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Introduce your VIP (Very Important Preemie!)

Thanks girls, I can't believe he's 5 days old!! He really is a truly remarkable little boy - I can't stop gushing about him!!

Five days ago while in labour my consultant asked me (mid contractions) "have you thought about the post mortem yet" and then made another passing comment of "don't worry, for next time we'll make sure you get a cervical stitch at 12 weeks".
I thought these were really inappropriate things to be saying - considering how bravely my little boy is fighting and while the neonatal doctors where in the room with me awaiting his arrival to try and help him! I know I shouldn't dwell on it. I know she's looking realistically at the statistics but my baby boy isn't a number! He's a very special little person. I'm so glad everyone didn't share my consultants view.

Sorry for that little rant, just had to get that out! Xx
Pink- I can't believe anyone would say that- how horrible of her!! We have all spent countless hours worrying about 'what ifs' and we've read the statistics out there- but for someone to say that negates the positive outcomes that the statistics also reflect. Even if they are lower. He's not a number. Ashton is your son and he's gorgeous- And making it this far shows how much strength he has. Keep thinking positively. :)
Ashton is beautiful!!! I'm so sorry that woman was saying those things to you- so inappropriate and cold!

Your little man is most definitely a fighter- and like you and myra have said already- he is not a number! My thoughts and prayers are with you both :hugs:
Pink- in out NICU lobby there are all these photo displays parents have sent in about their NICU graduates. I wanted to share one of them with you to give you hope- this little girl was only 1lb 1oz when born, smaller than Ashton- and she's a perfectly healthy 11/12 year old now :)


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Thats fab!! I love seeing little stories of hope :) I cant believe AJ is one week old!! I know he's no where near out the woods yet and has a very long journey ahead of him but as someone said...its a marathon, not a sprint. He literally amazes us everyday. Due to his popularity ive set up a page on facebook called AJ's Journey so people can keep up with him....the amount of prayers and positivity he's had amazes us.

I cant believe how much he's changed in one week also!! We got to hold him too which was just the most amazing feeling! xx


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Thats fab!! I love seeing little stories of hope :) I cant believe AJ is one week old!! I know he's no where near out the woods yet and has a very long journey ahead of him but as someone said...its a marathon, not a sprint. He literally amazes us everyday. Due to his popularity ive set up a page on facebook called AJ's Journey so people can keep up with him....the amount of prayers and positivity he's had amazes us.

I cant believe how much he's changed in one week also!! We got to hold him too which was just the most amazing feeling! xx

Happy one week AJ!!! What a sweet picture!!! Incredible getting to hold them for the first time, isn't it?
That's fab you got to hold him and a really good sign as well as they wouldn't allow you to hold him unless he was stable.
Hello ladies! :hi:
My miracle is named Jack, he was born at 35 weeks due to my pregnancy battle with placenta abruption. My pregnancy was very difficult starting from the beginning.

Here's our story <3

I found out I was pregnant right away with him, I was 3 weeks along. At 4 weeks the doctor had told me not to get excited or to love the baby because I would miscarry by 6 weeks and if I didn't I should get an abortion. I cried my eyes out, I had already loved him so much! I tried to relax as much as possible the following weeks to come.

I past the 6 week mark and was thrilled but still worried. My husband and I, only told my mom and my two childhood best-friends. At 10 weeks, I had this little bump and couldn't hide it anymore, we told everyone we were expecting again (Our daughter was 4 months old). I was so happy, nothing had gone wrong so far in the pregnancy, "I am 11 weeks along and it is going perfect!" Just as I thought that, a few days later I started spotting and then bleeding more and more, I started crying, the doctor was right I was going to lose my precious baby, I went into the hospital and they checked everything- baby was perfect! They had no clue why I was bleeding and sent me home with papers about miss miscarriages. I bled heavy on and off until 16 weeks along- my OB had no clue why.

At 20 weeks, I had leaked amniotic fluid and was starting to dilate, they stopped my contractions and put me on bed rest. At 24 weeks I started gushing blood again, up until 33 weeks, I had placenta abruption and my sons head was stopping the bleeding, he was so low and ready to come out (I could probably feel his head!). At 35 weeks, my OB checked me, I was dilated 6 and more than 90% effaced, we both were actually ecstatic because I had made it this far!

During labor, I had the option of either getting the epidural or them putting me to sleep for an emergency c-section, I chose the epidural. It was my first time getting it ever, I had a bad reaction and my entire face went numb, I couldn't feel my left arm and started feeling weird. I told the nurse and she told me I was fine and to relax, I grabbed my husband and started crying, saying something was wrong, I was slurring my words and started blacking in and out of conscious. They put me on oxygen and it got my OB, my son decided not to wait for the c-section. I pushed a few times and he came out blue, not crying. When I had went into labor my whole pregnancy had just hit me like a hurricane. I watched everyone around me lose there smile, it was like a dream, I couldn't take in what was happening. The nurses took him away and then I heard a slight cry, then soon after he started screaming. He was a big boy, born at 8 pounds 3 ounces and 22 inches long.

He is now a healthy 1 year old! He boy, does he have a character!

1st- The day he was born
2nd- 6 weeks old
3rd- 10 weeks old
4th- 9 months old
5th- Now :)


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Radiance- thanks for sharing your story and pics. It's inspirational. Jack is such a handsome boy- you must be so proud of him!!
Radiance- thanks for sharing your story and pics. It's inspirational. Jack is such a handsome boy- you must be so proud of him!!

Thank you! He amazes me each day! So bright and happy! :)
I just wanted to introduce my preemie twins. They were born on March 19, 2013. They were 6 weeks early.

When they were born, my baby girl needed oxygen for 24 hours and my baby boy was breathing well on his own. They both spent time in a covered isolette before being able to regulate their temperature enough for an open crib, and also had an NG tube for awhile while learning to eat.

They were 3 pounds 12 ounces and 3 pounds 14 ounces when they were born, and were able to come home after 20 days in the NICU weighing close to 4.5 pounds.

They were sent home on caffeine and reglan with apnea monitors (though they never had an apnea while in the NICU). They were on the apnea monitors for 7 weeks. I hated having to "plug in" my babies!

They are now 16 weeks old and so healthy! (Minus the cold they're fighting.)

Attached are a few early photos and then one from just a few days ago.


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LoveSeel- They are absolutely beautiful, congratulations!!
Introducing my little guy JD! After 4 weeks of bed rest at home, I was admitted into the hospital for bed rest at 23 weeks because I was 100% effaced, paper thin cervix, dilated to 1cm and baby was breech. There was so much internal dilation that he was literally standing right on top of my cervix! The cerclage stitch was the only thing keeping him inside.

After a very uneventful 3.5 week stay (I never had contractions or went into labor), my stitch broke way through the night and baby started coming out feet first. The doctor told me I was 6cm dilated and that she needed to do a c-section. I was only 26 weeks, 3 days and they were worried larger parts of his body would get lodged into my cervix and they were also worried about cord prolapse.

Through all this JD was never in distress or had a heart rate drop, and he was still kicking the whole time. He was born June 14, 2013 at 8:12AM via c-section. I was given an epidural, and as his gender was a surprise, I was happy I was awake to hear my husband tell me it was a boy! (I was completely shocked as I thought it was a girl the whole time, but I secretly wanted a boy!)

So he was born 26+3 and weighed 2lbs, 7ozs and measured 14.5 inches long! He came out breathing on his own and by day 2 or 3 he was put on high flow oxygen. After about a week of that he got super tired though, so they put him on the nasal cannula ventilator (which he was always breathing over) because he was having some apnea. He was on that for about 2 weeks and now he is back on the high flow. He is 4 weeks old tomorrow and has had pretty much NO issues! We are focused on growing him so he can grow his lungs. He is now 30 weeks gestation and weighing 2 lbs, 12 ozs and doing just wonderful. :)


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That's such a great weight for that gestation, Sunny! I'm glad he is doing so well, congrats on your son!
Yes! I was so happy to hear his weight. He hasn't gained a ton yet, but I'm hoping he hits a growth spurt soon.
Hi, I have a 35 week preemie - Charleigh Grace - 6lbs (5lbs 7 oz). She is in the NICU now on a feeding tube. WE have had a ride - started on CPAP, issues with temp, issues with jaundice, and now the feeding issue. Charleigh also has a big brother who will be 2 in just a few days.
This is my miracle baby Silas..and he was born just last Wednesday at 30 weeks. I had a textbook healthy pregnancy. I was doing everything right, he was growing perfectly, I even felt good for the most part. At 28 weeks I was supposed to have my glucose test but I was suffering with really bad heartburn so she suggested I let my heartburn meds kick in and come back at 30 weeks just to take the test. At this point me and my husband were already frustrated with the amount of prenatal appointments we had to have. Because my pregnancy was going so well, she was going to let me come in at 32 weeks. But I had to come in 2 weeks and not only that, but she was booked that week so I was going to just see her nurse. So I go in last Wednesday for my appt, I felt fine..a little heartburn but what else was new? My blood pressure was through the roof...over 180/120. The nurse was shocked and went to find another blood pressure cuff to check it again. Still high. Then my urine had protein in it. They called my doctor right away and I was admitted to the hospital. It was sudden and surreal. After blood tests it turned out I had HELLP syndrome. I didn't even know what that was. By this time my blood pressure had spiked to over 200/125. It turned out that the heartburn pain was my liver. And that pain was my only symptom i could feel. I didn't have headaches or blurred vision or anything. My doctor and nurses said they never seen anything like it. I had to have an emergency C-section. My healthy pregnancy turned fatal in no time. Everything happened so fast. It was the scariest experience of my life. After the c section my doctor told my husband that we were extremely lucky and he could of lost us both. Silas was 2lbs 5 oz and 15 in. long. I just got home yesterday..had to stay a little longer bc my blood pressure was still high. I even had to limit my visits to the NICU bc seeing him made me upset and my bp would just rise again..even on all the meds. I used to think so many prenatal visits were a waste of a time for pregnancies that weren't high risk, but that appointment saved us. Everything happens for a reason.


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I'm well behind on your announcement, Khpactz. How is Charleigh doing?

Jes.shortcake, Silas really is a miracle baby! Thank goodness you had your appointment when you did. hope he is doing ok and packs on those ounces...and then pounds quickly so you can bring him home.

NICU is a tough roller coaster to ridfe. Our son Connor was born at 29w 3d and spent 77 LONG LONG tough days in the NICU before coming home. But here are pics of him a couple weeks ago at 4 1/2 months old (and 14lbs 10oz!) and a pic when he was a week old for comparison


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As we were really lucky (6lb 11.5oz or 3.05kg) at 35+4 (my waters spontaneously broke at 35+3) I have never really ventured in here, it didn't feel 'right' somehow - we never spent any time in SCBU and the only reason we stayed in hospital 6 days was down to me - I developed pre-eclampsia after I had him. But here he is:

Day 1:


A few days old:


Rocking his funky hat (and showing off his jaundice):


His first birthday (May 2013)


Sunday just gone:


He is a normal happy (if rambunctious) little boy and I am so so blessed.

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