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Introduce your VIP (Very Important Preemie!)

I feel like I am living two separate lives. One where I abandon one son at 1pm to go the hospital and the other where I abandon my 2nd son when I leave him in the NICU. It is so tough.

Congratulations and welcome Sakura.

It sounds like Shion is doing pretty well. If I was to give one piece of advice it would be, try not to think in terms of when he is coming home. It will happen when it happens, when he is ready and until then, he'll be in the best hands possible.

As hard as it was for myself and Mr Foo, it must be very difficult with other children to consider and moreso when your other child is still a baby.

Rest assured, you are not abandoning either of your children. You are leaving them in the care of people who have their best interests at heart. Use that support and make sure you take care of you. I was surprised how much it all took out of me!:hugs:
I just wanted to say i have read every page of this thread for the last 2 days and these babes are beautiful.

They are true inspirations.


V xxxx
I just wanted to say i have read every page of this thread for the last 2 days and these babes are beautiful.

They are true inspirations.


V xxxx

Thank you for that. It is always nice to hear!

Can I ask, what prompted you to take a look?
I just wanted to say i have read every page of this thread for the last 2 days and these babes are beautiful.

They are true inspirations.


V xxxx

Thank you for that. It is always nice to hear!

Can I ask, what prompted you to take a look?

I was replying to another thread in here and noticed the stickys.

Stickys always grab my attention because i know they are always something important.

V xxx
hi im not a mum (yet) but the doctors say i will have to have mine about a month early because of some health problems with me . this thread has shown me i have nothing to worry about and they are the cutest babies i ever did see xxxx
I'm not sure why I haven't posted on here yet...

Juliet Frances was born on Nov 7, 2010 at 10:38am. She was 34+5 and came out at 6lbs 13oz and 19 inches long.

We aren't sure why she came early, my water just broke. I had been having contractions since about 31 weeks, but nothing major.

Juliet spent 10 days in the NICU and needed cpap for 3 days. 5 days on the lights for jaundice. She was given antibiotics because they were afraid she arrived early because of infection. She struggled at first to gain weight, but once we started using a nipple shield she started nursing like a pro. We are still srtuggling to wean off the shield, but I'm not complaining.. she's growing like crazy.

The first picture is of J 2 days old. The second was taken yesterday.. J's about 11 pounds now :)


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Oh and Juliet's been smiling for about a week now and has started cooing and "talking" back. :happydance:

To the mum with a LO in the NICU in Japan... an hour a day?!? Our NICU allowed parents to have unlimited time and visitors 2xweekly for a 2 hour window. My son was off to his father's house not long after I had Juliet, so I told the NICU staff to get very used to my face and I was there for as many as 12 hours a day until she went home.
I'm not sure why I haven't posted on here yet...

Juliet Frances was born on Nov 7, 2010 at 10:38am. She was 34+5 and came out at 6lbs 13oz and 19 inches long.

We aren't sure why she came early, my water just broke. I had been having contractions since about 31 weeks, but nothing major.

Juliet spent 10 days in the NICU and needed cpap for 3 days. 5 days on the lights for jaundice. She was given antibiotics because they were afraid she arrived early because of infection. She struggled at first to gain weight, but once we started using a nipple shield she started nursing like a pro. We are still srtuggling to wean off the shield, but I'm not complaining.. she's growing like crazy.

The first picture is of J 2 days old. The second was taken yesterday.. J's about 11 pounds now :)

Congratulations. Juliet is lovely.

It took us about 3 months to get rid of the nipple shield. She'll get there I'm sure.
I just wanted to say i have read every page of this thread for the last 2 days and these babes are beautiful.

They are true inspirations.


V xxxx

I think your just as much an inspiration as the stories of our little ones. You have had to deal with things that no one would could imagine :hugs: The strength you have.
I'm not sure why I haven't posted on here yet...

Juliet Frances was born on Nov 7, 2010 at 10:38am. She was 34+5 and came out at 6lbs 13oz and 19 inches long.

We aren't sure why she came early, my water just broke. I had been having contractions since about 31 weeks, but nothing major.

Juliet spent 10 days in the NICU and needed cpap for 3 days. 5 days on the lights for jaundice. She was given antibiotics because they were afraid she arrived early because of infection. She struggled at first to gain weight, but once we started using a nipple shield she started nursing like a pro. We are still srtuggling to wean off the shield, but I'm not complaining.. she's growing like crazy.

The first picture is of J 2 days old. The second was taken yesterday.. J's about 11 pounds now :)

WOW what a great weight for her at almost 35 weeks, my son was born at 36weeks and he was 6lbs7ozs.
She is beautiful!!!
hi im not a mum (yet) but the doctors say i will have to have mine about a month early because of some health problems with me . this thread has shown me i have nothing to worry about and they are the cutest babies i ever did see xxxx

I'm so glad you found inspiration on this thread. We always suggest those who are at risk of premature birth take a look. It is a very scary prospect, and so many variables contribute to how well the LO's do, but overall, it can be such a positive experience and more often than not, fears and concerns are totally unwarranted.

Good luck with your LO and enjoy every minute of that pregnancy!!
Hi there, I thought I better introduce myself and my little baby girl. My daughter was born at 31 +3 in Jan 10 and weighed 2lbs 8oz. She is now 13 months actual and 11 corrected and about 17lbs. I had to have an emergency section due to blood flow problems with the placenta, still not sure why this happened. Anyway she was a very strong baby and didnt need any asistance breathing which was great. Unfortunately the doctors then disovered she had a grade 4 IVH on the right side. As you can imagine not only were we in emotioanl turmoil about having her early now we had to deal with this and all the complications that go in hand with it. Our world came crashing down on us! Luckily she didnt need to have a shunt fitted, was all booked to go in for it then everything seemed to resolve itself. Prayers were answered!

Anyway to cut a long story, she was in hospital 6 weeks and came home at 4lbs 3oz. during her stay she had 2 blood transfusions, ROP in her eyes, a heart murmur, an abcess on her wrist, a few infections and of course the IVH. She was hard to feed at the start and was on continuous feeds for a long time in the hospital. She used to get sick a lot on milk but thankfully that has all passed now and she just gets sick if she is teething. Her eating is picking up, used to gag a bit but now seems to slowly be making progress.

When she came home we were referred to an early intervention programme as she had had the bleed. She gets regular physio and ot and eventually will get speech therapy too. Myself and my husband have worried ourselves sick about her development and have been told that there is a chance she could end up being diagnosed with CP. In our eyes she is doing fantastic, she is very bright little girl, beautiful and very sociable. Says Dad, da da, ga ga, ba ba all the time! Physically she is a little delayed (so they keep telling me and it breaks my heart). She is only now mastering sitting up, but I can see massive improvements since xmas. She is not crawling yet or pulling to stand but more and more is wanting to get out of your arms when holding her etc. She has some stiffness in her left arm and is now wearing a little splint on her thumb to encourage her to keep her hand open more. We have been told her hamstrings have some mild stiffness so we are doing as much physio at home as possible.

Its been great to read other stories of little ones and how they are all doing. We look at our dd and feel she is going to be ok. I have days when I go into complete panic mode and others I think she has to be ok, she is doing great! I can honestly say its been 13 months of an emotional rollercoaster and I do not know how we have got through it all. I cant imagine life without her and love her to bits.

PS I'm originally from scotland, I see there are a few Scottish mums on here!
Hey scottiemum
My LO had laser for ROP, we're scottish and she has a grade 4 IVH on one side too, it's quite a mysterious journey isn't it, you don't know what will happen. S much in common there!
Sounds like your LO is doing amazing, our LO can't say as much yet, but according to neonatal shes absolute doing fine. You are a credit to your daughter, well done.
Hey scottiemum
My LO had laser for ROP, we're scottish and she has a grade 4 IVH on one side too, it's quite a mysterious journey isn't it, you don't know what will happen. S much in common there!
Sounds like your LO is doing amazing, our LO can't say as much yet, but according to neonatal shes absolute doing fine. You are a credit to your daughter, well done.
Hi all Little Charlie was born 3 wks ago weighing 2lb 6oz. Only breathing help he needed was CPAP for a few days. Since then he has gradually gained weight (2lb 13oz) and has generally done everything expected of him. We have just been informed that he may have developed a lactose intolerance so the EBM has now been replaced. He is also having an increase in Bradycardia's Apneas and de-sats... the de-sats have become that frequent he is needing an oxygen face mask. Obviously all this on top of the frighting expereince of SC is taking its toll emotionally...monitors seem to dictate my moods and feelings and I just keep being told its 'par for the course' or 'expected with pre-terms' or even 'its normal' But its not normal for me its horrifying, does any one have any tips on how to cope emotionally with all this?

Thanks Paula
Hi Paulasdaisy

Congratulations on your gorgeous little one and welcome to the club.

I dont think there are any tips on how to cope emotionally other than look after yourself and accept help and support when it is offered. All you can do is keep digging deep and facing each day as it comes but you WILL get through this and you WILL get out the other end - and when you do it is fantastic and worth every second, just keep remembering that. It is a horrendous experience but we are all here to help if you need us.:hugs::hugs:
Thanks SB22, yeah such an unknown rollercoaster of a journey..if only we had a crystal ball! If I could just have a vision of what she is going to be like I always say. My dd didnt have the laser treatment but she now does have a lazy eye which is being treated with patching. Easier said than done as she just pulls them off...wee monkey! It comes and goes and I think is improving but they say she might need surgery eventually but that is down the line. Great to hear your dd is doing so well too! They are amazing and determined. :happydance:
Hi everyone,

Long time lurker so thought it was time I introduced me and my VIP Daniel.

Daniel was born suddenly last May (on 27/05 at 27+5 - weird!), for no apparant reason. I didn't actually realise I was actually in labour until it was too late to stop it. He weighed in at 2lb 11. He did amazingly well in NICU and was on CPAP within a day, and was on the nasal cannula a week later. We spent 12 days in NICU in Portsmouth then were transferred to SCBU at our hospital in Chichester and spent 8 wks there before coming home at the end of July.

During his time in SCBU Daniel was diagnosed with an inguinal hernia and operated on in Southampton. Unfortunately the day after he was discharged home we realised he had developed another one on the other side so it was straight back for another op which was beyond disappointing!

He is now nearly 9 months actual, 6 corrected and a bruiser at 19lb! To say it has been a rollercoaster is an understatement, when he was born we hadn't decorated or gotten around to buying anything yet, we were as unprepared as anyone could have been! A crazy time but he is worth every second of it.


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I'd like to introduce my VIP. Her name is Erikah. She was born at 35 weeks and weighed 4lbs 8oz. I had to have an emergancy c-section due to pre-eclampsia ... The doctros said they'd not seen such high blood pressure for a while and had it got just a tiny bit higher, both my princess and I could have died. The pooor darling lost 15% of her birth weight and was very nealry admitted to SCBU, but I'm sure she heard the doctor say that because she then started taking her milk and slowly putting the wieght back on. She had a zillion blood tests to check her blood sugar levels (every hour) and her jaundice levels (every 2 hours) so her poor little feet were black and blue - but it did mean more cuddles with me! :D She is now 11 weeks old (but corredcted age of 6 weeks) and weighs 9lbs 6oz and is doing very well. She does have her fair share of illnesses though. I know a lot of people say that 35 weeks isn't considered prem, but I was told at my hospital that most 35 weekers would have gone to SCBU. I have to say, I am VERY proud of my princess, and though she is behind in her development I'm sure she'll catch up when she's ready!
I just want to let all you preemie mommy's know too that I was born at 30 weeks. I was in SCBU until I had gone 2 months past my due date because I wasn't gaining weight very well at all. And I'm now 22 and still here :D So I just want to give you hope :D All babies are special, and preemie babies are also VERY special. I believe they teach us more about love and patience than any one else. Yes, they go through their fair share of sicknesses and maybe developmental delys, but they catch up, and once they reach a milestone it seems to be (well for me anyhow) more exciting seeing than when a full term baby reaches the same milestone - especially if it's taken them a very long time to get there!

Picture 1 - my princess when she was first born
Pcture 2 - my beautiful baby girl now


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Wahey high five pinkneon im a 24year old 29 weeker ;)

Kinda mad seeing it all for oursrlves now, knowing what our parents went through xxx

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