I am so proud of both my babies and both are doing great! Jake is 7 and is reading above grade level in school and is also above grade level in his math! He is one smart boy!
So great to hear things like that
Hopefully it will be of some reassurance to ladies that are having to FF from not being able to breastfeed and worrying about the 'breastfed babies are statistically smarter' thing
Steph,that picture of Brandon is brill!
Thank you to all of you ladies for joining in and uploading pictures of your beautiful babies
Jake has always been reaching and surpassing charts for his milestones
At 15 months old he knew all the letters in the alphabet
He had these cute blocks with letters on them and would always bring them to me and I would tell him what they were, well... within a few short weeks he began bringing them to me and telling me what letter it was
I thought it was a fluke but one day we were in our local shop getting some stuff and he looked up at their big sign that ready Superstore and he read every letter on the wall!!!!!
It was great!!!
I wouldn't feel guilty at all for feeding your babies formula
Breastfeeding is tough and I am one of the lucky ones who didn't go through the sore, cracked nipples, sleepless nights, etc... so I made it through and continued on but I know so many people who have tried and been through so much and once switching to formula were much happier and so were their babies
I think it's way more than breastmilk that makes a babies IQ higher than anothers! I breastfeed my baby but if all I do is leave her all day in her bed and not bother stimulating her she will not thrive no matter what she is fed and vice versa. It doesn't matter what you feed your baby, be it breast milk or formula, as long as you and your baby are happy and you love and take care of your baby!
Again ladies, you should all be so proud of what you are doing
Any woman can get pregnant, it takes much more to become a mother
and trust me here... I would hate to have to sterilize bottles, nipples, water, make bottles one at a time (in some cases) etc... Breastfeeding is harder at first yes, but the formula feeding is harder afterwards so kudos to you all!