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Introduce your VIP (Very Important Preemie!)

Guys im truely sorry for posting in here. there was a big misunderstanding with the doctors telling me things
Hello :wave: I'm new here and would like to introduce my VIP.

Anya was born on 27th October 2010 at 23 weeks and 6 days. Weighing 1lb 7oz. She spent the first 19 and a half weeks of life in Simpson's Neonatal unit, Edinburgh. She was ventilated for 5 and a half weeks, bipap and cpap for around 8 weeks and finally came home on oxygen fixed at 0.1 on 12th March 2011.

Anya has had a grade IV IVH, has chronic lung disease, needed 8 blood transfusions, developed grade 3 ROP, for which she had laser surgery, but I'm so happy to have her home. She is now 23 weeks and 1 day actual, or 6 weeks corrected. She's a dream. I'm so in love with her.

I'll attempt to add photo's but new to all this so excuse me if they don't work. :wacko:


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Hello :wave: I'm new here and would like to introduce my VIP.

Anya was born on 27th October 2010 at 23 weeks and 6 days. Weighing 1lb 7oz. She spent the first 19 and a half weeks of life in Simpson's Neonatal unit, Edinburgh. She was ventilated for 5 and a half weeks, bipap and cpap for around 8 weeks and finally came home on oxygen fixed at 0.1 on 12th March 2011.

Anya has had a grade IV IVH, has chronic lung disease, needed 8 blood transfusions, developed grade 3 ROP, for which she had laser surgery, but I'm so happy to have her home. She is now 23 weeks and 1 day actual, or 6 weeks corrected. She's a dream. I'm so in love with her.

I'll attempt to add photo's but new to all this so excuse me if they don't work. :wacko:

Hi Emma - theres several Simpsons babies on here! !

Welcome to the premature babies section!

Similarly we have a 27 weeker lil girl called Alex, who was born in Simpsons. She had laser for ROP and a grade IV IVH too. Shes now 18 months corrected and erm..... causing absolute CHAOS in the house just now, im sure you have just the same ahead! :rofl: (www.babygagasdiary.blogspot.com)

There is also a Bliss group held by Dona on this forum, and we meet every month with our little ones, it's fab. You're so welcome to join in!

ps Anya is a beautiful name! xxxxxxx
Awww lovely to know there are more Simpson's babies here. How is your wee Alex doing? I have 3 other kids, ages 8, 5 and 3, so my house is mayhem just now, lol. xx
:rofl: you k ow all about that then :rofl:
Alex is fab, we dont have much these days to be too worried about i guess!
her sight seems fine (she'll no miss a thing ;) ) and shes just started to attempt walking so although we are completely over the moon to see this after her IVH, our hearts are in our mouths for any bumps or falls!! :haha:

how are you finding being at home with oxygen? and how is anya now shes home? xxx
Yeah the IVH is a huge worry for me just now. It's the not knowing how it'll affect her that's the worst.

Anya's doing great now she's home. Piling on the weight. She was weighed on tuesday and is 10lb 14oz, lol. The oxygen isn't too bad. The community nurses come out once a week and are hoping to start weaning her off it in the next few weeks. :) xx
Congratulations on the birth of anya.

I am another Simpsons graduate although only from when Holly was 8 weeks old as she was born in Bristol. Holly also had a grade iv ivh and is currently 14 months / 11 corrected. So far she is doing well and is cruising the furniture and climbing over everything!

The wait and see part is so hard and wouldn't we love to have a crystal ball!

Anya weighed the same as Holly and she was born at 25+2. enjoy having your precious one home xx
Hi 25weeker. :)

Fab to hear Holly is doing so well. That must have been quite hard moving such a distance. How long was Holly in hospital?

Loving having my girly home. :) Think I fall asleep with a smile on my face every night. xx
Hi she was in 100 days exactly weighing 5lb when she came home. Weight gain has always been slow with her and even now isnt even 15lb yet. Holly was only ventilated for 4 days before going on cpap. Her lungs were quite good but unfortunately her twin sisters weren't and she only survived a day.

The transfer was awful as we couldn't go with her so my oh had to go in the morning so he was there for her arriving and I left in the afternoon once Holly had left incase something happened and she never transferred. It was good to get back to our own home though as by then we had been in bristol 3 months as I had been in hospital for a month before the birth.

It is great when they come home and you even enjoy the sleepless nights as it allows you the cuddles you missed out on :flower: although 14 months on I am still waiting on the sleepless nights stopping :coffee:
Oh so sorry to hear about Holly's twin. :(

Did/do you live in Bristol or Edinburgh? That's great that Holly was only ventilated for 4 days with her being so prem.

I never got to hold Anya till she was 32 days old so treasuring every cuddle I get with her. Love just snuggling up on the couch and watching tv or reading a magazine together.

At Simpson's they said Anya would probably toil to put weight on, but at the moment she is 22 weeks actual/6 weeks corrected and is 10lb 14oz, so think she surprised them, lol. xx
I live in Edinburgh. I went Bristol for work at 21 weeks and what was supposed to be a day trip lasted 3 months! It was actually lucky I ended up being were one of the best neonatal units in south west England as I go to quite a few places in the uk.
Oh gosh what a nightmare. What a shame. Bet you were glad to get home. xx
introducing my two little boys Jack and Ryan
born 10 weeks early, jack was 3.3lbs and ryan was 3.6lbs


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eeeeeeeep that piccie is sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!
Oh my God ! Having a premie is really hard and deff a mission in our lives...

My son, wasn´t ´´thaaaat`` premie, he was 34 weeks and born with 5 pounds =)
After spending a week in intensive care, he was transfered for special care and sent home 14 days after he was born ! lol

Yes, It was hard going home with hands empty
Was hard seeing him in the incubator
But was worth it, today I have a story to tell and a VERY active 2 year old ! lol

Now I am pregnant again, BUT, diagnosed with MILD pre eclampsia ( again...) I am in complete bed rest, taking meds, seeing my doc at least once in a week, and having an ultrasound every 5 days...
I really hope, she can stick for another month, since she is only 29 weeks =(
But God knows it better... Hopefully everything works well =)

beautiful babies and truly a miracle !
Hotmum come and join us on our pregnancy thread (in my siggie x) :wave:
Born at 36 weeks 4lbs 6 ounces

7 Weeks old
I introduced Elias shortly after he was born, but I figured I would add him again, and include a recent picture!

Here's my little Noodle, born at 28.6 weeks, weighing 2 pounds and 11 ounces.

Here he is almost 5 months old (2 months corrected), weighing 11 1/2 pounds. :happydance:

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