Hi ladies how are you all today?
Lovin the stories about your romantic parents my folks were together for a long number of years too but I sadly lost my mum to breast cancer when i was 16... miss my mum loads & my dad is my rock now. Also loving how you have names earmarked for future bundles great names too! I have a couple of names i like but too scared to think about it too much
Stuckonoki wow great news about OV
go eggies go!!!! And what a fab early b day pressie fab hubbie!
And i have to agree re the secret happy feeling when i get the house to myself.
i love it too, can do the chores when it suits me etc but usually miss him after a while
Mzswizz your romantic evening sounds lovely you & your OH sounds super loved up!
Madrid yay for end of exams!!!
How did they go and excuse my ignorance if i missed it what were you sitting?
Hena hope your wk end with the in laws was ok !
We got back late last night was nice to be away but even better to get home ! Im still feeling crappy think i have sinusitis did some reading up & says it usually clears by itself after 2wks, so gonna give it a few more days (now wk 3) before calling. Probably wasnt helped by my mil smoking in the house YUCK actually went to bed feeling nauseous on Fri night from it. Goodness knows whats going on with my chart FF doesnt
know if/when i oved i presume its cause my temps are over the place. Grr Im assuming i oved last Mon/Tues making me 6dpo it would be awful if i didnt ov at all..