've heard in having it not absorb could be alcohol, or tobacco usage or being overweight. Our hormones don't circulate as well being overweight. But one would think you'd have to be seriously morbidly obese for that to effect it! Your doctor would know already to compensate for circulatory issues if that were the case. I'm glad they're adjusting your regiment and 1 week is loads of time to build more lining. I know it's stressful. You can do this and it will work out! My coordinator seemed to feel that progesterone was one of the most important factors. Absolute minimum of 5 days before transfer for progesterone and no less as it keeps your lining in tact and help egg settle into it's new home. Are they starting you on this soon?
Boopin, great news that you have some help to bring on AF let's hope it works quickly.

PS, I am sorry to hear about DH, can you not explain to the hospital that you have an important job to do in a couple of days and would appreciate them treating DH asap? Bless him I am sure it's probably the last thing he wants to do but he will do good.
As for your lining, how many days have you been taking estrogen? I have seen this loads and that extra dose will help and I have no doubt you will be on track at your next scan. Stay positive, you will get there X
I'm not at all overweight so not sure why my liver isn't allowing absorbing of estrogen too well. Last night i inserted the nightly one vaginally, so had blue blob this am:wacko: I read somewhere that you can let tablet dissolve under tongue for better absorption so I did that for my am dose, took the lunchtime one normal, will do vaginal for nightly one. I also did some of that leg on wall yoga thing to hopefully increase blood flow to uterus. Will do some castor oil packs tonight. Ate some brazil nuts too today. I'm trying everything....

Yes poor dh will do it if needed. Saturday is now the egg retrieval for donor so he has to provide sperm sample that day. The abstinence period required is 2-5 days. Means sperm can't be older than 5 days. Well Saturday will be day 5 so I guess he will be ok? I think they are doing ICSI anyways. Today is day 9.5 of estrace supplements.

So now I am nervous. Donor is triggering tonight and retrieval is Saturday. I hope she produces lots of healthy eggs for the 2 recipient couple (including us). I think they said 21 follies or so. I am to go in again tomorrow for bloodwork ultrasound and take my estrace to show them. I think they are bit concerned about my lining and frankly I am too. Will do some castor oil packs tonight, more yoga with legs on wall to increase blood to uterus tonight. Accupuncture is still on Saturday (1x/wk). Getting stressed about lining. I did take one pill under tongue this am as read it helps absorb better. The nightly one i'm told to take vaginally. The lunchtime I took normal. Ordered some flax seed powder as read that helps with estrogen too. What else can i do lol? So looks like if all goes well and we have embryos then transfer will be on September 22. Getting nervous...
How frustrating is that when our bodies won't cooperate! Saying that PS I think you'll be fine for the timing. Will all your efforts and an extra dose something's got to work. Does the caster oil packs include heat? One of the best ways other than physically getting the circulation flowing with yoga would be heat, it rushes that blood to where ever you put it. Will be checking Sat/Sun for your retrieval update. FX for your donor numbers!
Yes going to do castor oil with heat. Also more yoga tonight. I hope I go in tomorrow and they are pleasantly surprised that it went from 6 to 8. Then i know whatever I am doing is working until day of transfer....
Lost my long response I typed up :dohh:

Had my bloodwork and ultrasound this am. Have to wait for results of bloodwork. Doc wanted me to show nurse my estrace cause I think he's wondering what I am taking and why my lining is thin. Nurse said he can be OCD lol. So the ultrasound showed my lining from 2 days ago at 6 to today at 9 :happydance: That's even more than I had expected. So they are happy at where it is at saying they wanted to make sure I was an 8 as the progesterone (starting tomorrow) is known to thin lining a little too, so it's gotta be good going in. So all looks good now. Told the nurse that I was doing as told, taking nightly estrace vaginally, the lunch one orally, but then without telling them had started the am one dissolved under my tongue. She said it worked. I can continue as I am already doing.

Told her about me doing yoga pose (leg on wall) to increase blood flow and the castor oil heat pad and she didn't respond so much...guess they don't believe in that stuff but I do. We talked about accupuncture (hubby thinks my lining is thin due to my weekly accupuncture). Hubby is very protective and doesn't believe in all that extra stuff and doesn't want to jeopardize chances, though I believe in it. So she said that lots of women swear by it especially day after transfer so no harm in doing it. So maybe I can pitch that to hubby and do accupuncture day before and day after. Last IVF I didn't do accupuncture after it. Hope he's on board now and I can try this time.

As for donor. They say she looks perfect. needed minimal stimms and so hoping quality is good too. They doubt that cycle will cancel due to not enough eggs to split with us two recipient couple. So tomorrow is retrieval and Sunday hope to get fertilization report. Then Thursday 9/22 transfer day. I will take off friday from work too, maybe get accupuncture that day.

Getting anxious, nervous, excited...
PS--What a relief! I'm really glad your lining is looking terrific. Can't wait to hear about retrieval, fertilization, growth. You are so close! I hope hubby is feeling better. Ouch. My clinic has me take the estrogen vaginally 2x day. It is really off-putting that it's a green pill. Makes for some interesting you-know-what!

I'm not surprised the nurse blew off your yoga and castor oil...for what it's worth, I believe in them too. Acu is harder for western med to ignore because there are research studies showing it helps with IVF success rates. I think most of the research has been about acu before and after transfer. My clinic does believe in that and has acu on site, so I'll be doing it 2x on transfer day.

Boopin--AF show yet?

Hi to everyone else! Anyone doing anything cool this weekend?

AFM--CD 32 and no AF. It's officially delayed and I'm annoyed. My nurse did agree to put me on the progesterone-based bcp. Thanks for the hot tip, 2have! But gotta wait for new cycle. I did acu yesterday & got some disgusting herbal blend called RELEASE. Here's hoping it helps!

Yes that green stuff. I read it was blue smurf stuff lol but seems more green to me. Smurf went green. I can't imagine 2x daily, more green stuff all the time. I just put in at night and when i wake up half my day I am green in am lol. The under tongue method is good too I hear, so I do that for the am pill. They said whatever you are doing, keep doing. If I do accupuncture from the place associated with clinic, i'm sure it'll cost an arm and a leg. Mine is a small business and rates are reasonable without insurance plus she gets good reviews for this infertility stuff. So will stick to that though it's a pain/stress to go to it before and after. I can imagine it'll be more relaxing for you to do it right there. I hope the "RELEASE" blend helps you release the AF :haha: Seriously though when you need that stuff to come it doesn't. You and BOOPIN are patiently waiting. Maybe papaya will help. It seems to bring it on for me in natural cycles.

Had to really take a mini nap at work during lunch. Now that I am absorbing this estrace, I am so so tired. Tomorrow starting of butt shot..progesterone. Nurse gave me some sample of this patch to use before shot to numb it and be painless. So will see...
PS--I'll be curious to see if this patch you got really helps with the PIO injection pain. I hope it does! And if it does, I'll want to use it, too.
Vonn - I'm taking Provera 10 mg daily x 7 days to induce my period. I'm currently on day 4 of tx.

How was yesterday's acupuncture appointment?? Did it relax you?? I'm considering it.
Boopin--well, only 3 more days. AF will be here soon! As for acu, I go weekly and have for two years. It's covered by my insurance, so that's why I go so regularly. I do find it relaxing once the needles are in and it's nap time. I almost always fall asleep. And I love my acu pracitioner, she's wonderful & it's like a mini-therapy session. Sometimes the needles hurt a little or at least feel weird (sensations that are very, very hard to describe), sometimes they don't. But I believe it helps, though I can't quantify what that means exactly.
Vonn I will let you know how the patch helps if any.

Hope you and Boopin get your AF soon.

Is it possible to get my periods being I've been on Lupron and estrace. Progesterone tomorrow and stop lupron. I feel period crampy and unsure. On side note worried again as hubby started having pain kidney stones kind again just now.
Grr having restless morning. Hubby hasn't called back. I know he hates this stuff so I hope he didn't have trouble. This whole thing is difficult for him not to be making 'our' baby so hope he's ok. Also spoke with nurse to find out how many eggs were retrieved and they don't tell you. What??? With own ivf we know so why not donor cycle? She said embryology only gives report next day. How do I even know she produced enough for split cycle???? This is a bit bizarre. Now have to wait for hubby and for tomorrow results
PS--Would they even have DH provide a sample if there weren't any eggs going to you? Seems unlikely, IMO. It is all incredibly stressful. Every step of it is. Look a few of your favorite online shops and order yourself a new shirt to get your mind off it for awhile!
Grr having restless morning. Hubby hasn't called back. I know he hates this stuff so I hope he didn't have trouble. This whole thing is difficult for him not to be making 'our' baby so hope he's ok. Also spoke with nurse to find out how many eggs were retrieved and they don't tell you. What??? With own ivf we know so why not donor cycle? She said embryology only gives report next day. How do I even know she produced enough for split cycle???? This is a bit bizarre. Now have to wait for hubby and for tomorrow results

Are you using an American clinic PS? I know ladies enjoy matching the donor with physical characteristics in American clinics but I find their practices sometimes aren't very professional. They should be telling you how many eggs. And the fact that it's sooooo expensive, doesn't help when they're being like this. Hopefully things will work out. xx
Vonn dh called and did his part. So probably right that they wouldn't have asked if not enough eggs. If she produced minimum for split, that's 5 for us, hopefully good mature eggs. Going out with dh now to try take mind off things.

2have. Yes American clinic. Expensive too. I am disappointed because if with own ivf can tell right away number of eggs, then why can't they for donor. Of course I understand that's not guarantee of embryos. Just don't understand and agree with it but gotta wait. More stress than necessary.:wacko:
Boopin and Vonn, any luck with AF?

Vonn wish I had insurance for accu. Can barely sleep lately and it helps. Adds up $.

So nurse finally called with a fertilization report for donor eggs. Our share from split 2:1 was 15. Out of that ten were mature and they did icsi. They all fertilized. We are told they don't call with further reports. No news is good news. Praying they continue to grow and we have good number to start with and freeze. I go for monitoring Wednesday and transfer Thurs. yesterday was first progesterone shot. Poor dh. First time takes forever to do. I used synera patch. Felt a little going in, so was a little jumpy. Then felt nothing. There was 2-3 drops of blood. Warmed oil in bra first. Then after shot had hubby really massage it saying not to feel sorry or next day I pay price. Was bit sore. Then heat pad. More massage. Feel no pain lumps today. Will try with ice no pain patch today... Maybe
10 is great ps. Wow that's quite a procedure for the progesterone shot. Hopefully it becomes easier. I did mine myself. Pinch & jab deep, inject & rub, off to work. I bet it'll be much better in a few weeks. Gl with the embryos.
2Have you are gutsy to do it yourself. I can't imagine.

Waiting till transfer day and having lots of insomina and hourly bathroom visits at night. Constipated. Irritable. And tired due to lack of sleep. Will see if accupuncture helps me sleep tonight.

Feeling sad and anxious now hearing my supervisor who I loved working under gave her 2 wk notice at work. So that means all this stress will fall on me now esp during this time and possible pregnancy. I hate changes and have had horrible bosses in the past, so this is not something I wanted to happen. Just having an awful sleep deprived day.
2Have you are gutsy to do it yourself. I can't imagine.

Waiting till transfer day and having lots of insomina and hourly bathroom visits at night. Constipated. Irritable. And tired due to lack of sleep. Will see if accupuncture helps me sleep tonight.

Feeling sad and anxious now hearing my supervisor who I loved working under gave her 2 wk notice at work. So that means all this stress will fall on me now esp during this time and possible pregnancy. I hate changes and have had horrible bosses in the past, so this is not something I wanted to happen. Just having an awful sleep deprived day.

Wouldn't that be grand if Hillary Clinton brought in a maternity leave for American women similar to most other developed nations? It would guarantee your job and give you between 55% pay-80% pay for 6+ months and a really lovely break from the poop at work. Here in Canada I've managed to escape a dog's breakfast of reorg for almost a year last year and come Feb will be another year of family bliss. What I just don't understand is why on earth any woman over there would EVER vote against their own healthcare and family basic supports by voting Republican. You might as well hand over the top 30% of your wages and resign to bf through pumping in the bathroom at work. It's deplorable conditions for a developed nation and it's economically proven that when countries support women and families, women go back to work and contribute to the GDP keeping that country's economy strong. When it's too tough many women stay home and become sahm's which take from the country's economic strength (Economist - Womenomics). And the side benefit it to you is having a break from or escaping, while maybe only temporarily, a crappy situation at work.

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