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Will I ever TTC #1?
Aug 21, 2009
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Hey gals (and guys I guess),
This is my first official post here. Been lurking around reading for about an hour and just decided to post just for the helluva it

HEY I'm Brandi...I'm 29, married for almost 3 years and we've been TTC for 2 1/2 years with no luck :nope:
It's really got me down a lot lately because I keep seeing all these young women preg and have babies and whatnot and I get so sad because I just keep getting older and having nothing happen. My cousin had her first child on NYE last year and a friend of mine is due in Jan next year...I just keep asking myself WHY NOT ME! It's so aggravating and my DH is starting to get mopey now too

Personally, I think my biggest problem (aside from not enough :sex: and I mean that quite literally) is that I'm am overweight...I'm about 120 lbs over my ideal weight which has been a HUGE struggle for me personally, but now I have the added pressure of wanting to start a family (along with my husband whining about it all the time as well). I've tried to use the whole getting PG thing to motivate me to lose weight, but it just doesn't. I've done my research and am well aware the risks you have to deal with when you DO manage to get PG as an overweight individual...which is why I want to lose the weight before but at the same time I don't want to stop trying.

Is anyone else in this boat as well?

One of my big problems is I think I am misreading my body signals. When we first started TTC I went out and bought EPTs like crazy. I've taken so many now and gotten BFNs so much I don't know how I would react if I ever actually get a BFP! lol

But my weird thing right now is that every day the past 4 days....I get like extremely feels like I am dying of thirst/that I have this lump in my throat. I've been drinking water like crazy so I don't think I am dehydrated (and running to the bathroom all the time now because of it...arg). The weird thing is that it is only happening at night. I'm a night owl...I don't usually go to bed until about this time (4am) and about midnight is when it starts to bother me. It's really strange...I go to bed and in the AM I'm fine and all through the day I'm fine but as soon as it gets late it kicks in...right now its driving me nuts and Im trying to write as fast as I can so I can go to bed...LOL
The other thing that had me scratching my head is about 2 weeks ago i had VERY LIGHT spotting when I shouldn't have and today (week of expected AF...should be 3 days from now) I had some VERY VERY light spotting, but it only lasted for about an hour each time and was barely anything.

I dunno...I guess it's just wishful thinking, but I just wish It would happen already...
Fingers crossed Brandi. You should have a look at a thread on here about early pregnancy symptoms. I think it might currently be on the 2nd page. It has loads of early pregnancy symptoms and always helps me through the 2 week wait. Also, is it worth taking a test?
I don't think right now it is....I'm just really aggravated at the lump in the throat/always feeling thirsty thing. I thought I was crazy googling it as an early PG symptom but I guess its not that led me here! LOL
TTC is hard when it doesn't come easily. :hug: Maybe if you two have been at it that long, it's a good idea to at least go to the gynocologist to make sure there aren't any problems? Hope you get your :bfp: soon!
I think after 2 1/2 years it would be a good idea to go and see your doctor. They are highly likely to talk to you about your weight, but the 2 things may be connected (e.g PCOS)
I guess the other thing I'm wondering, especially if you're not doing a lot of strumping, is whether you are managing to miss your fertile window - particularly if you ovulate a bit sooner or later than the standard Day14.

Have you tried using OPKs? (ovulation predictor kits?) I use a ClearBlue Fertility Monitor, which is a posh kinda OPK system, but others on here use the cheapos that you can get off the internet.

Welcome to B&B and good luck!
I'm overweight and TTC. My ob/gyn prescribed me PhenChrom and I kind of love it. It's Phentermine (the Phen from FenPhen that didn't kill people) and Chromium Piccolinate. It's kind of a like speed and the pill form of gastric bypass surgery. LOL

I started taking it on May 13 lost about 35 lbs in 2 months. I've been lax on taking it recently because of 2 "maybe I'm pg" incidents... but it's been wonderful! I'm still quite overweight and have a long way to go... and I totally identify with "I want a baby" not being the appropriate motivation to lose weight for me. I see women who are way more overweight than me and have kids or are pregnant. I don't believe that it's impossible, and my ob/gyn giving me Clomid makes me feel like she doesn't think it's impossible either. She's been practicing for more years than many doctors have been alive (47 years PRACTICING!). She's confident that losing the weight would be great for me and help the TTC process, but she also isn't asking that I wait until I've lost the weight to try.

Definitely go to a doctor, and if you don't click with the first one, try again! The first ob/gyn I went to recently was terrible. She talked to me like I was 5 years old and wanted to waste time testing me for things that she said herself were "so unlikely, I can't imagine a scenario where it would be the case, but I think it's important to check to be sure." I'm 28 years old. I don't have to time make sure that highly unlikely things aren't wrong with me! That's silly!!!

My new ob/gyn is amazing! It's all about finding the doctor who is right for you. Some people loved my first ob/gyn... awesome reviews online. My new one... not so awesome reviews. But, she cuts to the chase, tells you like it is, tells you how it's going to be, explains only what you want or need explained, and out the door you go! I love it! :)

Good luck, and don't let anyone tell you that you "can't" conceive without losing the weight. However, urchin is right about checking for a possible PCOS diagnosis... or even just insulin resistance. Both are usually treated with Metformin (which sucks for the first week or two of being on it, but then gets better if you stick with it) and can be worked with when treated. You're totally worth the time it takes to be checked out by a doctor! :)
Well it figures the minute I tell people about's gonna happen during the day! ARG. You know how when you're on the verge of crying but you try to not cry and you get that lump in your throat? That's what it feels like. I've drank so much water the past couple days I haven't peed yellow for the past 2 days (TMI sorry)....
It's driving me crazy
And while I was doing my hair this morning I burped and got this metallic taste in my mouth...BLEH...I haven't eaten yet today so i dunno what the problem is.

About the PCOS...I had thought about it before thinking that might be a problem. I haven't been to a doc yet as I don't even have a OB selected yet...Hubby just recently signed up for benefits at work, so I'm slowly getting around to finding Drs thought I LOATHE going.
Anyhow my friend that is due in Jan has PCOS and she had to give herself shots every day after she got PG...I don't know how she did it...I couldn't even imagine doing that to myself. I guess if it came down to it...DH would have to take care of it LOL

Weird question though...has anyone else ever heard this said...I heard it SOMEWHERE that when you are overweight that one of the reasons you may not get PG is because all the weight you are carrying puts so much pressure on your ovaries that it just wont release the egg. Any truth to that? I guess it's related to the whole PCOS thing? I read it on a site once. Can't remember where though
Well....replying to myself...maybe I should just journal it LOL
Yesterday the throat thing went away and I was happy but today it came back!
Today was also the day AF was supposed to show but nothing so far...

OH and the other night at work I got seriously bummed out...
Some lady came in to buy something for a baby shower and when she came up to check out she was asking me about the price of something then asked me if I was about to have a baby :cry: I told her I wasn't pregnant I was just fat she looked horrified....My coworker tried to make me feel better by saying that at least it looks like I'm not fat all the time...ARG :nope:
I don't want to LOOK PG I want to BE PG!

{{Rant over}}
Hey Brandi - I used to be around 280lbs+, and have always had regular periods - no PCOS here - so while it might be a factor for some women, I wouldn't put it down as a cause.

I am now down to around 220lbs, and started ttc in April - while no luck yet, I know that the idea of a baby motivated me. You really should go see your doctor, they can help put you on the right path, and before you know it, FX'd you will be.

:dust: to you honey
I hope you get your :bfp: soon, I would go the the Dr and get them to do some tests to see if there is not anything else is wrong why you can't conceive, I am also overweight by about 105lb and if i go to the Dr's regarding anything he normal say's it is down to been over weight which is a load of C**P.
Regarding your throat thing number one get it checked out, the fun thing about it when i was trying to get pregnant and up to about 10 weeks pregnant with my daughter i kept thinking there was something stuck in my throat and was drinking loads to see if i could get rid of it, went to the dr's and there was nothing there,

so fingers cross to you
I heard it SOMEWHERE that when you are overweight that one of the reasons you may not get PG is because all the weight you are carrying puts so much pressure on your ovaries that it just wont release the egg. Any truth to that? I guess it's related to the whole PCOS thing? I read it on a site once. Can't remember where though

There can be conception issues due to excess weight, but it has nothing to do with your weight pushing on your ovaries and stopping them from releasing an egg. Fat cells produce estrogen, and excess fat produces excess estrogen. The more fat you have, the more estrogen you produce. Too much estrogen will keep your body from following the necessary hormone cycle that leads to regular ovulation. For ovulation to occur, your estrogen has to drop which signals your body to start producing LH and FSH... those make the follicles grow in your ovaries... and the most mature one (or sometimes more) will burst and release an egg at ovulation. Then your progesterone begins to rise after ovulation, and your progesterone drops at the end of your luteal phase if conception/implantation doesn't occur... which signals your body to shed the uterine lining.

That is why Provera/Prometrium (artificial progesterone) is taken for X number of days and then stopped and you begin a new cycle a few days later. It simulates the end of your luteal phase to bring a withdrawal bleed (withdrawal from progesterone). The reason Clomid works is because it convinces your body that you don't have enough estrogen, which simulates the estrogen drop that causes the body to produce LH and FSH in prep for ovulation! :)

Sometimes I wish I had to look this stuff up and it wasn't just stuck in my head forever! LOL :)

Good luck! ~*BABY DUST*~

P.S. I'm also overweight and my ob/gyn is telling me that my weight is standing between me and my baby. I kind of wanted to punch her. I've seen women would could only be described as land whales (I'm not trying to offend... but I mean ridiculously overweight... carrying 4 Backstreet Boys worth of extra weight around) who have like 6 kids and are pregnant again. I can't help but wonder how that happens if I am too fat to get pregnant! I need to lose about 130lbs to be at my goal weight, but I definitely looked really damn good about 80lbs thinner than I am now. I think the weight thing is a pathetic cop out so they don't have to deal with us! :shrug: Maybe that's just me?
OH I know exactly what you mean me. The last time I went to the OB when they wrote MORBIDLY obsese on my test results I just sat there and cried. And I have gained more weight since I can't even imagine what they would say to me if I told them I wanted to get PG.
Doesn't mean I'm gonna stop though.
And yeah I've seen the same people you are talking about. Just the other day these two people came in with their daughter who was pregnant...and she was bigger than me! You know you can just tell sometimes how a person looks naturally and this girl had me size wise. Yeah that really irritates me when I see that too.
Personally I DO think my weight is what is holding me back because aside from my sinus problems (and this on again off again throat thing...which I am convinced now is due to my sinuses and stress) I don't have any noticeable or known health issues...
But you telling me about the estrogen kinda helps clear up the reason maybe why my TOM is so wacked up most months. I def makes sense.
Well...I'm going to see about getting my ass in gear and trying to drop some lb-age while I wait! LOL
Thanks for the insights!
No problem, hun! :) The thing that annoyed me most about my ob/gyn complaining about my weight is that I've lost 50 lbs since Feb and 35 lbs of that was just since May. So, it's not like I'm not showing an effort. Eh... We'll both get there. Every day is just another day closer to a :bfp:, right? Right!
I was always told that it is being underweight that causes problems ttc not being overweight
Underweight isn't so fantastic either... I haven't read as much about it though, because I've never been accused of being underweight. lol
Well I'm a night owl and my apt complex has a small fitness center. I'm not too crazy about the idea of going in there late at night so I think I might get up tomorrow (since it's my day off) and get in some time on the elliptical or the treadmill for 20 or 30 mins...
I REALLY hate my DH weighs less than me...its just not right...LOL
Treadmill all the way... every trainer I've ever talked to has said that elliptical machines are useless for weight loss because the resistance and angle have to be so severe that no one who is truly overweight/out of shape could do it for long enough to make a difference! Walking is about the best exercise there is... swimming too, but that's not my bag! :)
Well I LOVE swimming. Our pool is too small to do any real damage but I will def jump on that treadmill! LOL
My ob/gyn recommended 45 mins twice a day... I did it for a good long while (until I got sick a while back and then followed it with a slight but unpleasant back injury) and it really worked! :) Maybe you can go enough for the both of us, because I certainly haven't been going lately! LOL
LOL...OK well maybe we should do it together! I definitely need it and it's hard to stay motivated! haha

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