International bumps to be!

Hi everyone :wave:

rjsmam, I can't believe you're still sick, feel better soon! It sounds like the time with your mil was better than expected? The smoking sound dreaful though, ugh! I'm so sorry to hear of your loss at such a young age. It must be such a comfort to still have your father as support. Do you get to see him often?

Madrid, your degree sounds very interesting. How long is the programme?

mzswizz, what did end up doing with hubby off DJing? I have to admit, although I like some alone time I think I'm more like you. Home alone is not my favourite. A few hours, a late evening here or there are fine, but as soon as bed time comes I miss my Love!

stuckinoki, omg "it will all leak out at once in one gigantic vagina bubble" :rofl: I nearly spit water all over my computer from laughing. Way to call it like it is! That actually happened to me earlier today and I didn't have a name for I do :winkwink:
How are you doing? I think you said your DH was leaving on Sunday? I hope we can all entertain you through the tww, hoping this is your month!!!!

afm, I'm still at the in-laws at the moment, driving back on my own tomorrow morning as DH took the week for holiday but I have to work tomorrow afternoon and the rest of the week :cry: I'll be back on Friday, but two whole days with no lovin' :nope:
This has actually turned out to be one of the best visits ever with the family though, due in no small part to the fact that we've been constantly running up to the bedroom :haha: seriously sexy weekend despite the location.
DH got delayed another day so we managed to squeeze in 2 more BD sessions and the OPK this morning was negative!! Hooray! I ovulated.

I had three full days of positive OPKs this month. I hope the HCG didn't cause me to hyper ovulate? :/

How's everybody else doing?
Hena-well my DH surprised me at the last minute saying the party was cancelled so he is staying home. What a great surprise!!! So we DTD of course and been DTD ever since :haha:.

Stuckinoki-yay congrats that you ovulated. GL hopefully it will be a BFP in the end.

AFM, my mom just called and their paying full price for my parents dh and me to go to atlanta, ga and washington, dc from june 25th-30th so i am excited about that. Might not be on here when we are out of town but will update everyone when we get back.
Ladies! Good Morning [evening] How are we all doing today?

Hena, are you missing your DH yet?

I got home from work, checked my mail and all of my new books came in the post!!! HOORAY! I have a ton of great stuff to read, I can't decide which one I want to start with.

Madrid, your degree sounds neat! What are you planning on doing with it long term once you've completed it?

Mzswizz, you are ALWAYS BDing!!!! Lucky lady! You're newlywed phase makes me want to love on my husband some more!

Rjsman, How are you! I feel like because of my time difference to you ladies that I miss a whole lot of the conversation while I'm sleeping and it's super hard to catch up! lol

I've made a plan for this cycle. I'm 2DPO today; I'm going to start my progesterone suppositories tonight. I'm going to do them until 10DPO and then test. If I don't get a positive I'm going to stop taking them because they always delay my period! So this way I make sure my uterine lining is nice and thick and sticky for the eggies when they get there :mrgreen:

I'm really really crampy today. I don't know what that means but it's almost AF type cramps :/ I'm having a glass of wine to try to relax a little bit but I feel like I need to get my heating pad out tonight :(

What's everybody up to tonight?
hey all!!!

Hena - i see my dad regularly & we live close by - he's a great friend and a truly fab dad! i have a sis with family who lives in france so me & Dad are it family family wise. and yes - double yuck to the smoking in the house - it occrured to me if we ever get a bfp - we wont be staying there with a baba :wacko:

Madrid - your degree sounds really interesting - good for you!! i started a degree course with the Open Uni, in history, but havent been able to undertake the next stage yet due to finances. The uk is so expensive right now isn't it! So sorry about your eye too - that sounds worrying but love your positive attitude :flower:

mzswizz - yay for the party being cancelled! gosh you pair are like rabbits lol - i will eat my hat if you've not caught that eggie! :winkwink:

stuckinoki - fab news about ov being confirmed and you caught an extra bd - another egg caught me hopes :happydance: sorry about the cramps - i'm having these too - like af - could do without but maybe good sign.. ?

afm - am on the mend i think - still v headachy & sinusy and spent most of last night in a hot shower for headache then with a hot water bottle on my sore neck! later we had a surprise visit from our friends last night with their 3day old baby girl!!! ah she was so gorgeous - what a cute little bundle!

i've also seen a job i'm really interested in & am going to apply for - so have been working away at the application. i was pondering what would happen if i got a bfp but have applied anyway as i might not even get shortlisted... and it might take months for a bfp... my current job is so stressful at the moment so this job would be a dream!!

in ttc news i have ordered 10 ics from amazon ... ooops... FF still doesn't say i've ovulated and i start stressing that it was a non ov cycle - but i hope it was just the sickness sending my temps whacko.. i think/hope i'm 7dpo

Hello ladies. Its funny how we BD alot this cycle which has been great. Even DH says wow we BD like rabbits (which is how we use to be and then slowly stopped because of the TTC pressure). Im hoping all this BD will lead up to a bfp but who knows. My mom told me today that its our anniversary gift which is nice of them to do for us. Well i think i ovulate this week but wont know seeing that i didnt temp or use any opks. We suppose to leave next saturday which would be during the 2ww. By the time we return, it will be a day before AF is due so atleast i will keep busy then.

Hows everyone
Hey everyone! I'm beat from driving all morning then working until 9:30. Just got home at 10:15 because public transportation stinks at this hour here. DH always gets me on Tuesdays and has food waiting for me:cry:
Oh, and I banged up my muffler backing into a big rock at a rest stop on my way home :dohh: I'm such an idiot. Luckily there was a super nice German couple there and the man helped me tie my muffler with knitting yarn and I made it the 200 km back to Zurich. again, :dohh:
Sorry, this post was all about me. I'll copy-paste it to my journal, then come back and talk to you lovely ladies about ttc when I've gotten over myself :shipw:
So sorry Hena that the journey was so bad. I don't know why sometimes everthing seems to happen in the most silly way.

rjsman and stuckinoki my degree is super interesting. I love Literature above all subjects and hopefully when I finish which is next year I'll study a Masters in English Literature. I would like to be Doctor in English Literature and to work as a teacher/lecturer at university level. There's nothing wrong with dreaming, isn't it?

Stuckinoki which books are you reading? I wonder if you can tell me and we can share thoughts about that. I need to get my books for American Literature but still haven't had time to check which ones they are.

mzswizz your energy amazes me!! Not just yours but also your dh! Working and all, how can you do it non stop? LOL

I've been having cramps and backache today. It was quite bad at times. My bbs have started to hurt so I guess af is on her way and soy didn't work for me. Only time will tell.

Madrid-the key to more energy is lots of rest for BD later :haha:.

Hena-so sorry the strangest thing happened to you. Well atleast yoy are back and safe.
Hey everyone! I'm beat from driving all morning then working until 9:30. Just got home at 10:15 because public transportation stinks at this hour here. DH always gets me on Tuesdays and has food waiting for me:cry:
Oh, and I banged up my muffler backing into a big rock at a rest stop on my way home :dohh: I'm such an idiot. Luckily there was a super nice German couple there and the man helped me tie my muffler with knitting yarn and I made it the 200 km back to Zurich. again, :dohh:
Sorry, this post was all about me. I'll copy-paste it to my journal, then come back and talk to you lovely ladies about ttc when I've gotten over myself :shipw:

aw Hena - poor you - and no need to apologise, this should somewhere for us all to vent, rant, celebrate etc (i missed moan - that's my particular skill :winkwink:) !!! what a bummer when your oh is away - well done on the knitting yarn!! Hope your day is better tomorrow

i've just completed my job application and am giving myself a pat on the back with a cup of tea & choccie biccie! should be going to bed but need an hr or so of ttc perusing :flower:

madrid surely it's too early for AF for you? i have stinking cramps/backache too and some pink cm - but am only 7/8 dpo....

Poor Hena! If it's just the muffler hanger it shouldn't be too bad. It's just a metal clip that looks like a tiny hanger :D

Madrid; I bought:
Fear and loathing in las vegas by Hunter Thompson
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov [<-----GREAT READ]
Haunted, and Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk
The virgin suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides

rjsmam, do you have a link to your FF chart? I'd be glad to take a peak at it :D

Going to work ladies. About to spend my day Xraying things!
You're all so sweet! thank you! :hugs: I just Skyped with dh, and am feeling much better.

Madrid, I hope those are signs of something much better than AF! FX'd!!!

Stuckinoki, what do you do? Sorry if you've already mentioned, my memory has been lousy lately! I hope your cramps are a good sign too. FX'd!!!!

rjsmam, congrats on getting the application done! :happydance: I hope you get the new job, stress at work is terrible considering how many hours we spend there! I wouldn't worry too much about your chart this month with being sick throwing off your temps. You think you know when you o'd, right?

mzswizz, that trip sounds wonderful!!!! and what a great distraction during the dreaded 2ww!!!! I'm sure you'll have a lovely time with your dh and folks, but I don't know what we'll do without you on here!!

I left out in my last post that I had a wonderful morning with my hubby, one last bd before our three whole days apart (well, 2 and two halves) beautiful, romantic bd. That's probably why I hit the stupid rock, my mind was all full of lovey thoughts, lol
Poor Hena! If it's just the muffler hanger it shouldn't be too bad. It's just a metal clip that looks like a tiny hanger :D

Do you think I can fix it myself? It looks like the little hook (like a hanger) just got knocked off. Think I can lift it back into place? It's not making any noise or anything. I have to be able to drive back to Alsace after work on Friday for :winkwink:
hena, I'm a dental tech :D But I'm the best in the clinic at Xrays, so they keep putting me in the Xray's ok though. It's cool and quiet and I can play on the internet and read when I don't have any patients ! lol
Poor Hena! If it's just the muffler hanger it shouldn't be too bad. It's just a metal clip that looks like a tiny hanger :D

Do you think I can fix it myself? It looks like the little hook (like a hanger) just got knocked off. Think I can lift it back into place? It's not making any noise or anything. I have to be able to drive back to Alsace after work on Friday for :winkwink:

You can fix it....just MAKE SURE THE CAR IS COLD If you've been driving around you'll suffer pretty bad burns :( I speak from experience! lol
That sounds like a nice job!
Thanks so much for the car tips, I moved my car to its normal spot tonight and will try first thing in the am so it will be nice and cold. I'll be SO happy if don't have to go to the garage, lol.
Madrid, I just read through about your studies, I don't see any reason you can't acheive your dream! I have similar goals, just finished my MA and now teaching but hope to get going on my PhD asap and eventually teach at the university level.
Just have to improve my German first!
rjsmam, do you have a link to your FF chart? I'd be glad to take a peak at it :D

I'd love someone to look if they have a mo!!! I'm such a novice!! I think this is the link?!

I'm hoping that cd15 was ov day - i've discarded the temps from where i was really sick & had lates nights with the wedding etc. there's a random high temp last thurs too - i've never got fully better so maybe it's that? or am now second thoughts that i put the temp in wrong :dohh:

I say that it either happened on CD15 or CD18.

I wouldn't have discarded those temps until AF shows, because I'm pretty sure that with them FF would have given you cross hairs for one of the two above days :D

Looking at it again I think that I'd lean towards Ovulation on the 18th though.
I will have to pack tampons just in case AF decides to show. With all the cramps everyone is having, im hoping it means BFPs!!!!

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