International bumps to be!

Chrissi, That must be wonderful to have a girl after two boys:flower:

Hena, oh, I'm sure your students will be happy about the present. And hapy holidays.:happydance:

RJ, how did it turn out? Did you get the call? I so hope everything is okay. And I do understand, that you were a bit sad on the dead annversairy.:hugs:

Molly, depression doesn't mean that you have to be suicidal all the time. It can also be a bipolar depression - where you feel all anthusiastic one day and deeply sad the next. And both depression and pcos can be caused by hormonal imbalances.:hugs:

Stucki, I really hope you will soon get your bfp. Sometimes, it happens when you don't even try. How are you these days?:hugs:

expat, I'd also like to know if you are okay?:hugs:

Anewbeginning - welcome, have you already posted a little bit about your current situation?:flower:
chrissi - that's awesome!!! she's beautiful :kiss::kiss::kiss: were you surprised?

Dusty - thanks hon, how are you feeling?

She's gorgeous Chriss! Congratulations. What a great Christmas present!
Loving the scan ChissiK!!!

Dh got his semi results last week and I THINK it looks ok...let's see what the obgyn says today. I'm goin to a different one this time, its closer to our place but I pretty much rang him because my usual one is booked out until the 29th and I don't want to wait that long :haha:. If I don't feel comfortable with him, I'm going back though.

I'll post the semi results in case any of you know anything about it.

Volume: 5.1ml
121 million/ml
Motility a. 20%
motility b. 30%
motility c. 15%
no motility. 35%

progressive motility 50%

Everything else seems to be within rage. The only bit I'm sort of worrying about is motility "a". Its meant to be at least 25% (or so it says on the report). But then I'm thinking 25% of 20 million (minimum number per ml) is much less than 20% of 121 million.

Any thoughts?
So sorry Molly but I'm afraid I can't help you with that as I have no idea regarding sa results or similar. I've never been in that situation so have no idea what's adequate or not.

I got my +opk yesterday and I think I've O early in the morning today because of the terrible pain I was having. I'll know in two weeks if we made it or not.
How weird that af is due on the same date I had my first mc.
Great stucki!! So we can share this 2ww & hopefully get our bfp's with the new year.

Congrats to your dh! What a great achievement!!
I'm just back from the new obgyn. He gave me progesterone to make my cycles regular again. Have to take it for 10 days, count 15 days from my cd1 and start again. He said it won't affect my ovulation, but if I do ovulate I'd know when because it'll be midcycle. So just in case from CD9 I should BD every second day.

I was a bit upset that I didnt get prescribed Clomid, but he said he wouldnt be able to keep an eye on it with follow up scans, and he wouldnt risk over stimulation. Instead we were told to go to the hospital this clinic work with, but to take it easy because we have only started and I might even get pregnant on my own.

After the initial disappointment, I talked to DH and thought the Drs rationale was fair enough. So we've decided to not take chances and go to the hospital instead.
The appointment for the other obgyn (who wasnt gonna follow up with scans) was on the 29th. Made an online appointment for the hospital and got it for the 28th...
Gonna start taking the progesterone tonight, and see what happens.

Feel a lot better now though. No rush.
Good luck with your treatment Molly! I can see you are in the right path with your docs on your side.
Thanks Madrid!

I started taking the progesterone last nite, but feel a bit sick today. Vomited straight after getting up, and it has to be the progesterone because DH is feeling fine and we had the same food all day long.

Gonna try to take it vaginally today to see if it improves..:nope:
I just had another u/s yesterday, and the baby is fine. it was moving, looked like a little teddy bear and there was a heartbeat.

What I find weird is, that I keep having a lot of mucus down there, and today a little (very little) bit of blood was mixed in there. Not sure if I should go see the gyn since I was there just yesterday. And it's not real bleeding either:shrug:

What I find even more worrying is that we are planning to visit my family over christmas, and my grandfather has MRSA, or used to have it a few months ago. I don't know if anyone of you can understand what I mean, but I'm really scared to get infected there. Thing is, I do have a diagnose anxiety disorder. Then again, two doctors told me to rather not go there.

There will be a huge family dinner with everyone, and it's just not possible to be sure that everyone will wash their hands, not to mention use disinfectant before touching me. Plus, I have the little one who is only 2 years old and probably will touch everything that might look interesting there - like 2yr old kids are.

When I tried to ask my dad if we could come over another day, when there are not so many people, he was all disappointed and told me that he'd tell my grandparents to not come to the dinner, then. Basically, this has been my dad's way to manipulate people, for years. And even though I'm grown up now, it still works: I feel guilty. It's so much pressure right now, and I simply never have been good at handling pressure. I feel urged to go there, knowing that it will make me worry for the rest of the pregnancy.:cry: And at the same, I'm so mad when I think about what I'm expected to do - play the hero, ignore the risk, just to see my sick grandfather who probably won't live for that long anymore.

If you have read through this, please know I'm very thankful for someone listening. I've been crying all day already... somehow I'm disappointed that obviously, my family dad would rather want to have his party the way he wants than me and the baby healthy. Maybe it's the anxiety disorder which doesn't eactly help me to relax on the issue, but so far, nobody told me "hey don't worry" either.
Dusty, is there any way that your grand father gets tested again before you go over...although it might be too late.

Did he get treated at the time when the infection was found?? Usually after finishing the protocol the person is tested again to make sure it has worked.
Hellllooooo ladies! I'm back from an emergency work trip to rural China, and had min. access to internet. It was so interesting being there (working on child rights and disaster management), but I'm glad to be home -- right before Christmas! I have loads to catch up on, and want to read back on all the threads, but will most likely do that after New Years.
Except for dusty -- since you're right at the top of this page, I wanted to say that whatever you choose, you've got the support of lots of people. I googled MRSA, and found this page quite interesting: It sounds like following up on Molly's suggestion - of seeing if he's been tested to make sure the infection is gone -- is the best option before the dinner. For your anxiety, do you do pregnancy yoga? There are some really amazing breathing exercises that I use when I am in the field, in challenging situations...
In any case, I will promise to get back to everyone else after the holidays. I had af when I was away, after a full week of spotting (sigh), so it seems like my b-vitamins are doing the opposite of what they were supposed to do, and we missed the little eggy last round.
SO - Merry Christmas to all, and know if you were in PNG, I'd bake you cookies. Here's to a new year with lots of laughter and happy bump chat xx
OH and thanks so much for the thoughts after the quake. It happened when I was away, and was scary, but everyone, and everything, is alright.
Did I mention that I had to leave for China with less than a day's notice (!!)? Good that we got in some fun bd-ing before hand!
Hi everyone,
things are crazy at our house right now in preparation for Christmas and arranging the last things left from the move, the kids are home, too and DH is still at work - and we are leaving for a week in Germany (hopefully with snow!) the day after Christmas!

I managed to write another blog - this time with an international topic, so I thought it might be of interest to some of you...

I hope you all have a safe and "fertile" holiday season and get to relax a bit!

PS: It's hard to believe, but I am moving into the third trimester and the belly is getting so big I'm starting to bump into things and getting stuck on the sofa!
Hey everyone! It’s quiet round here – I’ve been flat out with xmas & I guess we’re all so busy right now – so just a quick fly by….

Dusty – great to hear that you saw your lo again! But so sorry about the situation with your grandfather is stressing you out so much & making it really tough – is the retest that Molly suggested an option? I can understand your anxiety & hope you get a resolution & that the rest of your family are understanding.

I hope everyone else is doing great – Expat – that mad dash to China sounds crazy (& exciting too!) your job sounds v interesting.

Not much news here apart from my rapid expansion. We have the anatomy scan on 4th Jan where we hope everything is as it should be and hope to find out the gender. I will defo get that bump pic up soon – would be lovely to see one of you guys too at some point to see what we all look like lol.

Molly and RJ, yes he got tested yesterday. I hope the result will be there by christmas. What I find so hard to deal with is the pressure that my dad is putting on me, like I'd ruin everything if I decided to not come over for christmas. I know it would be sad and I know my grandparents would love to see me and the LO.

But still I kind of thought that I would be entitled to make my own choice whether to take a risk or not:shrug:. And at the moment it looks like a lose-lose-situation in case the test turns out to be positive: either my whole family gets mad at me, or I will spend the net months worrying whether or not I got infected and what this might mean for the baby.

expat - good to see you around, I was wondering how you are.:hugs: I definitely need to try to relax a little more - christmas is a very stressy time, I think. Thanks for your support:flower:

Chrissi - your posts mostly sound like time flies by for you. I really wish it was that way for me, too. Can't wait to leave the 12 week mark behind me.
Dear friends,

I wanted to wish you all a very merry Christmas - in the hopes that 2012 will the the year for all of us to give birth!

Here is my oldest with me and the bump in front of our Christmas Tree!


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Hello there ladies, I'm back from a quick Christmas trip of diving, and off for a week break for New Years, so won't be online again for a bit. It's been a bit testing lately, I should be o'ing this weekend, but DH just hasn't been in the mood for anything. I think we'll probably take it easy for the rest of the cycle, and I won't drop any hints about timing, some relaxing is probably needed for both of us.
I found this note and thought it would be good for the already-Moms amongst us, and for those of us hoping to get our BFP in the new year, something to look forward to:
Lots of warm wishes and happiness to you all from POM :)

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