Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Correction: I received a call today about my left over eggs. Only 1 survived to be a frosty. The other 3 never made it past day 3 :(
SKP, one frostie is better than none and you have two amazing embryos on board. x
yeah :)

Im happy but i took it hard today at first.
SKP for what they're charging I'd be really upset too. Sorry to hear the news. Hopefully their latest claims of success rates with frozen eggs make up for the lack of frosties.
SKP, congrats for being PUPO.
PC, how R u ?
MrsG, 2have, hope you ladies are doing well.
Coolstar, how are you lady? Did you have a good weekend?

I'm worried for Friday's scan. Please excuse the long post...I'm just a little frantic right now:wacko: I didn't get to have a scan last week and we NEVER ever make it this far with my pregnancies. It's a big, big day on Friday as we also get the chromosomal results to see if baby is healthy. I'm just going to let the nurse know that once we establish that the baby still has a heartbeat we can talk about the tests and anything else they wish to talk about but just get me scanned asap to let me know if this baby is still alive.

I feel skinny, haven't gained a pound (not that a woman should in the first tri) but having no symptoms is totally disconcerting. I would rather have severe ms or anything just to know that baby is still alive. I also can't find the hb on our fetal monitor:nope: My doc has been great sending me for scans from week 7,8 and 10 but week 11 is passing and I need reassurance!

I'm going forward as if baby is alive. We got some renos done and set up the crib and baby's room this weekend. A distraction perhaps? I wanted to get the bedding colours out so that I can take a snapshot and go fabric hunting in Europe for different patterns to make slide out boxes for the room for those ikea storage units.

I don't know how I'm going to focus on work this week, and there's so much to do before we go for our European holiday on Sunday. And what if I find out that the baby is dead on Friday? UUGH, I wish this were easier.:cry:
2have I completely understand your worries yet I believe your baby will be fine. Hang in there and keep us posted
Skp congrats on being pupo!!

2have, I completely understand your worry Hun but please try to think positively. The way I look at it is, I've passed the times before where this has gone wrong, as have you. Do try and believe, I know how hard it is but I do think the bubs pick up on our emotions and I am a believer in positive thought. Please keep is posted and I hope your week goes quickly.

Hope everyone else is ok. Pussycat, coolstar, how are you?

I had 10w scan today. Bean measuring perfectly and good hb. Got normal hospital 12w scan on 7th. Little nervous as I've stopped progynova and cyclogest, predisolone is decreasing and will stop next wknd. Gotta have faith this little one is strong.
2have: I hope all goes well. Forgive me if I'm wrong, I don't know much about pregnancy; isn't it normal not to have any symptoms or even the odd one?

Mrs G: Thats great baby is doing well :)

Day 6 Post transfer: Nothing yet. I don't feel any symptoms, and the meds is going well for me, especially the crinone, my most expensive meds. I wish they do a scan half way to see if anything is happening lol.
Hey ladies
2have, sending you hugs. I know there's no point in saying try not to worry, but you've done everything you can, eating healthy the right meds etc so believe that this is your time. Post as many long messages as you need to we're all listening and thinking of you. You know that SKP is right some ladies have no symptoms, some have loads so that's nothing to go by.
Mrs G, yeah! I'm so pleased for you!
SKP, will you wait for test day or test early (when is your test day?).
Coolstar, have you stopped BCP and started meds yet? When in April is your transfer?
AFM not much happening, expected to ovulate over the past few days at the latest but OPK all come up negative, I guess all the drugs and three months of BCP prior to that mess with my system and the small fact that I'm 44 .... I got a copy of Dr Beers book (Is your body baby friendly) and have started reading it, there are just so many 'that's me' moments as I read it! As soon as I get my next period I can schedule in my endo scratch and know that I'm on my way again. I'm realistic though and had a really good chat with a friend at the weekend about the adoption agency they used (they have a beautiful little boy). I'm slowly feeling better and more like myself and since reading more about prednisone I've realised a lot of what I've been feeling could be down to just stopping taking it (even though it was a low dose), they never told me to wean myself off it. Onwards and upwards .... xx
Thanks my dear friends for the reassurance.
Mrs G congrats on smooth sailing! passing some major milestones always feels great to me.
SKP, I'd much rather have terrible hyperemesis gravidarum than nothing at all. With a history of mmc and mc, my brain can't stop doing the spins.
PC, I'm glad you're enjoying the Dr Beers book, I went through every webpage with every immune problem backwards and forwards and really thing they are on the ball when it comes to diagnosing and treating immune issues. Except for neupogen, they refused to issue this to me and I was a bit peeved about it but I don't have NKC's and maybe should focus more on clotting issues anyway:shrug:

Well I got my scan bumped up to tomorrow:happydance: 2:45pm MST and not a minute later. Will email the gal doing my chromosomal testing now to see when she can get me the results for that seeing that I won't be in to get them on Friday.:thumbup:
That's great news 2have, not long to wait now. Keep us posted, am feeling it will all be good news. Xx
I do agree, its nice to have some sort of symptom.

My test day is March 30th, I do not want to test until the 14th day. I did early tests on my previous ones and I felt like this time I want to wait until the end, just in case I did have false negatives or positives.

I don't know if I'm having symptoms or not, just a bit of cramping, like Im going to start.
2have, don't read into your symptoms much. You have been through so much, have faith it will work this time. We are all here for you, so you can write as much as you want hun.
SKP, MrsG did not have any symptoms and got BFP. I know it's difficult and we try to symptom spot so much, the TWW is terrible and most difficult. I totally agree if they had a scan halfway to know the results. But till then hang in tight.
MrsG, congrats for the scan.
PC, will you have endo scratch immediately after AF ? About ov , whole of the last year I did not ovulate after my failed Ivf and depo injections. So I guess it's nothing to do with age just the side effects of meds/inj.
AFM, we had 3 eggs fertilised with my DH's swimmer. Yest I had a quarrel with my DH for no fault of his, the pills are just making me crazy. Glad just one dose of bCP left.
2have - all I can say is try to stay positive, although I know that doesn't help. very good that you got the scan moved up so you can ease your mind sooner...I hope you will be able to get the chromosomal report too. hugs and fingers crossed for good news

PC - sorry OPK is being wonky...hope things get on track and that the endo scratch will really help with getting you to BFP!

Coolstar - congrats on the 3 eggs...yes, I hated being on BCP mostly because they usually use the monophasic type and it is so unnatural...I get very moody and b*tchy on those...poor DH - he will get over it!!! This ride is a bit rougher on us ladies, so he can take it! :)
2have, glad you got your scan moved. Will be thinking of you, keep us posted.
SKP, I think the 2ww is the worst bit, but you're more than halfway to test date! I'm not an early tester either, always wanted to keep that hope going.
Coolstar, I'm confused! How come you have three fertilised eggs already and you're only just stopping BCP? BCP really made me feel down so decided to go natural this time! The lack of OV has never happened before in previous failed cycles (and there's been a few), which is why I think it's also age related, but then I was also on steroids and took the depot which I never had before, who knows! Endo scratch will be c day 21 of cycle so when AF starts I can book flights etc as I need to go to Reprofit for it (still cheaper than here!).
Dmama, how's things with you? xx
2have sending good vibes your way today. Hope you get the other report as well...keep us posted!
Soooo many women get depressed and lethargic and gain weight on the bcp, I've thought it's pure evil for a long time lol. Ever since in my 20's my 2 pilot gf's told me they can't do the bcp because it makes them depressed and they can't take antidepressants while doing that job, they both got no-hormone IUD's instead I was then keenly aware of the effects it had on me. My one bout with depression happened to be while I tried out depoprovera, a 3 month bcp injection. Totally did a number on me so PC, it doesn't surprise me that even after 1 month your feeling blue. Lemonbalm is a natural antioxident that is known to fight depression and prevent cancer. I keep it in the closet for after my rounds of bcp before IVF.

Well just a few more hours and well know if this bean has survived the wrath of my body. I'm just so relieved to be finding out today rather than Friday, already feel better!

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