Inconceivable and beyond :-)

I was told to cut my dose in half (for both my progynova and crinone) at the 11 week mark and then stop at once I hit 12 weeks. I have to be honest - the thought of stopping my meds terrifies me! I know bub's placenta should take over by then, but my silly bum ovaries don't make ANY hormones at all, and I can't shake the feeling something bad will happen. I discussed it with my Doc and he said it's always a nerve-wracking time - even he still gets a little uneasy when women just "stop", which is why we made the decision to wean (although it's quite a token wean if you ask me)... But I haven't heard about going until 16 weeks, Crystal... Some Docs are just ultra conservative. I will do some literature searching later today and see if I can come up with anything. You all know I love to read myself to death! :haha:

Lorna - what will power you have!!! :thumbup: I couldn't resist POAS :haha: Even though I knew it was probably too early I POAS d4p5dt and it was a BFN. Got my BFP the very next morning (d5p5dt). SO hoping you get your BFP this time!!! :hugs:
jooba it is worrying and I understand why you are extra worried :hugs:I'm sure all will be fine but it is so scary.

Thanks for anything you can find, I do think 16 weeks is a bit long and I'm a little concerned that much progesterone may not be a great thing for bubs
If you ladies need a really great uplifting funny movie try The Grand Seduction. Next date night will be Begin Again, anybody seen that one?
Okay - so have basically read myself to death! :wacko::haha:

Results summary (as far as important for this group):

Progesterone supplementation is necessary and recommended by various sources in early pregnancy via ART - self AND donor cycles (but generally only deemed necessary until 8-9 weeks gestational age).... Why? Well the corpus luteum (the bit of the follicle that is left behind when the egg pops out of it) is responsible for the production of progesterone in early pregnancy. Frequently in ART cycles, either the CL is removed during egg collection OR the medications we are given prevent the necessary rise in progesterone to sufficiently support implantation and early pregnancy. If we don't supplement, implantation is unlikely or an early miscarriage will likely result.


Between the 7th - 9th week (depending on which source you read), something called the "luteal-placental shift" occurs - basically where the production of progesterone is taken over by the trophoblasts (cells of the placenta), and the CL doesn't mean jack anymore. Some even argue that once foetal heart beats can be verified, the level of progesterone being produced by the placenta is sufficient to cease supplementation. However, most clinics supplement at least until week 10 (this seems purely theoretical though, and no studies to date have demonstrated an optimum duration of progesterone support). It seems to make sense that most go until week 12 - as this marks the end of the first trimester and the risk of miscarriage globally drops at this point also.

ALSO, specifically for you Crystal - there are important effects of progesterone on the endometrium in terms of immunomodulatory effects. Adequate progesterone levels cause down-regulation of NK cells and other inflammatory nasties in the uterus, which is why progesterone support seems doubly important in women with immune issues. I have NO idea (just guessing here) - but perhaps THIS is why your Doc says 16 weeks? (But I did note you also said he does that for singletons as well...?). Ask for the justification though, because there is no scientific evidence regarding this. (Maybe take in the following article, and ask him to explain why his clinic has picked 16 weeks, and what the evidence is to support that).

This article was a good read:

It has some info on immune effects of progesterone, Crystal. The last bit is about optimum duration of progesterone supplementation, and the longest duration they mention is 10 weeks for embryo transfer and donor cycles. If you're having trouble sleeping, you can read it! :haha:

Hope that answers any burning questions. Certainly makes me feel MUCH calmer about stopping in week 12 (although not completely! :winkwink: )

Thank you so much Jooba!! That all makes sense now :) I will have a read of the article it's quite interesting and he did mention that progesterone calms NKC in the uterus, however I also take IVIG and intralipids and steroids so I'm going to ask about why the progesterone as well :thumbup: thank you for that Jooba :)
2have I have seen neither of those movies but have written to them down :) Last movie we watched was Noah a few weeks ago I fell alsleep so not sure how good it was

We downloaded and watched ZNation last night Uugh another zombie show lol.

We watch Walking Dead but I find it a bit disturbing to be honest, Mark is a huge SyFy fan 😳
I was weaned off both meds at 9 weeks (makes sense from that article jooba :thumbup: ) did think it was quite early at the time!
Hi all, wow you lot are a mind of information, interesting to read about the progesterone. You all seem to be on a lot more than I am here. Its 3dp5dt today and I have had cramps all last night and today, I really hope that is the blastie snuggling in!!

Love syfy stuff..Crystal what was Znation like as was thinking of having a looksy at it?
I love syfi too :)

I'm just waiting for my protocol, the ladies from the UK where did you get your meds from?
I love syfi too :)

I'm just waiting for my protocol, the ladies from the UK where did you get your meds from?

You might look up the international pharmacy because I was told it might be cheaper plus they send it to you!
Try fertility2u as well they have decent prices :)

ZNation was not bad actually, not sure if you watch Walking Dead but it isn't as gruesome as that or as heavy. We also watch Extant and The Strain which aren't to bad. We started watching the 100 but I find that a bit boring and more aimed to a younger crowd. Ha can you tell we watch TV during the week? :)

Wow BF you were weened early but you did fine, so the placenta must be functioning ok by then:thumbup:

Lorna, cramps are great!!!!! Fx'd they are snuggling in and getting comfy :)
Yes I am a Syfy fan! Love walking dead! Also loke Exant but it is slipping in the rating! TnT has the Last ship wich is good too!
I liked znation despite brad Pitt, liked extant & the strain, have you seen Survivers? The Walking Dead was hard to get into because of the graphic nature of it but now we're hooked:haha:
Doll house was interesting, House of Cards(<3 that one) , Earth, Damages (Glen Close rocks!), Revenge, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Call the Midwife, and we're currently watching the Scottish based series Outlander on TV. Halloween is coming and The American Horror Story is one of my favourite scary-scary programs, turn you white in fear!!! Netflix has sooo much good stuff and no commercials! We route our computer through a USA server so that we get more content (unblock, Canadians get less than 1/4 of the content available to Americans :nope:

Apparently right now netflix is in a huge battle with our TV & Radio regulator (CRTC). They're refusing to acknowledge that the CRTC is a body that should regulate internet content. Once it's found (in court) that the CRTC has the right to regulate internet content it'll set an international precedent allowing taxation to happen of YouTube, netflix and any other service. So other regulators will hop on board with their claims and there you have it, the end of affordable internet content. I'm glad Netflix is challenging the CRTC, they'd have to bump their fees to $150 like TV as opposed to $8/mnth. Families have cancelled TV because it's just outrageous fees (and boring due to the heavy sensorship).

I digress, how's everyone today? You able to avoid ms Jooba & Crystal? Lorna, finding something to pass the time? Just wanted to thank you for creating this thread!

Sienna & Minno where are you guys going next? I thought Sienna was going to Serum? Any closer to getting details sorted?
2have, ZNation is the new tv series :) I agree about the movie was ok if you ignore Brad Pitt... we can't get Netflix :(

So any news from you ?

Well, steroids are supposed to stop morning sickness but I do get bad nausea, it's getting a bit worse each day but I'm ok with that :)
Yes, ms was a very validating symptom for me, def a blessing :haha:
You prob could get netflix if you go through unblockus, it provides re-routing to & from various countries internationally.

Oh! Didn't get that it's a tv series. Have to look it up!
I love syfi too :)

I'm just waiting for my protocol, the ladies from the UK where did you get your meds from?

I also got them from fertility2u which was recommended by my clinic but you have to send through your prescription from your clinic :thumbup:

I'm thinking I'm going to have to cancel my sky tv as it is all getting too expensive and thinking of getting a box or a smart tv so I can go through the internet :thumbup: I hate syfy :haha:
thanks ladies I shall have a look

2have I'm just planning my trip to serum at the minute, it looks like my transfer will be the week before Christmas :)
Sienna I hope Santa comes packing a few special gifts for you this year!! :xmas6::xmas10:
Hi ladies, lovely to see you all here!
Lorna, thanks for starting this thread. My story is pretty much in my signature, one of the only things I've ever been sure about in my life is the need to have children. Various things prevented that through my thirties and it was hard to watch as one after the other my friends had babies. We finally started trying when I was 40, basic fertility tests at my GP showed all was well with me but it simply didn't happen. We sought help at a fertility clinic after a year or so and by the time they'd done all the tests etc I was approaching 42. However AMH was good and we had 3 back to back cycles of IUI, with no luck. We then moved onto ICSI and my first cycle I had 4 eggs all fertilised, 2 decent quality put back but still no joy. We decided to try another cycle a few months later and this time my response to stims was not great and they felt I could do better so converted to IUI, again no joy. I then tried DHEA for 3 months before one final attempt. Again 4 eggs collected and fertilised and three out back, sadly know happy ending. When I had my AMH retested it was very low (1.9) and my FE said I had less than 5% success rate of success and would be better with DE. So we went in the egg sharing list and edited much longer than wed been told, eventually found what looked like a perfect match for donor and after we'd agreed everything she decided to wait 6 months, so more waiting for us. Eventually we had our first DE cycle a month or so ago and had 2 good quality embryos out back. When I tested negative I was devistated, I somehow thought this would be it and my partner and I had agreed this would be our last shot. My follow up appointment with my FE has recommended testing for NKC and thrombotic tests, so I'm having them done next week. However I don't intend to cycle again with this clinic. The nurses are great but they're stressed and overworked, the dr is ill informed often getting facts about me wrong and is defensive and cold when I ask questions. It really feels like it's all about the money for them (which I guess it is). Anyway, I've managed to persuade DH to try one more time in Czech Rrpublic at Retrofit (they got crystal pregnant!). So I get the test results then feed all the info to them and fingers crossed we go in Jan/feb. We're running out of cash and even the tests are c£1000. So here I am again waiting and hoping. I know deep down that this has to be it, if it doesn't work I have to find a way of moving forward and perhaps think of adoption. But I'll deal with that next year.
Wow that's been a long selfish post, sorry!!
Lorna, fingers crossed for you!
Sienna, I'm UK and got my meds from healthcare at home via the clinic, I also got some from the pharmacy at Asda!!
SciFi is not my bag, so I haven't a clue what your on about with those TV programmes!!

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