Is becoming pregnant while obese ethical?

Sorry if my point didn't come across wholly. I hope you didn't think I was just quoting statistics. Yes there is a correlation between being obese and some certain outcomes of pregnancy, my intention was to show that there is not a much higher risk and also that the evidence is not great.

Complications in pregnancy are complex and often cannot be pinpointed. Genetics, lifestyle...even just simply chance have a part to play xx
Sorry if my point didn't come across wholly. I hope you didn't think I was just quoting statistics. Yes there is a correlation between being obese and some certain outcomes of pregnancy, my intention was to show that there is not a much higher risk and also that the evidence is not great.

Complications in pregnancy are complex and often cannot be pinpointed. Genetics, lifestyle...even just simply chance have a part to play xx

Nah, it was my point that didn't come across! I was just reaffirming what you said. I knew what you were getting at & I agreed and appreciated it!:thumbup:

What I meant about the quoting statistics part is that I've seen people on here do that to induce guilt in obese women as though the reason they miscarried, have a complication, etc is because they're too fat. I've not seen it a lot, but enough that I'm hyper-sensitve now, lol.
I think BMI is a bad indication of health TBH.

I know some men who are "obese" but they have very little body fat and alot of muscle.

I weigh 14st 8 which is still clinically obese. But I wouldnt say I was obese and I certainly dont think I look it.

I have alot of muscle in my legs from my skinner days and even when I was a size 12 I weighed 12.5 to 13 stone!!

As for the original question.

No, I don't think its wrong. Every woman is entiltiled to be a mother no matter their size.

Is it unethical to be underweight and get pregnant???

Oh and I am sick of people telling me lose weight and I will get pregnant... hello? Does weigh loss fix damaged tubes?! I dont think soooooooooo....

I don't get what is so "unethical" about an obese lady ttc :shrug:

I'm obese, well morbidly obese, and just because I'm bigger it doesn't make me any less likely to feel the longing and desperation to have a baby of my own. I'm working closely with the nurse at my local health centre to lose my weight and we're doing really well so far. But, what I'm getting at, is, is it unethical for me and my fiance to be trying for a baby? But, then again, I guess because I'm bigger, people assume that I'm lazy and spend all day snacking on chocolate and crisps etc :wacko:

Who decides what the norm is? Who decides at what size / height / weight do we become obese? I've seen women who look a completely healthy size and they're still classed as obese. :shrug:
I think BMI is a bad indication of health TBH.

I know some men who are "obese" but they have very little body fat and alot of muscle.

I weigh 14st 8 which is still clinically obese. But I wouldnt say I was obese and I certainly dont think I look it.

I have alot of muscle in my legs from my skinner days and even when I was a size 12 I weighed 12.5 to 13 stone!!

As for the original question.

No, I don't think its wrong. Every woman is entiltiled to be a mother no matter their size.

Is it unethical to be underweight and get pregnant???


My answer would be no, it isn't 'unethical' to be underweight and get pregnant, but it isn't ideal. Just the same as my answer about being overweight. But if you physically can't do anything about it that doesn't mean you can't have a baby, you just have to accept there may be a slightly higher risk.
Wow! Very offensive thread!

I weigh 285lbs. I have type 2 diabetes. I am TTC. MY DOCTOR says that as long as my diabetes remains controlled that there is no reason why I cant TTC. I have a very normal cycle and there is no reason why I could not concieve and carry to full term.

And it pisses me off that we are all here for the same reason. The need and longing for a baby. But because I dont "look" like what you think I should "look" like that I should not be allowed to have children?!?! I am very offended.

And some of the comments here saying that it's our own faults that we are overweight, and if we would just stop eating junk food all the time, or just "get off the couch"?!?! Seriously?!? Dont you think that if it were that easy that we would all be skinny?!?! I am very active. I have a 4yr old DS that I chase around all day. I eat a very healthy LC diet due to my diabetes, which by the was was inherited, NOT because I am obese.

So I guess basically what I am trying to say is, that if my DR and I dont have an issue with my beig Obese and TTC, then the rest of you that think it's "unethical" can shove it.
So I guess basically what I am trying to say is, that if my DR and I dont have an issue with my beig Obese and TTC, then the rest of you that think it's "unethical" can shove it.

couldn't have said it better myself :thumbup:
I've just sat and read thorugh this whole thread - and it certainly has some strong opinions both ways!

I am obese. One thing I would like to say is that obese women are very aware of the fact that they are obese - we are also VERY aware that being obese is not ideal. We are VERY aware of the health risks and we are VERY aware that there may be increased risks in TTC. We already know this. I regularly speak to other obese women on BnB and I can say that WITHOUT exception (from personal experience) we are all trying to act responsibly about TTC - talking to our Drs, joining weight loss problems and trying to make the right life choices to ensure that we are able to fulfil our dreams of becoming a mother.

I think it is so sad that many obese women who do become pregnant are scared of going to see their midwife/consultant for fear of how they will be treated because of their weight. Obesity is seen as being such a 'dirty' thing in society so often, and it can feel very isolating. I use this forum as a way of discussing my hopes and fears, and hope that it will be a place of friendship and encouragement.

I am all up for a good debate - and don't actually have too much of a problem with this being posted as a discussion. What I do have a problem with is certain posts that come across and judgemental and condescending.

I am not justifying my obesity, I know that it is not ideal for me to be pregnant now - therefore I am being as responsible as I can be and am losing weight. But realistically it will take me a good 2 years to healthily lose my weight, and then I will be classed as high-risk because I will be too old. Therefore I am doing the best for myself in my situation - as I believe we all are.

In addition, many obsese women are trying to lose weight as we know it's not ideal (i am for one). My weightloss will be a long journey - years probably. I shouldn't have to put off pregnancy until i weight 8st 1-10 st 1 which is my healthy bmi range.
And some of the comments here saying that it's our own faults that we are overweight, and if we would just stop eating junk food all the time, or just "get off the couch"?!?! Seriously?!?

Ummmm maybe I missed something but I've not seen ANY comments like this :wacko:
Bringing up other conditions such as a blood disorder and Spina Bifida is irrelevant because you did not choose to have these conditions and you can't avoid having them. You can avoid being obese.

The op is implying there that people choose to be obese ... which I think is totally wrong, labelling every obese person the same.

At the end of the day nobody will know the conditions that an obese lady might be trying to work through so that she can become pregnant. She might have an under active thyroid, be on certain medications ... and without knowing the full story, I think judging larger people who ttc and calling it unethical is wrong, simple as. :shrug:
I don't see why being overweight should matter when ttc?
Some people have issues with their weight that they can't control. My o.h Mike is overweight but he eats healthy, exercises and has been on a diet for 6 months with not much change at all. I'm the opposite. I'm very skinny and no matter what I eat I struggle to put weight on.
Not all overweight women are overweight through choice
I think just being "obese" or overweight in general has nothing to do with it. I'm "obese" with a BMI of 33 but I am far more physically fit than most of my friends who have a BMI within a healthy range (I know this for sure because I'm always the last one standing when we're doing a phyical activity). Even most well-educated medical professionals agree that BMI is pretty much a useless measurement as far as health is concerned.

I lost 80 pounds in a year prior to TTC. I eat a healthy diet (er, for the most part :winkwink:), I exercise regularly, I have awesome blood pressure and blood values. I have zero health problems. I'm very healthy. So, no, I don't think it was more unethical for me to TTC than it is for anyone of a "healthy BMI" to TTC in any way. Honestly, I'd be willing to bet that fat ol' me is healthier than the vast majority of women with a "healthy BMI." :winkwink: My OB (which is typical in the US in case you're not familiar) has not mentioned my weight a single time (I'm 5'4" and currently 204lbs at 14 weeks pregnant).

My dh is red/green color blind. If we have a daughter, his genes could make her a carrier of the disorder & she could have a color blind son. Is that unethical?
My friend from high school is pregnant and she's dyslexic -- is that unethical?

When you think about it & really pick everything apart, we're ALL somehow "unethical" for TTC and having babies. :thumbup: (Is it ethical to bring a baby into this world at all?)

With all that said, I'm VERY happy I lost the amount of weight that I did before becoming pregnant. But I wasn't losing weight in order to TTC at the time. When we decided we were ready to try we were ready. It would've been pure torture to force myself to wait another year to get off an extra 40 pounds (and yes, that's how long it takes to lose that amount of weight in a healthy way when you've already lost 80 pounds). I mean, it probably would have been unethical to wait that long to TTC because I'm 26 and a half and my eggs quality would be degrading & chances of chomosomal disorders would be increasing. :haha:
I haven't read the whole of this thread, so apologies if I have repeated anything anyone has said already!!

I find the whole question about the ethics of being pregnant and obese offensive. I wonder what made the OP consider this? (again, apologies if it has already been addressed)

I was classed as obese when I was pregnant. Does that mean that I didn't deserve to have a baby because I am fat?

My Bp is perfect and always has been, I exercise plenty and eat quite healthily, but no matter what I do I can't lose enough weight. This doesn't mean that I don't deserve a child or that I am endangering a child by being pregnant and obese!

4 of my friends were pregnant at the same time of me, all of them thin. I was the only one of us who never had any complications in pregnancy, I went full term, well, over, baby was 15 days late after induction and emergency c-section, but none of it was due to me being obese.

My baby is healthy and happy and my weight has not affected her in any way and I fail to see why it would not have been ethical to have her.

Its topics like this that hurt people. As a larger woman, I don't sit here wondering if it is ethical for underweight people to have babies!

Again, my apologies for any repeats or things which have already been addressed, I just wanted to say my piece.
Sometimes you cant. Due to conditions. Not everyone over eats and doesnt exericise.

No condition forces you to be overweight it just makes it harder to manage.

Under active Thyroid can make you overweight.

Yes a under active thyroid can make you overweight (but not obese), this is a big misconception and too many times it's used as a excuse to be honest. If it's controlled then you are the same as everyone else. If it isn't diagnosed you know way before you become obese there is a problem.

To me personally i only think it's a problem if the lady is basically unable to do everyday tasks because of her weight. :shrug:
I choose to be obese because I eat the same as my OH who is 9 stone. My metabolism is just non-existent. I do, do regular exercise and I don't actually eat that much (althought I don't claim to be healthy!)

I'm sorry but this thread is ridiculous. Skinny people can be lazy and eat loads of shit too.

Plus, to be considered not overweight I'd have to be 9stone and my bones weigh more than that.
Before I was pregnant with my daughter I lost 3 stone in 2 months. I starved myself, over exercised, and felt like I was going to have a heart attack on more than one occasion. I was happy because I was skinny but I was not healthy.

When I found out I was pregnant I had to start eating again. It was hard. I ate as much as I could force myself to and my body was still eating itself (keytones in my wee)

When she was born I had gone from a size 10 to a size 12-14 and I got depressed. Really badly depressed. I couldn't leave the house or do anything. I hated who I was.

Now I am a size 16-18 and I can go out, I have lots of friends, I eat healthily (most of the time :lol: I do eat chocolate and pizza and takeaways!!) I go swimming 4-5 times a week. My daughter and I lead happy and healthy lives.

I know which I'd rather be. And it's people telling people that they should lose weight and that they're obese that causes eating disorders and people to starve themselves when they're pregnant so they don't put on weight.

At the end of the day, you're more likely to die from eating chicken than beef, but chicken is better for you in many ways ;)
I choose to be obese because I eat the same as my OH who is 9 stone. My metabolism is just non-existent. I do, do regular exercise and I don't actually eat that much (althought I don't claim to be healthy!)

I'm sorry but this thread is ridiculous. Skinny people can be lazy and eat loads of shit too.

Plus, to be considered not overweight I'd have to be 9stone and my bones weigh more than that.

I can vouch for the bolded bit lol I weigh 7st 8lbs and I'm 5'2. There is nothing of me. But for anyone who knows me, I eat like a horse. I never stop. I eat junk food all the time, crisps, sweets. Constantly snack. I eat more than some of my friends and they weigh more than I do.

I don't think being obese is a case of being lazy and eating crap all the time. I know of people who eat healthy every day, never snack and rarely eat anything unhealthy. And they just can't seem to shift their weight. It's a case of having a slow metabolism. I don't think being overweight and pregnant is a bad thing. It's preferable to be at a good weight for your size. The only person it will really effect is the pregnant overweight person because they will just put more strain on their body by carrying extra weight. A lot of people in this country ARE overweight because of the sheer fact that they just eat and never exercise (take the 70 stone man that was on TV recently!) But I would say a good proportion of overweight people have problems with metabolsim, thyroid etc and do try and eat healthy and exercise but it's a case of their body not responding right
I can't believe this thread is still going.

Its one of those topics that everyone has an opinion on but it wont stop.

Ladies who are overweight/obese etc will continue to ttc and i say fair play to them.


V xxx

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