International bumps to be!

Madrid, the picture is sooo cute!! I had my parents fridge full of drawings from DH's nephew. Yeah the health system is very good, but it takes sooo long for everything. We have private insurance so its pretty straight forward, but from what I've heard if you go public it takes a good bit longer because you can't just go to the specialist you want, you have to be referred and it takes ages!

I've been having an awful headache for the past few days and woke up today with swollen tonsils. UGH! seconds time in less than 3 weeks. Going to the doctors tomorrow, can't wait to get rid of them! I think SIL is making/made an appointment for the operation next month...

On the other hand its my 3rd day with ovusitol, and LOVE the fact that it has no taste to it. I would have taken it anyway, but its a good plus. Now I can't wait for our tests so we can start a proper treatment.
Yes Molly I guess it depends where you live. Where my mum is, it doesn't take long to be referred or seen. Maybe she's lucky. In here they don't refer you at all. Gps are like a safety wall between us & the specialists, so it makes it hard when you want to have tests or anything.
Madrid - thats a great drawing?
Are you very open about TTC then?
We didn't tell the kids, because I couldn't face the constant inquiries sure to follow...

Things are slowing down after the move, I am wearing a belt for the pelvic pain and so far so good!

Dusty- have you gone for the us?
We aren't that open to be honest. We told them when I first got pregnant and then they knew about the mc but since then my youngest has been always saying things like "when are you going to have a baby mummy?" or "why is it taking so long?". I guess he just can't understand it isn't like getting a toy or something like that. He knew when I was pregnant back in July too but only because he saw my doppler so he put 2 and 2 together. He's seen me so many times crying that I guess he's very sensitive about the whole thing. Don't know.......

Glad that the belt is helping you ease the pain. Just take your time with sorting out things. You'll get there eventually. Have you been buying baby stuff? Are you waiting for the sales? One of my work colleagues was saying he's waiting for the sales to buy everything they need. I wouldn't like the thought of fighting for a cot just for a 10% discount but I can understand there are people who may enjoy the struggle for bargain.

Madrid - I can understand that you would rather not want to talk about being pregnant that soon, not even your ds. I'm happy that the LO is just too little to understand yet. Is the doppler something you can use at home? I might sound dumb, but what is it for, to hear the baby's heartbeat?

Chrissi - no I haven't had another u/s yet. Monday it will be. When will you go for another try to find out the baby's gender?

MOlly - I too, seem to be having a cold or something. Nothing bad, but bad enough to keep me worrying. Hope you feel better very soon - I made chicken soup today, it's supposed to help when having a cold. (Don't ask me why, though.)

Gabby - first of all hello, as we haven't spoken on here yet:) I can relate to the feeling of having pregnant women around me all the time since we startet TTC. There were times when I simply got mad at all pregnant women while I had just mc.

RJ - how are you doing yourself? The last times you popped in here, you replied to our posts but didn't tell how you are doing?

hope I didn't forget anyone:blush:

AFM - I have another u/s on Monday and am, of course, very nervous. I do feel... well, sick all the time, but no throwing up so far (except once). Can't even smell coffee anymore, which is so bad when you wake up dead tired in the morning. Basically, I've been tired throughout the day, lately. So tired that I even had to take naps in between.

And it does feel like something is being stretched there in my lower tummy. Had quite some *cough*TMI*cough creamy mucus down there but read this was okay.... then read this might be an infection, so I'll have to ask about that, too, on Monday.

Even though seeing the heartbeat made me so happy and felt like a relief... I still keep worrying about the other baby that might be sitting in the corner there. Now that I've seen 2 babies, I want them both:cloud9: What if there won't be a second heartbeat there on Monday - will I lose both babies then? What if there won't be any heartbeat at all anymore? Worries, worries, but so far things seem to be okay.

I keep wondering if I'm feeling sicker than when I was pregnant with the LO, and more tired that back then. But I simply can't remember... I'm probably trying to get a sign whether the other baby will be still there on Monday. Ah well. Everything felt kind of okay in August, and I still had the mc in the end.:nope:
Hi ladies how are you all today? :flower: I hope you all had a lovely wk end.

We had our first proper dump of snow & everything is sooo festive. :xmas5:
Makes me nervous travelling in the car though but otherwise I love it really. Was a very busy wk end for me with shopping/social events etc & I felt terribly sick on Sat evening. Not sure if that was a result of doing so much or if I need to face up to having ms on/off for the rest of the term! After much deliberation I had my flu jab on Friday & have my 16wk wk check up on Wed along with the blood test for downs etc. Bit nervous about that & the results….

Hope you guys are all well - thinking about you today Dusty at your scan...

Thank you RJ:flower:

Well, there was one strong heartbeat and again not sure to say whether or not there is another baby. And because I said I couldn't take the incertainity anymore, she sent me to some collegue who has a better U/S device. I know it's been just one week, but it reminded me a lot to the time before I had the mc, when things were between hoping and waiting to start to bleed. Anyway, the collegue did another u/s which showed that there is one baby and something else she can't specify, but it's definitely not a baby. So, no twins for me.:cry:

I was pretty sad when this other doc told me that there wouldn't be twins, and she basically did that in a "I have great news for you, it's no twins" kind of way. I know being pregnant with twins wouldn't have been fun, but I had already been in love with my little corner sitting baby.

Anyway, in the end it's good that I didn't have to wait another week to find out, because that would have been another week getting lost in some illusion. I'm okay now, happy even. It's one baby, one strong heartbeat and that's a big step forward compared to last time I was pregnant. Chances are, that I will have a healthy baby in July next year:happydance:
Very happy with your update dusty!! So it seems it was only one baby all along Hopefully you'll be able to put your fears to one side now and enjoy this pregnancy to the full. So nice to hear good news!!!

Thank you RJ:flower:

Well, there was one strong heartbeat and again not sure to say whether or not there is another baby. And because I said I couldn't take the incertainity anymore, she sent me to some collegue who has a better U/S device. I know it's been just one week, but it reminded me a lot to the time before I had the mc, when things were between hoping and waiting to start to bleed. Anyway, the collegue did another u/s which showed that there is one baby and something else she can't specify, but it's definitely not a baby. So, no twins for me.:cry:

I was pretty sad when this other doc told me that there wouldn't be twins, and she basically did that in a "I have great news for you, it's no twins" kind of way. I know being pregnant with twins wouldn't have been fun, but I had already been in love with my little corner sitting baby. Anyway, in the end it's good that I didn't have to wait another week to find out, because that would have been another week getting lost in some illusion. I'm okay now, happy even. It's one baby, one strong heartbeat and that's a big step forward compared to last time I was pregnant. Chances are, that I will have a healthy baby in July next year:happydance:

Dusty i am so pleased about the strong heartbeat - it really must have brought memories back for you, but this is a whole new pregnancy & that strong heartbeat is living, beating proof! :cloud9: Well done on ensuring you got answers today - there's nothing worse than being in limbo. A little bit odd the way they told you i.e. great news etc. Of course you have mixed emotions honey - it's only natural. You take care of you & the super sticky bean honey....

Dusty, sorry about the idea of twins not becoming the reality! But, I'm super happy for you about your one lil bean growing strong!

How is everyone today? I haven't ben on here much lately since my lil girl broke her arm on Sunday.:cry: My poor baby was in so much pain. She went to school today and tomorrow we'll be getting her cast put on. Stupid telephone compay had some tower thing randomly placed on a neighbor's lawn. It's about 3.5 feet tall and long and lean. Well, she sat on it(there's enough room for her little bum). She fell backwards and chipped her elbow. I know kids have accidents, but I never pictured her breaking her arm like that. Maybe on a bike or scooter or climbing a tree. So, I can't help but be outraged at the telephone company for not blocking it off or putting up signs. Not to mention medical here in the states is outrageous. This will probably set us back our entire deductible of 3k. I'm not worried about that as much as this could have been prevented. I won't stop until they do something to prevent future injuries.
Oh dear gabby, I'm so sorry about your little one! That sounds very painful!! Hope she'll get the cast soon maybe to ease the pain. And that should have been blocked; you are so right to be annoyed. Can't you report them in any way?
Rjsmam - just saw the weather forecast! Stay safe & warm!

Dusty - so glad the us went well even though I know you would have loved 3 children! Hoping for a h&h 9m! Will you be classed as high risk due to the mc?

Where is everybody else in their cycle?

Nothing new here, starting to bump into things with the belly and baby is theoretically VIABLE now! (Phew)
Chrissi - congrats on V day!! how are you feeling? thanks for thinking of us!

Madrid - how is this soy tww wait going? hoping for exciting xmas news!!

Gabby - so sorry about little one's arm - that sounds painful. I often moan about the nhs but i have to say bills like those unexpectedly would floor us... but the main thing is she's ok & hopefully it will mend quick. my son broke his arm when he was 4 and got the cast off in 3wks!

dusty - how are you feeling, is it all sinking in!?

Molly - hope yoru throat/tonsils are on the mend!

Stuck - how are you hon? did the provera do its trick?

Expat - hope you are well too, i reckon you must be in the tww - best of luck!

anewbeginning - hi! hope you're doing good

Hena - hoping things are getting on track for you & all is well

it's wild in north of scotland today - has steadily got worse throughout the day & although we've not been hit as hard as southern scotland (yet) it's pretty crazy. our garden fences are down and lights are flickering so possibly about to lose electric. we're battening down the hatches - the snow is expected to join in later too! every winter gets more bonkers for us - last year we had 'thundersnow' snow & lightening together!

in bump news i had my 16wk check up - all was seems well although none of the midwives have even seen my bump - they apparently don't listen for heartbeat til 22wks now. i have a home doppler but i've not used it too much as was panicking when couldn't find it straight away! had my blood tests for downs etc and am now waiting for results & hoping for low risk...

I hope you are all well & looking forward to some festive BFPs!

Hi!! I'm still waiting to O so the soy isn't working as well as the first time I took it even though I've increased the dosage a bit. My cm is increasing and the opk's getting gradually darker so I guess it'll happen sooner or later. In the meantime I'm very relaxed about the whole thing and focusing more in my work at uni.

Glad to hear you are both well rjsman and Chrissi!!

Hope all the other ladies are busy preparing for the holidays!!

Hey ladies. Provera did the trick and I'm CD7 of a Metfomin and 150mg Clomid cycle.

This will be our last month actively TTC; I can't take the stress and I can't take any more losses. The stress of the last couple years has really started affecting DH and my relationship and I really want to spend the new year working on Me, My Health and DH than working on a baby.

My contract came through with the Navy and my security clearance passed so I'll be part of the real life work force starting in January. I bought a bicycle and I'm going to ride to work every day. Hopefully that and the Metformin will help me loss the last couple lbs that I just can't seem to shake.

If we get pregnant along the way, than great! I we don't get pregnant on our own in the next couple of years than maybe we'll look more closely at IVF, but honestly I'm not even sure that I want kids anymore. It's been such a struggle for something that just seems unreachable and I'm done trying to achieve things that obviously don't want to be achieved.

Sorry I haven't stopped it; I just don't feel like I've got anything to say recently.
I'll still be around, just probably not as frequently.
Well, the little one got her cast put on 2 days ago and the doc said she only needs it for 2 weeks! So, it'll be off before Christmas! Yay!

Madrid- Hope you O soon and catch that little eggo!
Suckinoki- I hope the relaxing a bit can help calm some nerves. I feel the same way about maybe "not wanting kids". I'm starting to believe what will happen is meant to be. It's hard not to stress though. I'm in the beginning of my looooong cycle so there's nothing I can obsess over right now, but comes the end and it's stress and obsess all over again! I'm hoping that I won't obsess this cycle. It's not worth it.

I hope everyone is doing well.:)
Hi everyone! I haven't been hiding this time, just super busy with work, family, Christmas planning and ttc. I'm going to update you all on me me me and then go back and catch up with all of you. I did check in quickly a week ago Wednesday to see how the appointments of the day before had gone but didn't have time to post.

Soooo I had my big 11th day appt on Saturday (my doctor is a saint...sainte?) and she did the US. Too many folicles on the left ovary (we were able to see at least 5) and none on the right. She's also told us to dtd before going in, so she swabbed my cm and put it under the microscope to check out dh's :spermy:. Good news: he's got 'em Bad news: none of them were moving. Poor little buggers, doa appearently....either that or I've got a killer vagina? :shrug: So she gave me a script for Serophene with strict orders to take it days 3-7 of my next cycle ONLY if I'll be in Switzerland on the 11th day because otherwise I could be the next octomom. Ick. Aslo sent DH in for a SA.

Okay, so then my DH....whom I love dearly. We're a team, untoppable, yaddy yadda. The daft fool (is that reduntant?) MASTURBATED 12 hours before his appt. UGH :grr: Last night he says to me in English, using his sweetest German accent "I think I maybe did something I shouldn't" I could have clobbered him. THEN this morning when he was supposed to be filling the cup he spilled the first half of the sample :grr: I know I'm lucky to have a partner who is so supportive and willing and even unembarassed about doing his part so I'm being nice and just said "done is done" but seriously!!!! :grr:

Anyway, the lab called and said they might need him to drop off a second, more representative sample next Friday. I'm off now to buy some hadcuffs :haha:

Okay, that's me. Now I'm off to read all your updates! I'm crossing my fingers for good news!!!
PS I just got home from my office party, slightly hammered. Excuse my ramblings.

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