Inconceivable and beyond :-)

How are you feeling mrs g?

As for me, I have an appointment at another clinic Thursday and follow up at my clinic Friday.

Has anyone here used a known or relative egg donor? Just out of interest x
Mrs W, best of luck with everything. We tried to get an altruistic donor in Canada as that's the only way you can do donor eggs here and she declined. She'd never had kids and had too many fears.
Then we went straight to Reprofit in Czech Republic because they have one of the most extensive donor bases and could match my profile very well. Their prices and wait times are less than half of either frozen eggs imported into Canada or a fresh cycle in the states. Their stats are also excellent.

How's everyone doing? Did everyone have a relaxing weekend?

I had my chromosomal testing yesterday, will find out at the nauchal translucency scan next week on the 27th about the results. FX for healthy baby. Trying to muddle through renos, rental turnover, busy work, crazy lots of medical appointments, and was cat sitting last week. Can't wait for holidays!
2have, glad to hear you're busy. How many weeks are you now? I'm finding its really dragging!!

MrsW. I'm good ta, 9 wks and ticking off every day!! Which clinic are you going to, if you don't mumsnet asking? Are you having a follow up with complete? I never considered a relative, for me the anonymity and distance between me and the donor was really important. As much as I will never forget the amaxing gift she gave us, this is my baby now and I didn't think I would feel that with a known donor. I know I've posted about it before but have you heard of epigenetics? It's really interesting and has given me lots of positivity during this process.

Pussycat, Skp, Coolstar how are you lovely ladies?

Mrs G you need a ticker! I'm nearly 11 weeks now. I'm going to start weaning off progesterone at the end of next week.
It is really dragging but I think once we're off on holidays time will go fast (because we'll be having fun lol). Isn't that Murphy's law?
It's so quiet on this board now. I hope everyone is ok.
2have, I know, I need to get organised! I've started reducing cyclogest, predisolone and progynova. Will have stopped all drugs by next week so a bit nervous. Have got a scan tues next week then 12 wk scan just after easter. Got 3 wks left of school til the holidays and yeah think time will go quicker then!!

Well congrats 2have, did your first donor cycle result in this bfp? I hadn't considered abroad but have heard it mentioned on other threads. I'm in the uk and I've no idea what to expect in terms of how many options match wise clinics here would offer.

Mrs g, first tri does drag doesn't it, nearly there now! I'm going to the lister as the specialise in low amh. Still hoping for a chance with my eggs but starting to get used to the idea that it might not happen. I've not heard of epigenetics, what is it?

I guess I'm torn about known donor. I partly want the distance and worry they will look at the baby and wonder if it looks like them etc (and so would I) but then again, my sister has the same mum and dad so same gene pool, theoretically her eggs are very similar to mine anyway. I guess counselling helps address all this.

Thanks for the advice ladies, wonderful to chat to girls who have been through the process successfully xx
Hi Mrs W, we got pregnant naturally while we were gearing up for our 7th IVF. I was waiting for my cycle to come to start the BCP when it didn't - I really thought I was broken! We've done 3 donor egg cycles. When I miscarried both embryos from the 1st one in 2013, I immediately got tested for immune issues. If you have stroke, Chrones disease, or arthritis in your family you're at high risk of having immune problems. I likely both fail to implant during my IVF's because of clotting issues and so far I think the Thrombophelia and Antiphospholipid Antibodies have caused 2 mc and potentially 1 chemical. There are so many women who likely have immune problems holding them back in the ltttc section but when I mention if they've been tested there's usually no response, people just don't want to talk or treat immune issues. SO, we're pregnant and in the know, so I'm on blood thinners up to the eyeballs. My doc said if I"m ever in an accident I'd bleed to death in a matter of seconds, I haven't ever been in an accident and don't intend on being in one either:haha:

I was offered by my sister who's 2 years younger than myself to have her donate her eggs to me and I declined. At $12, a crack the fertility clinic in Calgary would gladly take my money and issue their apologies when it didn't work out. I find their statistics questionable in their frozen donor egg successes as well. They were dismissive of my immune issues and claimed that they'd tested me for clotting issues. Their results were negative! As much as it was a super loving and generous offer from my sister, she's 99% likely to have the same issues as myself (and my mom did). But if you think it'd work with your known donor then make your decision based on good communication, counselling and planning - never ever on fear. Fear undermines good common sense in every way (which is why it works so well for politicians to pass underhanded agendas:rofl:).
Epigenetics is to do with how the mother carrying the child can influence much about the babies make up even if it is a donor egg. Don't know anything about the lister but I hope they can help. Keep us posted how your app goes xx
Today is Day 1 After transfer :)

My experience was great! Even better than the other times. They transferred 2 perfect condition day 5 blasts. One was advanced hatched, and one was a complete blastists.

My testing day is March 30th, the day after my birthday.

My crinone meds are going really well, a lot cleaner to do than I thought. I had 3 pills left of antibiotics, I had to stop the ay before because in the morning it made my really throw up and it was embarrassing, I was at a restaurant for breakfast.

So I felt since I had 4 days worth of it before I was good to go. Its just taken as a precaution, at least my hubby had no problems :)

Also my lining numbers was better than last time, I was a 7, this time an 8.
Hey ladies, glad to see you all on here, was beginning to wonder where everyone had gone!
2have/ MrsG, glad all is going well even if time is dragging. Seems like the waiting is never over!
Mrs W, I doubt I could deal with knowing my donor, I think I'd always be reminded every time I saw them, however that's just me and everyone is different. Personally anonymity is important for me. My first DE cycle was sharing eggs via the agora clinic in Hove. Many if their nurses and Drs came from the Lister and they used to have close links with the lister, however all references seem to have been removed from their website, so perhaps not anymore. I'm now being treated at Reprofit, one failed cycle but have two frosties which we'll have transferred in late May. I was very hesitant to use an overseas clinic but they are do professional and half the price if UK clinics which we simply couldn't afford anymore. I really wish if gone to them sooner. Good luck with whatever you decide, you'll get loads of support and help here!
Coolstar, how are you? What stage are you at now? xx
SKP how many frosties did you get from your 6 frozen eggs? It'd be a nice birthday gift to get a bfp!

I have my first midwife appointment tomorrow, I hope they don't send me packing to an OB because I'm on blood thinners! The midwives here have rights to the hospital birthing pools, OB's use hospital beds :nope: have to wait until the 27th? blah I would hope it was faster...oh well I'm just impatient hehehe

SKP congrats on transfer! Fxd you get awesome news the day after your birthday!
I forgot to mention :)

All 6 fertilized, and 2 were implanted

Any tips on to help implant?

How is everyone doing?
Well that's good news. No tips here, just enjoy yourself and try not to stress.
Thanks 2have :)

How are things with you?
2have and MrsG - after you are out of the first trimester, things pick up quickly...I am already almost 20 weeks and do not know how I got here! LOL!!!! I am more than halfway, as I will have a C-section at least by 39 weeks. Are you ladies feeling well, or having the first trimester blues?

Welcome new ladies!!!! Good luck with your cycles....

Hope everyone is well!!!! I am a bit busy with work and also doing a household move, so will probably be a bit occupied next few weeks...will check in as can ladies!!!! Baby Dust!!!!
SKP, that's great news! Sounds like you got amazing quality eggs. Fingers crossed those frosties are only needed for siblings! x

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